Thursday, March 10, 2011

DEMONGLASS by Rachel Hawkins

All righty, people. This week's recommendation is DEMONGLASS by Rachel Hawkins, and it's an important one because...

1. I don't normally like sequels/series. I know, I know, some of you are dumbfounded. See, I like new characters and new worlds, and it takes a lot to convince me to spend some of my valuable reading time on characters I already know and love.

But DEMONGLASS? Dude, it's what every sequel should aspire to be. It's a novel all it's own. It has a real story. Not what I call a "bridge story" = one that gets me from what started in book 1 to the end in book 3.

And I liked that. I liked that I didn't have to remember a whole bunch of stuff from the first book (HEX HALL--well worth your valuable reading time) in order to understand what was going on in DEMONGLASS. I liked that the story grew and changed and expanded into something promising for book 3.

2. It's funny. And holy Jerry Seinfeld, people. Funny is HARD. I've tried to write funny. I can't. It takes a real witty writing bone I just don't have. So while DEMONGLASS is funny, it's also emotional and angsty. The combination of the two is a real win for me, because that's how my life it.

Rollercoaster of angst + joy + laughter + loss + happiness + smiling + grief + crying + elation = Elana's life.

And that's mirrored in DEMONGLASS, so I really felt a connection to the main character, Sophie.

I'm glad I spent some time with a sequel. If you've read HEX HALL, you should definitely make sure to get DEMONGLASS. And if you haven't read either? Dude, fix that. They're both fantastic.

How do you feel about sequels? Read any you've really loved lately?

Check out what the other Bookanistas are up to this week at the Reading Room.

Or on their blogs:


  1. I like sequels and will read them if I liked the first book! i did read Hex Hall and like you love the combo of angst and humor. I will read Demon Glass soon!

  2. I like sequels too but sometimes I need to re-read the first one to remember details. I loved Hex Hall. Can't wait to read this.

  3. Personally I love sequels. I haven't read Hex Hall or Demon Glass, but they both look great. In fact B&N even sent me an email recently, including Demon Glass as one of the YA books of the month.

    That cover is also FTW!

  4. Yes, funny is ha-ard!

    I like sequels, because I'm so often disappointed by stand-alones. If I knew I loved the first, it's a safe bet.

    I get what you're saying about bridge books. I can't stand when the first book of a series ends right where the MC jumps off a cliff or something and then you have to wait. That works for tv because you're only waiting a week, but in books it's just annoying.

  5. I finished Demonglass not but 5 minutes ago and GAH! What an ENDING! Dying for part 3. That being said I'm so with you on the funny, snarky, and angsty. All delicious!

    No wonder she made #5 on the NYT list!!!

  6. lol sorry, I love sequels. I love being able to spend more time with the characters I love and it feels like they died when the series end. When I find a series I love like the Sookie Stackhouse books, or the Outlander books, or the House of Night books, or Twilight, I buy the entire series and read them over and over again :) Good times :)

    Hex Hall is in my TBR pile and I fully plan on adding this one come payday! :D

  7. I can't wait to read it! I went to one of Rachel's book signings and can tell you she is just as funny in real life.

  8. I haven't read Hex Hall yet, but I love sequels! Waiting for them is a different story, lol. I started reading Harry Potter when there were 4 books out at the time, so a LOT of waiting for sequels there. And waiting for the Hunger Games sequels? Torturous!

    Actually, right now I'm in the middle of the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld and loving it!

  9. This book is getting great reviews and I'm soooo looking forward to reading it. I'm crossing my fingers that I win the contest I entered for it.

  10. I actually just finished reading this. I really loved Hex Hall but I read it so long ago that could have actually done with a little more filling in. All in all I agree with your review though, my only complaint is that it went by too fast!

  11. Thank you for the recommendation. I guess I'll start by putting Hex Hall on my to read list.

  12. Wow. That cover rocks! I like sequels that have the same characters best. Because I want to know even more about them.

    The first time I read a series that had a different couple as the main characters for the second book, I was kinda mad. Then I learned that's how it's done--for the most part.

  13. It's on my list. If I enjoyed a book, I'll read the sequel. I used to prefer to reread the book before it first, but I don't have the time anymore. I still have books I bought last year that I haven't read yet because I haven't reread the book before it. I'm just going to have to dive in and read the "new" sucker.

  14. I very rarely like second books in trilogies. More often than not the second books are what you termed bridge books--all the book is a halfhearted attempt at a plot while really doing nothing but setting up book three. And when that happens I get frustrated, because it seems to me that I really only paid for half a book.

    Thanks for the recommendation! I'll have to check out the first book.

  15. I don't like series either, which is why it's so difficult for me to write one - but that's a whole other topic. :) I loved Hex Hall, it was on my top ten for 2010, and I can't wait to read Demonglass. In fact, it's sitting on my desk winking at me even as a type.

  16. I just read Hex Hall a few weeks ago and loved it, so I can't wait to read Demonglass. I can't write funny either. I think it takes crazy skills to write funny for an entire book without making your readers roll their eyes. I'm also lacking that skill.

  17. See, I'm not really against series/sequels. But I do find a lot of them disappointing. However, I just read Demonglass and SO enjoyed it!!

    Did you know Rachel hit #5 on the NYT best seller list??? How freaking exciting!!!

  18. I feel the same way about sequels. But you've convinced me to read these! Thanks for the recommendation :)

  19. I love sequels and I love re-reading series! There are some characters you just don't want to let go of.
    I really need to stop reading blogs in general. There are so many good books my list is a mile long. Maybe I should stop re-reading, eh?

  20. I LOVED Demonglass! Such a great book! I normally have a hard time with the second book in some series. They just seem like filler to me, but this one was AMAZING. Loved every minute of it and can't wait for book 3! :)

  21. Okay, so I haven't read the first one. I know, feel free to start flogging. But it's one of those things when if you don't read a book before you get flooded by new releases, you just don't you know? I'll get to it, I will. How could I not when so many people loved it. But it may not happen for a little while just because I'm swamped...

    I think there needs to be a way to add about twenty hours to each day.

  22. I always have mixed feelings about sequels - I love that I get to read more about a favorite character's adventures, but then I also get bored when there's a lot of recap from the previous book.

    From what I've heard of Demonglass, it far exceeds most people's expectations. I can't wait for Amazon to delivery my copy so I can dive in.

  23. Oh my, I read sequels all the time. I love them because they go on for so long, I really get in tune with the characters. The Wicked Lovely Series was amazing and I'm now reading the Hunger Games. Guess its more of a trilogy but it is so good.

    And girl, you're always funny. You have the snarkiest comments ever. Have you not heard yourself? Pa-lease.

  24. Haven't read these yet but gotta say, LOVE the covers. Will read soon! Thanks for putting these books back on my radar!

  25. First of all, you sold the book. I am definitely going to check this book out. Love the cover as well. Second and most important, thank you for dropping by my blog. It really means a lot reading those words from you--especially after your brilliant book "From Query to the Call" helped all 19 of us understand how to write a smashing plot paragraph for our queries. My copy is all tattered from my extreme use. Thank you, Thank you, thank you so much for writing the awesome book!

  26. I love series because once I fall in love with characters and a world I like to read more about them. That said, it has be really good for me to read another book. I wasn't going to pick this up but since you recommend it so highly it looks like I'll have to! Thanks!

  27. I JUST got Hex Hall this week because the reviews for this sequel have been so HUGE!(especially if a sequel hater loves it ;) Pretty darn excited to get to it!

  28. I have Hex Hall on my wish list, but haven't bought it yet. Now that the sequel that isn't quite a sequel is out, I'd better hurry up!

    I heard the book was funny. I agree, it is hard to be funny.

    2nd books that act as bridge books are disappointing. Often it makes me shy away from series too.

  29. I've read a fair amount of first books in a trilogy where I have no desire to read on. But I did just finish Delirium by Lauren Oliver and oh my, I can't wait for the next book. Funny thing is, it started off a little slow for me but ended with a bang.

  30. My reading list keeps getting longer! Thanks for the recommendation. I'm currently reading "Delirium," really liking it and didn't know there was a sequal (not finished yet).

    I greatly enjoyed the sequel to "Society of S" by Susan Hubbard called "The Year of Disappearances." I thought it added greater depth and a little more warmth to the series; the first book is haunting, gripping and downright interesting. Even the setting changes, from NY to FL in the second book, and it literally evokes warmth while still keeping that spooky-ish vibe.

  31. Read that DEMONGLASS debuted on NYT Bestseller List at #5!!!!

    Congrats to Rachel!

    (I love what you've said about "bridge books" and "funny.")

  32. Woot! Your post reminded me to check my library—it's in and I'm #3 on the waiting list!

  33. OMG...I love sequels...I just read four of Amanda Hocking's in four days...My Blood Approves...I did the same thing for Morganville Vampires...and Michael Scott and so many more...I love and adore series!!! I can't stand not to own them all...Claudia Gray, Jessica Verday...I need books in a series so you should really be thinking of Possession 2, 3 and 4!!!

  34. Thanks for the review!

    I don't mind sequels, although I definitely agree a sequel shouldn't be a "bridge" book. The best books in a series can stand alone and do well.

    One sequel I read recently and really enjoyed was Sapphique by Catherine Fisher.

  35. It looks like there is a lot going on in that cover with faces, animals, and people – way cool. I enjoy sequels, but I like ones that are each a different story with hints to the next book that you as a devoted reader you notice but as a newbie it doesn’t matter.

    I totally agree funny is HARD.

  36. I really enjoyed Hex Hall & am looking forward to this one. Sophie's a terrific character and I can't wait to see what goes on in part deux!

  37. This just walked into my house today -- and I can't wait to crack it open.

    If I hadn't been excited about it before, you just revved me up.

    Thanks, Elana!


  38. I like sequels. Once I fall in love with the characters, I want to read more about them. But this one, it was even better than the first. I enjoyed Hex Hall. I loved Demonglass. I can't wait for the next one!
