Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Dude, you guys, this is the first of a five week she-bang (hey, it's my blog. I can use that word if I want to...) where I'll be giving away two SURRENDER ARCs each Wednesday. Each week I'll be featuring something different about my books, and each week you'll have the opportunity to participate as entries to win one of two ARCs.

Today, we're talking characters. Since SURRENDER isn't a classic sequel, but more of a companion to POSSESSION, there are many new characters. In fact, the two main narrators are brand new. (You can read the first two chapters of SURRENDER on my Facebook page.)

Gunner Jameson: Gunn is the current Flight Trials winner, which means he killed it in last year's flying competition. The guy can navigate a hoverboard. Ladies, get ready to swoon over that. I mean, who doesn't love a guy who can handle his business in the air? Seriously.

He's also a bit conflicted about many things. He has to leave home at the beginning of the book, and he worries about his mom. He's been crushing on someone other than his match for over a year. And now he's been thrown in the lion's den--literally. He's assigned to train with Thane Myers, none other than Violet Schoenfeld's extremely controlling father. 

Oh yeah. Gunn's in for some real fun in SURRENDER.

Raine Hightower: Raine is the Director's daughter, and she hates that more than anything. With a real chip on her shoulder and gloves always on her hands, Raine does everything her father--and Thane--tell her to... during the day. But at night... well, Raine likes to sneak out at night. 

Raine leads a complicated life trying to keep protocol during the day so she can have as much freedom as she craves at night. It's a tricksy balance, one she's not sure she can keep up for very long.

And with her father circling, it's no small feat for her to do as much as she does. So yeah. Raine's definitely got some frightening things in store for her in SURRENDER.

And, my friends, you can receive an exclusive character art booklet, with character bios of ten characters you'll see in SURRENDER by entering The Insider's Case Files contest. All the details and how to enter are here

This booklet includes Vi, Jag, Zenn, and Thane from POSSESSION. And you'll get "insider" information on Gunn, Raine, Trek, Starr, Cannon, and Director Hightower--new characters to love in SURRENDER--as well.

The contest is open until May 8, and there are many and varied ways to enter, from tweeting to pre-ordering to liking books on Amazon.

And now, as part of this character profile--and The Insider's Case Files spotlight--you can enter to win an ARC of SURRENDER by doing any or all of the following:

Have you already done these things? You've already entered then! BUT please fill out the Rafflecopter Giveaway for your entries to count. This contest will run from today, Wednesday, to next Tuesday night. Winners will be emailed for their mailing address, and a new SURRENDER ARC giveaway will start the next morning (Wednesday), so check back each week to see what new item will be revealed, and to enter to win an ARC of SURRENDER!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Since we're talking characters, who are some of your favorites? Any book, any genre. Go!


  1. OMG!(head spinning/fainted) Can not believe ur giving away ARCS of SURRENDER! Have been waiting for a while for this book to come out!

    Just read the character profiles & I already know I'ma like Raine A LOT!

    Also "She-bang" funny word but you own it!


  2. I'm dying to get your ARC so I can read it before I write out your interview questions for your 6/4 interview. If I get one, I'll have you take me out of your contest.

  3. Want want want want. please please please please.

  4. I like companions so much better than sequels, especially if you don't have to read them in order! So many times I have the sequels on my shelf to recommend, but I'm missing the first one. I know I have students who will enjoy Surrender.

  5. I am so excited to read Surrender! As far as characters go...I love the ones in The Dark and Hallow Places=)

  6. Very interesting post. Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. Hmm, instead of naming my favorite characters, I'll just say I love flawed characters. The more flawed, the more I love them. :)

  8. Thank you so much for the giveaway! I've never gotten an ARC, but I sure as heck want one--especially this one.

  9. There is a character in an old book I read recently, THE WIZARD, and his name is Thomas Owen. He is one of my favorite characters because I want to be like him! He has such strong faith that he is willing to do what seems impossible and is willing to give up his life for what he feels he needs to do. Pretty awesome man. The epitome of faith, love and forgiveness.

    The ARC would be awesome, I am quite anxious for SURRENDER, but I'll read it no matter what!

  10. I just read The False Prince by Jennifer Nielsen over the weekend and I LOVE her main character, Sage.

    I just downloaded Insider Information. Getting ready for Regret and Surrender :)

  11. I just love your character's names. You should do a post on how you pick names.

  12. I want Surrender so bad. Me me me, pick me!

  13. I can't wait to read Surrender.

    Did I ever tell you I love the names you give your characters?

  14. I read the first chapter of Surrender online and loved it. I love Gunner - such a great guy!

  15. I'm dying to read this!! Loved Possession and can't wait to see what you did with the world this time!

  16. LOVE your character sketches, Elana. And Gunner . . . sigh . . . SO HOT!!!!! :-)

  17. I love that this one is told from different POV's than the first. I can hardly wait for it!

  18. I am crushing big time on Gunner. Crossing my fingers and toes, hoping I win this one!

  19. I would love to have an ARC! I've been looking forward to this book since you announced it. I'll read it any way, but I'd love it before it comes out.

  20. So I haven't entered yet, though I see I need to, but I'm loving these little eyelets into these two characters.

  21. I like George in Scorch Trials. He's hilarious. Would love to win an Arc of Surrender. I have Possession next on my shelf right now to read next.

  22. My favorite character is Rose from the Vampire Academy series, so far! thanks for the giveaway! I hope I win!!

  23. Ooh. I love the name Raine and she sounds awesome!

    One of my favorite characters is from Patrick Rothfuss' NAME OF THE WIND. His name is Elodin and he comes off as a total crazy but I think he's the only sane person, really.

  24. Woah. So curious about Gunner. He seems like a really awesome and rich character.

  25. I'm dying to read this so I would love to win an ARC.

    One of my favorite characters is Snape. So multilayered.

  26. Yes please! I would love to win an ARC of this! My favorite character? Ooo, that's tough. Frodo in Lord of the Rings.
    Catherine Denton

  27. So Awesome that you are having a giveaway for you ARCs! I would LOVE the chance to read and review it on my blog! You Rock!!!

  28. I love Gunn!! He's such a fabulous character - he's definitely swoonworthy! :)

  29. I loved this!!! I cannot wait for Surrender. I'm just on the edge of my seat!!!! You're the best.

  30. I preordered Surrender so I'm going to pass on the arcs. Every little tidbit I read about Surrender makes me more and more eager to dive into it.

  31. Yay! Because this is such a rockin book. And yeah, so excited for the big release.

  32. It's awesome you're giving away so many ARCs! Congrats on your upcoming release :)

  33. That is so fabulous. I know that I cannot wait to loose myself in Surrender. Raine is such a fabulous character, I am totally waiting to read more into this cast.

    Thank you for the giveaway.

  34. Love your characters! They are so awesome! =D

  35. I LOVE learning more about the characters in books! I can't wait to read your new ones in SURRENDER.

  36. I'm excited to read Surrender...and to see you in 2 weeks. Tralala...


  37. Hi Elena! I'm just getting serious about blogging and I want to know that all your how-to blogs on blogging were very helpful. Thank you! I think it's great that you've got a companion book. I don't think they're done enough. Some of my fav authors have done them, though, and I've always enjoyed them. I think one of the great character authors is the late Robert Jordan. He could develop a character and tell a story like no one's business! Who are your faves? P.S. Someone said you ought to do a post on how to pick names. I agree! I also often have trouble coming up with titles. Any tips?

  38. So excited to read Surrender. I hope you know what a talented writer you are. ;) Keep it up

  39. Some of my favorite characters are: Aria and Perry (*swoon*) from Under the Never Sky, Max and Fang (again, *swoon*) from the Maximum Ride series, and Rue from the Hunger Games. Thanks for the giveaway, Elana! I loved Possession and can't wait to get my hands on Surrender. =)

  40. Katsa from Graceling. She's so great and kickass. I love her so much.

    Henry Tilney from Northanger Abbey. He's just about perfect. Intelligent and sarcastic, sigh.

  41. I like so many of the characters in the Mortal Instruments series but for some reason, I especially like the scenes with Luke. He's not one of the main characters but I adore him. :) lol

    Thanks for the giveaway.

