Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday Two-Fer

Okay, so there's more than two things, but everything else I tried for the title of this post sounded lame.

A couple of things I really want you to know about:

1. Simon & Schuster's "Something To Read About" Book Club Sampler. It is amazing--and not only because POSSESSION is one of the nine books you can feature for your book club. EVERY book has a note from the author, a novel-inspired recipe, the first chapter, and book club questions.

I'm in love with it so much, I changed my header to the banner for Possession. You can get the Sampler in several ways. Click here to get it on your Kindle from Amazon (I had it delivered to my smart phone). Click here to see the other easy ways to get the Sampler, including as a PDF file, right on your computer, or from one of the 8 e-retailers. (I, uh, did all three. *grins*)

Also, stay tuned for some more awesome with the Sampler! Plans for an epic giveaway are afoot.

2. I am doing a Live Query Event in conjunction with Dave Farland's Authors' Advisory Conference Calls. You can submit your query to Robin Weeks, the coordinator, and I will critique it beforehand and discuss it on the conference call that day! FULL DETAILS HERE.

3. The POSSESSION Virtual Launch Party!! Oh my heck, you guys. Ali Cross, Christine Fonseca, and Lisa & Laura Roecker have made the fansite into paradise. Go check it out. Mark your calendars for THURSDAY, JUNE 16 because we're going to be partying that day all over the universe. (Well, twitter, Facebook, blogs, the fansite...)

There will be a live chat with me that evening at 7 PM MST--plenty of time for you to get the book on June 7 and come armed with all your questions/concerns/reactions! There will be giveaways in the forums, on the chat, and on twitter that day.

Seriously. You don't want to miss this.

I think that's all for today. I do have more stuff, but I think there's only so much awesome a person can handle at one time. So yeah.

What should I have named this post? Got anything good? Have you ever had too much awesome? Is such a thing even possible?


  1. That's so awesome! Enjoy your special time. I'm looking forward to participating where I can on June 16th.

  2. I got something fabulous from you in the mail and was over the moon. Consider my calendar marked and ready for the official Possession launch! So glad to see you're enjoying it all!!!

  3. I would think this anticipation the month before is such a highlight! Sounds like your marketing and promotion is in place! Awesome!

  4. Recipes? Hmm. I just want that thing from Possession that gives you cake whenever you want.

  5. Oh, the sampler sounds like a wonderful idea. Thanks!

  6. You can never have too much awesome. Cover your world with awesome, roll around in it. =o)

  7. Sounds fantastic! The fansite looks awesome. They did a great job!

  8. Sweet! This is awesome cubed man! Hugs...you deserve it all.

  9. Wow, this is all great stuff. Maybe you should have titled this post "You're Welcome." And I'm so excited to download the sampler!

  10. Wow! Fansite! *dies*

    Downloaded the Sampler, can't wait to check it out. Thanks!

  11. You're on fire! Look at all this fab stuff happening. Enjoy it all! :)

  12. All these happenings. A query event? Hmm...

  13. So many awesome things... *dazed*


  14. Wow, I just looked at my calendar, June 14 is not very far away. And I really don't think you have too much awesome.

  15. What about Tuesday-Trifecta? :)

    So excited for your book. You have no idea.

  16. Great stuff, Elana!! And congrats on the Bookclub inclusion!!

  17. So much great stuff today, Elana! My hubby and I are discussing possibilities for me to come to Utah for your launch! Wouldn't that be the coolest?! :-)

  18. You going to have a physical launch party, too, Elana?

  19. Love reading all this awesomeness!

  20. Donna, oh yeah. There's a physical launch party at The King's English in Salt Lake City on June 8 at 7 PM. I'm also signing at the Barnes & Noble in Orem on June 11 at 2 PM.

    Thanks everyone!

  21. You can never have too much awesome! :D DLing that sampler tonight!

  22. Deep breaths! You're going to make it. You are my favorite person in the entire world.

  23. I'm going to download that right away! I can't wait to read it. And you're talking on Dave Farland's Author Advisory? I'm heading out to his writer's camp next month, so excited:)

  24. Oooooh! Lots of awesome going on! I hadn't heard of the Sampler - very cool!

  25. Yay! I can't wait til June 16 :)

    Also... novel-inspired recipes? What a COOL idea!


  26. Holy cow, Elana! You have over 2000 followers. that is pretty mind-blowing in itself!

  27. Hi, Elana,

    This is terrific. I am so excited about the query critique and the book club sampler sounds awesome!

    ALL THE BEST.... Enjoy the ride honey!


  28. I saw the sampler available for free on nook the other day and ran to snag it! I want those discussion questions! :)

  29. So much fun. And what a good idea.

  30. I totally downloaded this. Now I want to make a batch of the bars for when your book comes out.

  31. "I'm also signing at the Barnes & Noble in Orem on June 11 at 2 PM."

    *marks calendar*

  32. Hey Elana, I just wanted to let you know that I signed with Michelle Andelman and THANK YOU for the help you gave me. Your pitch class at LTUE was very helpful! I can't wait to read all of POSSESSION!

  33. I think I would have gone for "Tuesday 'Tastic" Sounds like some fanTastic opportunities for us to learn more about Possessions! I am so very much looking forward to its release! I have been pitching it on my blog whenever I can!

    And no, you can never have too much awesome. :)


  34. (I so stole this from WOC...shameless...) Post title - Trifecta of Awesome(?)

    Yes, you can never have too much awesome. The more the better, I say!! The virtual launch party - so cool. Can't wait!!

  35. Pre-ordered my copy of Possession today. Can't wait to read it! :)

  36. Wow so very exciting! Congrats and have a great time with the launch! I will be there for the virtual launch party.
