Friday, May 20, 2011

Guestanista Review of POSSESSION

Okay, so today on the POSSESSION pre-launch blog tour, we have Matt Rush. Sort of. He's over on his blog, dedicating his time and space to a grown man's review of POSSESSION. (*gulp*)

Here on my blog, we agreed to publish his teenage daughter's review of POSSESSION. (*double gulp*)

So here we go! I'm turning over the reins to Kylie, who is fifteen--and a straight-A student!

Possession by Elana Johnson is fast-paced, action-packed, and totally exciting. Seriously, it's like an Anime movie, guys.

Violet Schoenfeld, a troublemaker in a world of stupid rules, is a plot-perfect protagonist. In a dystopian society, Vi is not pleased with the strict guidelines, not pleased at all. She's outspoken, and has some rather suspicious capabilities. I loved reading her story because even though Vi wasn't the most experienced or knowledgeable person about her world, she still wouldn't stand for the rules, or she wouldn't take them sitting down, or whatever. She lived by her own set of morals, and followed her heart.

Possession speaks to any teen who feels oppressed by society (or their parents, or teachers) and I could really relate to the frustration Vi felt while just trying to be herself. I can't wait for the sequel. There is going to be a sequel, right?


Uh, I'm taking the fifth on the sequel issue. Thanks Kylie, for a great review!

I guess I better head over to Matt's blog to see what he has to say... Wait. I better put my bullet-proof vest on first...


  1. Great review Kylie. I'm so with you about the sequel. If Elana says no, maybe we should join forces and gang up on her until she says yes.

  2. I'm not sure what you mean by plot-perfect character, honey, but otherwise? Excellent review! I totally agree.

    Thanks so much for making us a part of your tour Elana, you rock!

  3. Kylie, I hope you realize what a great dad you have! He's been a real inspiration for many of us here in the blogosphere.

  4. I like the line about speaking to teens who feel oppressed. Like Natalie, I'm with you on the sequel. if Simon and Schuster won't cooperate, we may have to join forces and storm the publishing company!

  5. Great review! I can't believe the release date is almost here. :D

  6. Just grins...heading over to Matt's!!

  7. I love Kylie's review, well done!

  8. I've heard many great things about Kylie. She seems like such a smart girl. Great review!

  9. Great review! I agree, there's a lot of action in this book. It's FRAWESOME! ;)

  10. Fantastic review, and with writing skills like that, we can see why she is a straight A student. This duel review is a fantastic idea!

  11. yay!!! that's a really good review! (and very well written!) :)
    whoo hoo! :)

  12. She had me at "It's like an Anime movie." I'm already super excited about Possession, but now I simply can't wait to read it!

  13. Thanks for the review, Kylie. It was great. If I hadn't already been planning to buy this book, I'd definitely want to buy it now. =o)

  14. Great review and what I wonderful idea - featuring teens reviewing your book.... they are the target audience, after all!

  15. Love the review. My 14 yo would totally has loved this book from the very beginning as is BEYOND happy for you!!!

  16. kick butt review. always love hearing teen opinions too!

  17. Awesome getting dad and daughter opinions! I love it:)
    Kylie, you made me want to read it!
    Now I'm headed over to man's side of things:)

  18. Kylie has got to be the most intellegent fifteen-year-old in the world! Nice one, Elana!

    PS: Stop all that gulping! Be proud! I'm sure you are. Flaunt it! :o)

  19. That's because she's 15 going on 50, Jess, but thanks!

  20. Thanks, Kylie and Matt! She totally had me at Anime movie too, because I do imagine my books as cartoons... Ha!

  21. I already had this one on my pre-order list, but Kylie's review made me stomp my feet with impatience! Thanks for the great insights, Kylie!

  22. Kylie, I loved your review (and apparenty you're as cool as your dad--okay, maybe COOLER)!!!

  23. Definitely COOLER, C Lee. Not that I'm not cool, I am, but she's even more awesomer.

  24. Hello :) I'm new to your blog, visiting from Matt's blog after reading his review of your book. I'm looking forward to reading it!

  25. Awesome review from a teen. Great job, Kylie! And Elana, from the looks of this one, I'm guessing your target audience is going to love the book.

  26. Kylie's review is great! Now I am going to hop over and see what Matt has to say.

  27. Dude, EJ, did you see Aleta's comment? Can you BELIEVE that someone knew me and not you! That's freaking crazy.

  28. LOL! Not crazy at all, Matt. You are quite popular, didn't you know???

  29. Not like you EJ, but one day we WILL take over the world. Or at least publishing.

  30. One more follower and you'll have the year of our Lord.

  31. Like we ever doubted your awesomeness. But Kylie's review really does rock.

  32. This is a great review Kylie. I just finished reading Possession myself and I agree with you 100%.

  33. It would be kind of cool if you could freeze it at 2011, just until your release day.

  34. LOVED both reviews! Your book's gonna rock the world, Elana.

  35. Wow, you have over 2K followers! Amazing, just like you. What an awesome review too. :)

  36. Kylie ~ this is a great review!! I kept thinking, "What great 'voice' she has!" :) (YA writers, take note!)

    Matt - one smart daughter you've got there ~

    Elana - congrats on the 2k!!

  37. Kylie is a teen? That young lady is going to go places. Her review is excellent.

    Your blog and writing are too. I'm a new follower thanks to Matt, thanks to Alex.


  38. Kylie - that's a great review! I totally agree. Vi draws you right in because she wants to be true to her heart and true to herself - she's a great character! :)

  39. *blush* Wow guys... Thanks! I'm glad my review made you want to read it, that WAS kind of the goal.

    And of course we'll storm the publisher's for a sequel, doing anything else would just be silly.

    Love you all,

  40. See her little Anime/Manga face, EJ?

  41. Go, Kylie! I love hearing the authentic opinion of a teen reader.

  42. Reviews by the age group our books are intended for are really important, so Kylie it's great that you took the time to write it. After reading ch 1, it's good ot have an idea of where the rest of the book is going.

    I had a couple of my teen readers write reviews for my book too and I value them the most.

  43. Love the review... and can't wait to read it.

  44. Loved your review Kylie, great pace....

  45. Yay, Elana. I'm so proud of you. Now go make a million dollars.

  46. Congrats on the review! Will make my way over to Matt's place, too.

    BTW - I made BLT's for dinner the other night and you came to mind. Go figure. Am seriously considering making some chocolate covered bacon...

  47. Great review! It's cool to hear what a teen has to say; we grown-ups need that reminder once in a while of what's important to our audience.
