Thursday, April 26, 2012


Okay, so I haven't done a Bookanista post for a long time, mostly because it's all I can do to blog three times a week, work, and write. Oh, and there's this little thing called launching a book into the world that suck every second out of every day.

But I got a surprise package in the mail last weekend, and I was fried, so I abandoned everything and escaped into BEING FRIENDS WITH BOYS by Terra Elan McVoy.

And it was truly an escape into one of the most amazing books I've read in a long time. Terra is a master at relationships of all kinds. Friends, best friends, girls and guys being friends, first crushes, romance, the whole gamut. And you'll see it all in BEING FRIENDS WITH BOYS.

Let's read a bit more about it:
Charlotte and Oliver have been friends forever. She knows that he, Abe, and Trip consider her to be one of the guys, and she likes it that way. She likes being the friend who keeps them all together. Likes offering a girl’s perspective on their love lives. Likes being the behind-the-scenes wordsmith who writes all the lyrics for the boys’ band. Char has a house full of stepsisters and a past full of backstabbing (female) ex–best friends, so for her, being friends with boys is refreshingly drama-free…until it isn’t anymore. 

When a new boy enters the scene and makes Char feel like, well, a total girl…and two of her other friends have a falling out that may or may not be related to one of them deciding he might want to be more than friends with Char…being friends with all these boys suddenly becomes a lot more complicated. 

I loved the way she surrounded the MC, Charlotte, with boys, but the reader didn't know which boy they should trust, should like, should cheer for, just like Charlotte didn't know.

I loved watching her grow from someone who runs a band behind the scenes to standing in front of the mic. I loved watching her struggle with feelings she didn't understand for boys she didn't understand.

BEING FRIENDS WITH BOYS is an amazing book, and I've been thinking about it for days now. If you like contemporary YA fictions, you'll definitely love BEING FRIENDS WITH BOYS! It comes out May 1, so be sure to get your copy then.

My only wish is that I could go to Georgia for the launch party next week. Le sigh. What have you read lately that kept you thinking for days?

Check out what the other Bookanistas are up to this week:
Nikki Katz is crazy about CREWEL
Stasia Ward Kehoe adores BREAKING BEAUTIFUL
Katy Upperman wonders at WANDERLOVE
Tracy Banghart takes a shine to A MILLION SUNS
Jessica Love is wowed by WELCOME CALLER, THIS IS CHLOE 
Debra Driza marvels at MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH – with giveaway


  1. I just finished What She Left Behind, a debut book by Tracy Bilen. It's a contemporary novel about family abuse. It was so good I couldn't put it down. You'd like it. And I started Surrender last night and loved the start of it. Can't wait till tonight when I can read more.

  2. I'm always a little behind, but I just read Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson. Amazing, of course. I've never before read a book where we get so deep into the head of the main character. Wow! Every one who writes YA should read this book.

  3. Book of Blood and Shadow. I've described it as the teenage love child of the Historian, Possession and the Da Vinci Code!

    I'm going to Terra McAvoy's launch - they're always at this cool indie children's book store in Decatur. If there's any swag - I'll pick it up for you!

  4. Sounds like an interesting read. I haven't had a book stick with me for a while. I've liked books I've read this year, but I can't say they've been that impactful.

  5. I was SO Char in high school. I'm still friends with most of those boys. This is a MUST read for me.

  6. Sounds like a great read! Love when books focus on friendships as well as relationships!

  7. This sounds so good! And the cover is adorable.

    Well spotted!

