Monday, January 16, 2012

GCC January Releases!

Okay, you guys, I have been so lame this month. I completely forgot about some of the Girlfriend releases. *doh* Up first, Eileen Cook, author of UNRAVELING ISOBEL.

The Twitter version: tell us about your book in 140 characters or less: Creepy house, family secrets, ghosts, threats, and a hot brooding boy. (Oooh, nice. You had me at "creepy house.")

Have you always wanted to be a writer?
Yes. As long as I can remember I’ve loved books and reading. As soon as I could understand the concept that someone actually had the job of writing the books I was always reading then I knew that is what I wanted to do. Then I went through a period where I decided that wanting to be a writer was like wanting to be a princess, a nice idea, but not actually possible. One day I realized that I might not ever be a published writer, but if I didn’t try I wouldn’t for sure. I decided then to go for it.

What made you decide to go that “extra step” and seek publication?
I don’t think I really understood how hard it was going to be when I started out. I had finished a book and I was so sure everyone would think it was as brilliant as I did. (Turns out no one thought that book was even in the same room as brilliant.) I always wanted to see my book on the shelf at a bookstore so I just kept trying. I can be really persistent when I want to be.

Quick! You’ve been chosen to go on Survivor. What luxury item do you take?
A giant inflatable raft so I can get the heck off the island. I am much more of a comfy sofa and book at home, or a luxury spa hotel type of girl. I’ll skip the competition and choose comfort instead.

And the most important of all: bacon or chocolate?
While I love bacon, I’m going to have to go with chocolate. My favorite would be anything dark chocolate.

Here's what people are saying about UNRAVELING ISOBEL:
"Thrilling and creepy, super sexy, and so very hilarious." - Lisa McMann, bestselling author of the Wake trilogy

"Ideal for readers who like their stories supernatural but their dream guys human." - The Bulletin

"Spine-tingling setting…Isobel’s sass and her steamy romance with her new stepbrother will help readers race toward the dramatic conclusion." - Publishers Weekly

"This blend of paranormal romance, murder mystery and quirky, coming-of-age narrative offers tasty moments…Cook gives readers a fast-paced plot, a likable narrator, and interesting characters." - Kirkus

"Isobel, all snark and sharp edges covering some intense vulnerability as she continuously checks in to see if she has crossed into mental illness (as her father did when she was young), is a compelling narrator." - Horn Book Magazine

And because I want to pay it forward, I will be giving a copy of UNRAVELING ISOBEL away, right here, right now! All you need to do is leave a comment.

Click here to find out more about Eileen and all her books.

Doesn't that sound like something you want to read? And the cover! What do you think of it?


  1. I completely agree with the Survivor answer! Never would I want to be on that show no matter how much I could win! I like my couch, books, and TV thank you very much. :)
    Unraveling Isobel looks like an awesome read!

  2. I still have to read Eileen's last book. I got it during my book buying spree, when it was first released. But I never got around to reading it. Now it's available on paperback.

    I'm not buying anymore books (ROFL!!!) until I finish my TBR pile. So far I'm not doing too great with that resolution. I read one book I bought in 2010, but once I read it, I couldn't wait for the sequel (the last book of the series), so I had to order it. And of course, to get free shipping, that meant ordering another book too. :D Yep, it took three days for me to break my resolution. LOL

    I'll add Eileen's book to my TBR list. :D

  3. Ellen's survivor answer is great. I'd rather be home too. And of course, chocolate over bacon. Sorry Elana.

    Sounds like an awesome book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. Sounds like a fantastic read - I love the cover. And bacon bacon bacon all the way! :)

  5. Not entering to win, but I'm with her - take a raft and get off that island of loonies!

  6. I love creepy books! This sounds like something I could dive right into.

  7. Sign me up! This book sounds awesome! I think the cover is really creative! This is def going to my TBR list of goodreads!

  8. I would love to read this book. It sounds like an awesome read. Please enter me in contest.

  9. I love the idea of being an author a little bit like being a princess. It does seem that unattainable at times.

  10. She's a fellow Canadian and would love to read her book!

  11. The story may be creepy, but the cover also looks fun and "safe" which is my favorite kind of creepy!

  12. This sounds like a great read. I'm interested in the "creepy houses"

    And I really liked the interview, ladies. Trying to find a publisher is much like trying to find that Prince Charming so you can turn into a princess...or in this case, a published author.

  13. I absolutely cannot wait to read this one! I loved her other books, and I know I'm going to love this one, too. And yay for dark chocolate!

  14. Pick me. Pick me. This book sounds awesome.

  15. I would love to read this book. The cover makes me think that Isobel's unraveling is of her own doing. I love creepy.

  16. Love the answer to the survivor question!

  17. It's fabulous to hear about your persistence, Eileen. That's the place I'm at, right now. Not just willing to give up on my book, but have actually been told (by some who could make a difference in my career) to keep editing and 'get back to me.' *shrugs*

    I really appreciate you sharing this. Best of luck with your book! Thanks for the interview, Elana.

  18. This book looks amazing! Congrats on realizing your dream, Eileen!

    Thanks for sharing, Elana!

  19. Sounds like a great book! Congrats to Eileen for finally accomplishing that dream! And thanks to Elana for the great interview and giveaway!

  20. You had me at the princess analogy. The books sounds terrif.

  21. great pitch. I'd love to win a copy! Thanks for the interview. It's always interesting to learn how other authors got published.

  22. I've been following Eileen and definitely wanted to get my hands on this one. Thanks for the giveaway.

    bacon mmmmm

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  23. Oooh! This looks SO good! Going on my to-read list right now! :D Thanks for the interview!

  24. Sounds like a great book. I like creepy. =D

  25. Although my questions might not be seen by Eileen, thus not answered, I have to ask anyway. Whatever happened to that book you thought was brilliant but no one else did? Ever think about re-working it and trying again?

    Well, thank you for this opportunity to win Unraveling Isobel. I would definitely love to read it!


  26. Sounds great! I've loved all of her other books.

  27. She should know there now exists chocolate covered bacon!!
