Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday Festivities

Okay, so there are so many amazing things afoot. That's right, I used the word "afoot." Anyway, I wanted today to be a celebration!

So up first: WriteOnCon

1. A super success story that WOC inspired. I seriously cried when I read this post, and you should too. Or maybe not. But go see what stemmed from one of our live events.

2. The next WriteOnCon live event will be Monday, May 16! That's like, 3 days people. We're hosting the Trifecta of Awesome with HarperCollins editor Molly O'Neill, literary agent Joanna Stampfel-Volpe, and the bestest literary agent ever (that's her official title, yo) Michelle Andelman. (Okay, I'm biased. So sue me.)

Click here for all the details.

3. The winner of Christine Fonseca's 101 SUCCESS SECRETS is... Melissa Sarno! Email me okay? Okay.

4. There's nothing like a little humiliation via video. And hey! I've made it easy for you. I signed up for VYou, where anyone can ask me a question about anything, and I'll record the answer via live video. (Remember that one post a while ago where I said I'd never vlog? What has happened to me??) Click here to VYou it up with me.

5. I'm also celebrating personally this week: I'm done with the conference season for a while. I'm getting prize packages together for my launch events. School is almost out. I have some very exciting things coming soon (a book trailer! Book club materials! An interview with my agent!).

All of this deserves a festival. So I'm festivaling.

What are you celebrating right now? I'm also throwing glitter that blogger is back up. ;)


  1. AWESOME Celebration-worthy stuff, all of it! AND DUDE...THAT WRITE-ON CON STORY WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'll throw in some fairy dust to go with your glitter!

    Wow that's a lot going on! I hope you have a terrific weekend!

  3. Yeah for Friday the 13th! Glad things are going well. Love to read success stories.

  4. And I thought I was busy... You go girl!!!!

  5. Enjoy yourself. You deserve it. That was an inspiring story.

  6. LOL, I think I cried reading that WOC story.

    If anyone out there deserves some festivating, it's you!

  7. Yeeehaaw… Bloggers is back up; I am celebrating its Friday!!!

  8. What awesome things coming up! I'm celebrating my full request yesterday and this gorgeous weather. Has spring finally come to Utah? :)

  9. Oh, very awesome! The video thing looks cool. Too bad I'm at work! :(

  10. Woohoo! Lots of things to celebrate! :)

    I'm celebrating the weekend for the moment - and the fact I'm going to a musical comedy show tonight. Date night! :)

  11. I'm so glad I you came by my blog so I could meet you, you sound fabulous. very noteworthy, can't wait to wade my way through your blog.

  12. Thanks for sharing that story. It was amazing and def made me want to cry

  13. Celebrating??? Erm, I was chosen as the MVP at a drinkign party with the Japanese staff. I won the hand-sumo contest and saved my team :)

  14. Yay, celebrations! I'm popping over to the link as soon as I have tissues standing by.

  15. First of all...I love the word afoot and I plan to use it frequently this weekend.

    I am celebrating that its the weekend and the weather is beautiful!!! And Blogger is back up!!! Whew hewwww. Who knew I was this addicted??

  16. I'm celebrating that blogger is finally working again! It had me scared for a moment :-)

  17. Blogger has been turrible. Just turibble. Looking forward to the trifeca of awesome on May 16th. Yay. =D

  18. I'm celebrating an amazing two weeks, and looking forward to my kid sister's wedding next week!

    Enjoy all the last minute fun before release day!

  19. Yay for a WriteOnCon success story! I'm so excited about tomorrow's live event, I actually get to attend!!!

  20. I am celebrating that blogger is back up, that the sun came out this weekend, and that one of my friends is about to launch a bestseller with an EPIC party. Can't wait!

  21. I'm happy Blogger returned, but I'm still waiting for the comments on Friday's post to return.

    I attended NESCBWI this weekend. It was inspiring to say the least. Today, I'm going to WRITE my butt off!
