Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

Dude, today is the official release day of DIES IRAE by Christine Fonseca. Now, I'm part of her blog tour, and trust me, you are not going to want to miss the hilarious video we have planned. It'll be up on Wednesday, February 15.

But I couldn't let today go by without a major shout out to her awesomeness! Her novella is finally here -- and her novel, LACRIMOSA, is set to follow in March.


And it's party time!

For the release, I am giving away 5 copies of DIES IRAE. Leave me a comment here and I'll draw winners tomorrow morning.

About the book: Mikayel lives by one rule—obey the orders of the angelic Council at all costs. That is, until he and his friends, Azza and Demi, are sent to Earth. Assigned as Watchers while they await their decision of which angelic order to serve, the three assume the bodies of teenagers and experience life as human.

The sensations are overwhelming as the angels experience a host of human emotions—rage, terror, love—and come ever closer to breaking one of the unbreakable rules—never fall in love.

But being human isn’t the only problem facing the three angels. Unbeknownst to the Council, demonic activity is on the rise, threatening to break a tenuous peace that has existed for a millennia; a peace Azza seems bent on destroying.

Caught in a struggle for power with unseen demonic forces and Azza, and fighting against his rising emotional attachment to Demi, Mikayel must now decide how much he is willing to sacrifice for his new found love—a decision that could reignite an ancient war and will threaten the only thing that matters to the angels, the survival of humanity.

Better yet, buy your copy here for Kindle. Or here for Nook. You can also add it to your Goodreads list.

And you can follow all the blog tour action by going to Michelle McLean's blog today.

What do you think of the cover? Does this sound like something you'd like? (Just trying to give you something to talk about in your comment so you can WIN this amazing novella!)


  1. Before I started reading angel books, I really didn't think I'd get into them. Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush, Hush series proved I was totally wrong. I'd love to read this.

  2. So excited for Christine. And awesome that you're being such a good friend and giving away so many copies.

    I'd love to win.

  3. I think her books sound fantastic! And angel stories are doing really well in the indie market! :) yay!

  4. I have it, and just need to read it before I host her next week on my blog. I might just have to stop reading Clockwork Prince (which I was reading to study an awesome love triangle) for a few days to do that. The blurb for Die Irae sounds great.

  5. The story sounds amazing! But I'll admit I had to stare at the cover to figure out what it was (I think it's too early; I need either glasses or caffeine). Once I did, though, very cool!

  6. Dude! Just dude!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

  7. The description sounds truly interesting. I would love to win this book as I'm sure it would make great friends with my other books. Just one big happy family. The cover is pretty nifty.

  8. Happy Book Birthday, Christine! Looking forward to all the tour posts.

  9. Congrats to Christine! And I love the cover. And yes, it sounds like something I'd like. So pick me!

  10. I had to look at the cover for a minute before I fully "saw" what was there. I agree with Susan, maybe it's just too early and I have groggy eyes. Still, it is an intriguing cover and the story sounds interesting.

  11. Sounds like an interesting book, I'd love a chance to win a copy.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I don't know why we've never officially met, but we shall remedy that soon, I know it!

  12. Isn't it a great read? I thoroughly enjoyed it! And now that song is stuck in my head.... Thanks, Elana!

  13. When you posted about Dies Irae and Lacrimosa a while back I was so intrigued I put them both on my to-read list right away.

  14. I have it already. :) Christine is amazing!

  15. Would love to win and read the book. Thanks!

  16. Being the music nerd that I am, the title captured me the instant I read it. I think the picture is awsome with the title, no joke, so cool.

  17. I want to party it up like it's 1995 again.

  18. Yay! Hurray for the wonderful Christine and her amazing new release. I LOVE the cover. Pick me, Elana! :-)

  19. Now that's a sweet looking cover. Lots of mystery in there. :)

  20. Wow, the cover is gorgeous! It just sounds just...just like.....MY KINDA BOOK! Forbidden romance? Love it. I've been waiting for this book for quite a while, I can't wait to read Christine's books!

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    - Sam

  21. It sounds fabulous! And the cover's amazing. I hope she does super well. ;)

  22. Hey, Elana. I already bought my copy of this novella so I'm just commenting to say I loved this novella. Christine's style of writing is powerful and she really has a way of tapping into your senses so you feel like you are right there with the characters. Having it be about angels and demons was just a plus :-)

  23. Thanks guys have all put a HUGE smile on my face. I truly have no words....

  24. So now I totally have that song in my head. :) I got to see Kool and the Gang perform that song in Florida like nine years ago. Congrats to Christine!

  25. I really like the idea of angels struggling with humanity on earth. (Must be the psych major in me!) I find the cover intriguing, because there's so much emotion with the wings torn off and everything. Intense.

    <3 Gina Blechman

  26. I just love love LURVE when authors have successful news to share!

  27. Here's wishing Christine tons of success with her book.


  28. This is the first time I've seen the cover at a size that I could make out what the image is. It looks much better large, and makes the book much more interesting! Happy book birthday!

  29. The cover definitely makes my back hurt in empathy. :)

    But kudos to Christine! She is awesome and the book sounds great.

  30. Lots of buzz about this book! I can only hope that when the day comes for me that I have as much awesome support!

  31. WOW!! Super generous!!! Elana you are sooo amazing!! Thank you for doing this!! Dies Irae and her next book Lacrimosa look sooo good!!

  32. Yay for Christine! Love that it's about angels!

  33. Congratulations, Christine! Your book sounds fascinating!

  34. Congratulations to Christine! :)

    I never noticed the feather details of the art before; I'd just seen the image smaller. It's a great cover!

  35. First off, I love reading angel related stories so I do think I would enjoy this one very much!

    Now, about the cover ... one thing that irks me about it is the Photoshopped dress. The edges of it are feathered and it's very unrealistic to me. Might also have something to do with the fact that I'd recently seen a different book using the same image of the girl and she's only wearing panties ... nothing else. And although I've never attempted to add clothing where there wasn't any before, I can only imagine how difficult it would be. But yeah, the edges of the dress being feathered the way they are, well it could be better. And I really think that if the author name was in a different font from the title would be better too. Sorry!! I love Photoshop and I love fonts and just think that titles and authors names shouldn't be in the same font or the same colors though in this case, there is a gradient used in the author name making the color not exactly the same.
    Again, sorry! I know I'm being too picky!

    Thank you for the chance to win Dies Irae though!


  36. What do I think of the cover. Ouch. That's quite the story.

  37. Oh, and thanks for the links. Got my copy for my Nook. =D
