Monday, May 30, 2011

Why I Can't Blog Today

Dude, it was physically impossible to get to the laptop. And my PC upstairs won't let me log on to blogger. And my Mac from work is so freaking slow, it would've actually taken more time to boot that sucker up, open a blogger window (uh, hello? Does it take anyone else's blogger upward of five minutes of spinning before it finally works?), and write something coherent.

Instead, I'm going to be digging through, er, organizing this chaos.

Why yes. That IS my writing desk under there.
Aaaand, I'm in Las Vegas (!) so I can't really clean this up right now...

So yeah. Couldn't get a blog post ready. What keeps you from blogging?

And Happy Memorial Day! May your memories of your loved ones be sweet.


  1. My favorite item in this picture is the hair gel. Not only do I own several bottles exactly like it (I have two boys), but they always end up in the strangest places, just like that one there. I love it! And yes, the tray says it all - you've got mad organization skills.

  2. So glad to see when "real life" gets in the way of writing--makes me feel like I'm not the only one! Hope you have time for some fun today!

  3. hahaha! "Tray, I am organized!" LOLOLOL that was hillarious.

  4. This posted early on you!

    What keeps me from blogging is work commitments. I don't want to put up a post if I don't have time to comment.

    Hope you're having fun in Vegas!

  5. LOL. That's a Heluva mess you got there! :o) Good luck tending to that when you return!

  6.'s a disorganized mess of great things!

  7. I'm still trying to figure out why you have hair dye on your desk. The gel I can understand. Sometimes you just need product. But dye?

    Enjoy Vegas and worry about the clutter later. =o)

  8. My desk looks like that, too, sometimes. I'm curious though. Are you planning to dye your hair blue/black? =D

  9. Crikey - it must be the week of untidy desks - take a look at mine on yesterday's post over at - that's exactly what keeps me from blogging / writing / anything useful :)

  10. Things that keep me from blogging: studyin Japanese, and doing randomness online

  11. Oh my, what is going on there? are all creative people like this because this is the third post I see from a writer about their desks today. All I can say is yours looks better then some so you're not - sorry to hear about tech issues, I feel ya

  12. Blogger doesn't seem to like Macs. I've had lots of formatting problems since switching last summer.

    Anyone else experience the same?

  13. Everyone deserves time off...enjoy yours!

  14. Minus the hair stuff, that kinda looks like my desk!

  15. Only a vacation where I have next to no Internet access. (Which I enjoyed this past weekend!)

  16. My husband came home from Afghanistan on Friday night. I am happily staying away from all things computer. Except, of course, for your blog:)

  17. This post is awesome! Great example of "a picture is worth a thousand words." Writing challenge for the day: Describe Elana's writing desk, and and everything it says about her in less than 1000 words.

  18. Nice to know that there are others out there that live in organized chaos. After all you do have a tray, right? I get concerned when I walk into a home with too much vacant counter space. Makes me wonder what they do all day. Being creative is usually a pretty messy endeavor. Now if I could only see what was in your TBR stack...and is that a bag of Sour Patch candy? (My husband uses the same hair gel.)

  19. Yeah, I know that look. My house wears that look all the time.

    My dad lives in Vegas! Are you vacationing, or doing an author-thingy?

    And I don't blog when: Blogger crashes; one of my kids gets sick; there's a family emergency; my husband hogs the laptop (because our basement desktop is slower than frozen molasses); I get sick. These things annoy me.

    Have fun in Las Vegas!

  20. Good luck Elana! I hope you get everything super organized. =)

  21. Good luck!

    Reading is keeping me from blogging today. My TBR pile is about ready to eat me. LOL.

  22. Have fun in Las Vegas! I can relate to messes. I live with 2 messy people.

  23. Is that POSSESSION at the top of your TBR pile? Aren't you sick of that book yet? :D You probably are. Take it off the pile, send it to me, and put yourself out of your misery.

  24. I don't really have a blogging that get's in the way

  25. Smart hair color choice, Elana. =] You're forgiven. I've had to delay because of a little cleaning myself. Our toy room almost swallowed me whole. It's become sentient.

  26. This makes me feel a lot better about the clutter on my desk.

  27. Life gets in my way - but it's allowed to :)

  28. Ahahaha! Your writing desk looks like my ENTIRE HOUSE right now. :)

    The only thing that will usually keep me from blogging on time is work. If it's super busy or exhausting, it's hard to find the brain power to pull together a blog post.

  29. Elana, I've heard finding the right chair is more important than the desk itself. Make sure you play the LORD OF THE RINGS MACHINES in Vegas.

  30. sigh. LIFE.

    ((hugs)) here's hoping yours gets back to normal soon~

  31. Dude that....SCARY! I freak when my desk has a few piles on it. hahahaha

  32. LOL THANK YOU! You've validated me. At least I have a spot to shove my laptop on, on mine. Great minds are cluttered, and so is our space!! :P
