Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Read the First Two Chapters of POSSESSION!

Okay, we're releasing the first two chapters of POSSESSION today! I'm beyond excited to share them with the world.

You can download the 25 pages in a PDF file by clicking here and looking for the big button that says "Read the first two chapters of POSSESSION here." (It's seriously a great big button on the front page.)


Also, I'm going to give a shout-out for my Virtual Launch Party that's taking place on Thursday, June 16. If you can't come to any of my live events, don't worry. There will be live content that day! And it's far enough after the release of the book that we can talk about all things POSSESSION! More details will be coming in a couple of weeks.

Okay, enough of me and my book. What's up with you guys?


  1. So excited for you! I love the first chapters. And the whole book. I was so lucky to get an ARC that I sadly gave away on my blog. Thank God I'm also getting the book or my daughter might not speak to me.

  2. YaY for the two chapters! Most authors only provide one chapter. And I'm excited for the virtual tour since I live on the other side of the country.

    Yesterday, 100 Stories for Queensland was released in ebook format (paperback in the next few weeks) and I received my contract for the upcoming anthology Fangtales. Big day for me.

  3. I'm waiting for my copy to arrive on my doorstep (okay, mailbox down the street) before I read them. No point leaving me in suspense for another month. ;)

  4. WHOA! Super cool--clikcing away!

  5. I'm going to wait for mine to arrive in the mail - then I can comment that I love it! Because I know I will.

  6. Elena this is great!

    Now I just need to go buy more paper so I can print your first two chapters on my home printer. :)

  7. You must be so happy about now! I love the way you're sharing your excitement. I have to download flash player first and then I'll be all over it!

  8. awesome! I can't imagine how exciting (and nerve wracking) this must be for you! *off to read*

  9. Loved it! Can't wait to read the rest. But I probably should have waited to read it. I'm not sure I want to wait a whole MONTH before I finish it :-).

  10. What do you mean "enough with you and your book"? That is stinking awesome!!! How exciting! Can't wait to tune in :)

    I'm getting ready to fly out for a conference on Monday. Polishing the MS to present to agents for the first time. Praying for that "big break". ;)

    Congrats. So excited for you :)

  11. Oooh, this is so exciting! I hope you won't be mad that I WILL NOT download it. I can't stand the thought of not being able to read an entire book so I'm waiting impatiently. You're such a tease, Elana! ;-)

  12. I'm flying to Boston tomorrow, my baby sister's turning 30! Woot!

  13. Thanks for the sneak peek! Sounds like a great start--I like Vi's lively voice, and your figures of speech. :)

  14. Yay!! Rushing over to download. How exciting. Enjoy the journey.

    And still you find time to ask about what we're up to. That's awesome.

    I'm working on another round of edits, getting back to running again after a small surgery, and lovin' life. :)

    Thanks for sharing your journey with us, Elana. It's GREAT fun to watch!!

  15. That's great, Elana!!
    Me?? I'm starting a new book, which is always an adventure, and, I'm loving the long days--I think the sun set around 11:00 last night.

  16. Great chapters! Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to get a copy!

  17. OMG, OMG...must go read!

    Sorry I haven't been here daily, crazy busy! But yeah still have Possession on the brain.

  18. YAY for virtual launch party. And for your chapters. So freakin' excited for you!!!

  19. Woot for coolness!

    I've been tied up working on my blog tour this month for the last book in my fantasy romance trilogy. Still trying to find some blogs for the end of the month. It ain't easy organizing a blog tour! Never did one before.

  20. Yay, I can't wait to read your chapters! June will be here before you know it, too (although it could take it's time getting here, since I have a deadline at the end of the month, lol).

  21. Can't wait to get home and read those chapters. And June 16th is a public holiday here, so perfect for a virtual party!

  22. It's kind of mean to give me two chapters of a book I've been waiting two years to read...when I still have to wait another month!! Jerkwad. I still love you, though. ;P

  23. Lucky for me I have an ARC so I get to keep reading. :) Maybe I'll be nice and share the fabulousness by giving away the ARC when I finish reading it. I'm greedy though. I don't wanna give it up!

  24. Those were awesome, can't wait until June.

  25. Now I must make a Sophie's choice--read the first 2 chaps, knowing I have to wait for the rest, or try and hold off to wait for the whole shebang at once!

    IMPOSSIBLE CHOICE! GAH *head explodes*

    Oh dear, now look at the mess I've made...

    Seriously you are awesome for putting up the first 2 chaps! *squee*

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  26. Yay! Can't wait to start reading when I get home!

  27. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That is the coolest thing ever!

    *races off to download*

  28. Awesome! Downloading now - thanks! And hopefully, I WILL be able to make it to a live event!! TKE on 6/8, right? :)

  29. Thanks, Elana. Can't wait to read them!

  30. June 16 will be here before you know it!

  31. Soooo good! Now it's going to be even harder to wait!

  32. So. Much. Awesome I hardly know what to say! Can't wait for the awesome party!

  33. So exciting! I hope everyone enjoys the 2 chapters - they are AWESOME!!!

  34. That was great! I was so disappointed when I got to the end of chapter 2 - I wanted to keep reading more! :)

  35. I'm excited to read it...and the whole book next month!! :D

  36. That's a real teaser.
    Reminds me of "The Giver" and "The Hunger Games". Not bad company.

  37. ooo, how super-exciting!!! I was in the cave all day yesterday, but I'm running over now. And isn't the book release like DAYS away??? Can't wait to get get get it~ <3 squee!

  38. Cool, Elana! I will click and check it out. Thanks for sharing.

  39. PS I read the excerpt and I have to hand it to you...your world building was amazing!

  40. I'm so happy for you. Congrats a million times over.

  41. I am absolutely ecstatic for you! Sometimes an exclamation point is called for. I have possession on order but will be away when it arrives in my mail visiting family from June 4 until August. But dang I'm looking forward to reading it when I get home from visiting my relatives. After two months I'm sure I'll be glad to be back to my motorhome and writer life.

    Whoo hoo. Maybe I can sneak in and visit on the 16th.

    Congrats and all that JAZZ.

    p.s. I am definitely downloading your generous offer of the first two chapters. :-)

  42. Thanks for letting us have a taste of Possesion. I look forward to reading it.

  43. Yay! Congratulations. That is so exciting! :O)
