Monday, January 10, 2011

School Visit + Possession In The Wild = The Complete Breakdown of Elana Johnson

Ack! Dude, today, I'm speaking to a group of high school students in a novel writing class.

I'm terrified. I stand in front of children every day. But not TEENAGERS.

I talk about writing all the time. But not to TEENAGERS.

Class begins at 9 AM.

Tips? Topics? Help?

Maybe just send bacon. And good vibes.

Oh! And double ACK! POSSESSION and some other 2011 debuts were spotted at ALA Midwinter over the weekend! Check out the pics taken by my amazing friend Kirsten Hubbard (LIKE MANDARIN, March 2011).

And here's one Shannon took of Kirsten WITH MY BOOK:

I'm not sure if I should celebrate or puke...


  1. Celebrate! I'd be terrified of a school visit too. But I know you'll do fine. You say "Dude" all the time and so do they. So you know you can relate to them. And doing a talk on novel revision, just think your 30 day method and you've got it made. Good luck.

  2. I think you'll find you love talking to teenagers! Can't wait to hear about it. :) Teaching is teaching. No problems.

  3. Good luck today! I've taught teenagers before. Try and hold yourself together when they look you up and down and you think that they're scrutinizing every line on your face and wrinkle in your clothes. They're not. They kinda think you're cool, but wouldn't dare admit it. They also smell fear like dogs. The more relaxed you are the better they'll respond. You right YA. Respond like a teenager. They'll think your 'hot shit'. :o)

  4. Me? I would puke, but you should definitely celebrate! I'm getting all giggly just thinking about it and it's not even my book coming out! :)

    To help with the teenagers, you should take some bacon with you and every time you get nervous, take a bite. They'll laugh, you'll laugh, and all tension will be gone. :)

  5. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do fine, after all teenagers are people too.

  6. Best of luck! I think talking about your voice is a great topic and kids can use it throughout their lifetime. How to be true to themselves, find their voice, ect... And you have a great voice!!

  7. You'll be fine, teenagers are fun!

    (I can say this because I don't have to talk to them). :)

    Good luck!

  8. Celebrate! You'll have a great time! I can't wait to hear how it went.

    I posted my interview with you today.
    I would do it like this: Check it out.

  9. They smell fear.

    You already teach and you have such a great personality + knowledgable. How could it go wrong?

    I've heard to give them a visual while they're waiting to start. On board, overhead, or a handout. Ask them questions because they love talking about themselves.

    Good luck! I can't wait to hear about it.

  10. You'll be fine! What a great opportunity for you.

    Can't wait for you to tell us all about it.

    Oh, and waves of positive energy and crispy bacon thoughts are sent your way!

  11. 1. Sounds so cliche, but be yourself. Yourself is cool. Bacony cool. Like salarsen said--you have great voice.
    2. Celebrate. That. Is. Awesome.

  12. Oh, definitely CELEBRATE!!!

    Can't wait to hear how class goes...I know you'll do fine, but I totally understand the nerves!

    BTW - your book is on my list of 2011 MUST READS! ;-)

  13. No matter what happens, it is a finite experience--it has an end, and at some point it will be over.

    That kind of thinking gets me through a lot of stressful things. I'm not sure why--it's a little obvious. Maybe because my writer's imagination sometimes makes me relive events over and over...

  14. Celebrate! And don't worry about speaking to teens. If you can write for them, you can speak to them. Relax. You'll do great!

  15. Don't worry Elana. They'll love you. You're not their teacher. You're not testing them or giving them homework. You're just being you. ;)

  16. Celebrate! Puking right before you talk to a bunch of teenagers would not exactly be the route I'd take!

    Kristin is gorgeous!!! As is the book cover. I love! I am jealous that she has a copy, but happy to know the copy is in good hands!!

    You're going to do great. Just breathe. They're going to love you! I expect a full report when you return!

  17. How fun! You'll be awesome. Should be easy enough.. it's a novel writing class, right?? Tell them how YOU write a novel.
    Good luck!

  18. How exciting for you! You will be just fine talking to teens just be yourself and they will love you like the rest of us do.

    Can't wait to hear all about it!

  19. ooooh, it's getting closer!! Pretty soon I'll be holding up your book in front my face...reading it of course. I'm excited for you! Good luck today with the TEENAGERS! Eek.

  20. I taught several writing workshops once and mostly I just found that the teens were grateful at the exercises we were doing. The university sponsoring the workshops actually got letters, and the one I'll always treasure said, "Thanks for helping me remember that writing can be Fun."


    I have a feeling with your energy and presence and personality, you're going to be just fine, and inspire a new generation.

    Still...teenagers. Good luck. ;)

  21. Celebrate! Good grief, don't puke, especially not on the kids. That's tip number one. ;-)

    Relax; you'll do great. You know your stuff. Just treat them like adults (they'll appreciate that) - speak to them with respect, and don't patronize them. At least, that's what would have worked for me.

    And CONGRATULATIONS on Possession!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Good luck Elana!

    Just think of how awesome you'll feel afterwards.

    (btw this is a particular fear of mine - the author reading/chatting thing).

  23. Oh Elana, congratulations! As for those teens, if it's a novel writing class they've probably chosen to be there? In which case they will probably be really excited, thrilled, nervous about meeting a REAL LIVE PUBLISHED YA AUTHOR!

    Breathe in, breathe out. Relax and have fun.

  24. Celebrations and puking often go hand in hand for me ... deep breaths!! Everything will be fine. :)

  25. You'll be awesome. Treat 'em like adults, answer their questions without any BS, and be yourself--you're funny and you're a writer. They'll love you!

    And congrats on the "in the wild" spotting--saw that pic yesterday and squeed for you. Can't wait to get my hands on that beautiful book myself. :)

    Good luck, breathe deeply and you be fab!

  26. I'd totally puke... but YOU should CELEBRATE! How exciting!!!

    Good luck to you!! I'm sure it will be amazing all the way through!

  27. I learned from Meloney that you were planning to speak at her kids school. Very exciting and freaky. Good luck - I know you'll do a fab job. Also very awesome to have your book out in the wild.

  28. Kids are the worst! I can speak in front of an audience of thousands (and have), but the worst was the day I had to do a speech and a Q&A session with 7th graders. I had to go home and take a nap afterward. My advice? Just remember how passionate you are about your subject. It will totally show to the kids and you'll find them receptive. Or just bring candy.


  29. puke'll make the celebrating easier :D You'll do awesome at the school. Remember, to them, you are the rock star. You are who they want to become...a published AUTHOR. Teenagers who are taking a novel writing class are doing it because they want to write...and you can help them do that better. They are going to love you :)

  30. You'll do great, teenagers are easy! Well . . . as long as you aren't one of their parents.

  31. Teenager are like adults but they pay attention like half the time. Adults pay attention about 30% of the time. Don't talk down to them, don't talk to them like their some alien creature.

    You write YA- you know their world, this is a great time to confirm you know what you're talking about.

    Teenagers LOVE free writing (with a little bit of guidance)

    Do what you would do with an adult- just smile more.

  32. It'll go great today - you have an awesome plan, so don't sweat it. You'll be totally and completely fine!

  33. Teenage years are s time that most people wanted to fit in badly and again, most teenagers don't fee llike they do. Maybe talk about how writing is about finding the ways you see the world a little differently, that publishers are looking for people with a fresh take.

    If that fails, show them your heavy denim photo that you shared on letters to teenage me. They'll love it!
    You'll do great! Good luck!

  34. If the teenagers you're talking to are anything like the ones in my house, they'll just be happy to have a break from the norm. And to talk writing? Mine would be ecstatic. And yeah, like the others said. You're an author, so you automatic rank high in the coolness category. Take heart! And have fun. Brings goodies. Kids love free stuff. :)

  35. Just talk about what you talk about on the blog! That will win them over.
    Also - FREAK OUT about the book! EXCITEMENT!
    What's the official release date again?

  36. Elana, I feel your pain. Teenagers can be intimidating. My husband taught and coached high school kids for 11 yrs, and is now the principal. He wouldn't have it any other way. I asked him what it was about that age group that draws him. He said, generally, if they are treated like adults, they'll treat you like one. If they get that you see them as potential friends and colleagues, potential leaders of the world, really good things can happen in the classroom. You'll be great!

  37. LOL! It's too late, but best of luck w/the teenagers. They're not so scary once they start walking in and you realize how YOUNG they are... :D

    Bacon always helps, though.

    And YAY! Super congrats on your book at the conference~ <3

  38. Having heard you speak, I think you'll do great! Be happy (not pukey--avoid that at all costs) and enthusiastic and they'll follow your lead. It'll be awesome!

  39. I spent over a year teaching preschool, kindergarten and elementary kids. I was nervous as hell when I first taught middle school and high school students. But I didn't have to be. They're easier to relate to in a way.

    Good luck!

  40. Actual, live teenagers?! *Shiver* Will they be behind thick glass? JK.

    Celebrate, puke, then celebrate some more!! Congrats :)

  41. I don't advise eating bacon before puking. *shudder*

  42. You 'talk' to me about writing all the time...and I'm a teenager. :) (About to turn 20, but we won't go into that right now.)

    Don't dumb it down for them. And let them ask questions. (Maybe start off asking for questions, give a quick speech, and then answer questions.) You're a pro at answering questions!

  43. Elana, high school kids are pretty easy - much easier than their reputations suggest. They will be starstruck and thrilled to have a guest speaker rather than the norm. Relax and enjoy! :-)

  44. Great wisdom from Shannon!

    Can't wait to hear how well it went.

  45. Woohoo, woohoo, woohoo! Definitely celebrate! This is the goal, right? To have your book in the hands of readers. To have it be a real book in the wild. Yay!

    And good luck with the teens. You'll nail it. :)

  46. You, of all people, will do great with the teenagers.

    CELBRATE!!!! **lifts platter of bacon wrapped little smokies**

  47. I'd do both...celebrate by jumping around till I puked.

    gotta cover all the bases ;)

    good luck'll rock it out!

  48. Celebrate!

    I'm sure you wowed all those teenagers into submission! Don't forget, you were one once! Right?

  49. I just read Shannon's blog about her experience at ALA. You should definitely celebrate. And you'll do great with the teenagers. You write for them, they'll be able to relate to you. Good luck!

  50. Celebrate!!! I may or may not have squealed a little when I saw that pic. over on her blog...maybe. ;)

    Good luck today!! You'll rock!

  51. Woo hoo! So exciting! And bacon is definitely on the way. But you'll be ab fab.

    I actually spoke to TEENAGERS in a writing class a full week after sending off my very first query of my horribly unedited first novel. Surprisingly it went well.

    And if THAT did, your little meeting will be a billion times better. :) (I still like to pull out their little thank you letters for a good chuckle every now and then. I LOVE teenagers!)

  52. Definitely celebrate! I expect a full report on your school visit. I'm sure it was epic! :)

  53. Wow, a class with high school students. I'd probably puke. Then go celebrate seeing your book in the wild! I'm UBER jealous of the lady holding it!

  54. How exciting! I once read somewhere to pretend ur talking to a good friend when ur speaking to a large crowd.
    I think somebody here mentioned to say, "Dude" like you always do. Def say it LOL. It is YOU and they will love YOU for who you are. Just by reading ur blog posts I can connect with ur personality and I am certain they will too.
    Just keep thinking if u r having fun then they will too.

    If you are nervous they will pick up on that and will be nervous for you:)

    If you have the guts make a joke about it. Mention ur nervous and joke about it. I heard one author doing this at a book signing.
    Good luck and PLEASE let us know how it went! Also, pictures--p-l-e-a-s-e.

  55. Elana! Ohmigod. Here's what I would probably do:
    1. Puke a little, in my mouth (less mess)
    2. Celebrate for a week!

    Can't believe I just typed that. But hey, I keep it real.
    Congrats, Elana!

  56. Celebrate! I'm sure you'll do great! :)

  57. Good luck with the High School visit.

    Can you bring bacon and just throw them little bits like you would with a dog? Probably not, more's the pitty.

    Your book looks so cool there, surrounded by all those other books! So exciting!

  58. Well, I'm not sending you bacon if you're going to puke. That's a waste of good bacon. ;)

    Seriously, you'll rock, E. You always do! Your classes are fun and FUNNY and you throw candy at people. What's better than that?!

    CONGRATS on POSSESSION in the wild! Which sounds way naughtier than it is. (If it was, wouldn't it be missing it's jacket? ;)

  59. You'll do great! Say dude alot. And send Oreos.

  60. They teach teenagers how to write novels now? Where was that class when I was in High School?

  61. hi miss elana! for sure you got what it takes to talk to anyone age cause youre sooo neat and just you and youre fun and you got a really neat way of saying stuff. for sure you gotta tell us how good you did and how you got all worried out for nothin. and for sure you could do yourself a big reward of a big piece of yummy bacon. :)
    ...hugs from lenny

  62. Gush about your book to the teens, send a few texts randomly throughout (you'll fit right in), read a couple of cool scenes and celebrate instead of puke. It leaves a bad aftertaste :P

    Good luck with the class! I can't wait to get my hands on your book. I'll be celebrating!

  63. I'm sure you'll do awesome with the teenagers, especially since they're writers! They'll love you. And yay for Possession out in the wild! I can't wait to find my own copy.

  64. I'd be terrified too, but I'm sure as soon as you start talking it will be easy and great.

  65. You will do great. Just be yourself. And congrats regarding Possession making the rounds at ALA. That's cool!!

  66. Oh my gosh, celebrate! Celebrate! And celebrate again!
    But if you have to puke at least let it be from too much celebratin'.

  67. It's all so good! I can't wait to hear how the high schoolers went. =) *sending good vibes*

  68. Is that picture taken with an ARC? I think 6-7-11 is fun to say. Yeah, I'm juvenile that way. Plus it's the day after my daughters 10th b-day! Ack!

    BTW, DOn't worry about the class presentation. They are so into checking each other out and passing notes they'll hardly notice the distraction of you speaking. On the plus side you can say just about anything you want! Have fun! And please blog about it!!!

  69. Congrats!!!! Teenagers are easy — infect them with your passion about your story and writing. (And ignore the ones who fall asleep. They do that every day.)

  70. You guys are the best!!!

    The visit actually went really well. Thanks so much for the good vibes and positive energy and undying belief in my speaking skillz. *hugs*

  71. Why can't my school have a novel writing class and author visits... You'll be fine! And definitely celebrate :D

  72. I know it's over already, but I'm sending some bacon along anyways.
    And id it helps, (probably not) I'm a teenager and I read your writing advice. :)
    Hope it went well!

  73. I'll bet things went swimmingly today! And congratulations! The picture was awesome!!!! (Can you tell I am excited--check out all the exclamation points!)

  74. Good luck Elana,I hope it went well! And congratulations! I'm off to view the pictures now, but your book looks amazing! Definitely time to celebrate :)

  75. Celebrate - just celebrate! What an incredible feeling it must be :) Major congratulations!

    Hope today went well - it's a little late for advice! I bet once you got started it was all awesome :)

  76. Celebrate!! *booty dance*

    (that's me doing my best bootalicious dance ~ at which, I suck. but still, for you I would dance.)

  77. Jumping Junipers, that's a lot of comments. So, um, I'll just say Goooooo Elana! I know you rocked it. Can't wait to see your book in the wild for myself.

  78. Hope today with the teens went well. I'm sure you were a huge success! :)

  79. You can do it. Just tell yourself that often enough and everything will go well.

  80. I think you should celebrate!!

    And I hope the talk to the teens went well. I loved working with teens way back when. They can be brutal but mostly brutally honest. That's what I love about them :D

    I'm more afraid of toddlers.

  81. You should celebrate. That is awesome.
