Monday, May 7, 2012

A Spy Like Me by Laura Pauling

Okay, so in celebration of the official release of A SPY LIKE ME, author Laura Pauling is hosting a three-week blog series: A Spies, Murder and Mystery Marathon.

Intriguing, right? Well, it is. Much like Laura, who has been a regular in the blogging community for a while now. If you don't know her, head on over to her blog to check her out! You won't be sorry.

Authors galore, guest posts and book giveaways almost every day!

Gemma Halliday, Cindy M. Hogan, Elizabeth Spann Craig,
Nova Ren Suma, Elisa Ludwig, and Anne R. Allen... Just to name a few!

And here's why she's celebrating!

About A SPY LIKE ME: Stripping your date down to his underwear has never been so dangerous.

After dodging bullets on a first date, Savvy must sneak, deceive and spy to save her family and friends and figure out if Malcolm is one of the bad guys before she completely falls for him.

A SPY LIKE ME is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.

Not only that, but I'll be giving a copy away today! All you need to do is comment to enter. 

And I promise I'll be back with that report about the conference awesomeness from last week.

AND YOU CAN GET EXCITED ABOUT SURRENDER HERE TODAY! Thanks to Cindy at Books Complete Me for kicking off the pre-release tour for SURRENDER. You can win ARCs... Go check it out! 


  1. So excited for Laura!! She's everywhere. I love seeing all the support for an amazing person/writer!

  2. So excited for Laura. I already got to read a copy for an interview I'm doing with her. It was really awesome. So let someone else win.

    And enjoy your tour. Will try to get to some of the stops.

  3. Thanks for posting! And let me just say I just started my Surrender arc last night and I'm loving it! Love the new characters and I love that we get to see more of Vi.

  4. It sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing about it.

  5. Most fun spy-girl mystery story EVAH!!! Love this one. Best of luck to Laura~ :o) <3

  6. Looks like a cute book. Nice to see you at the conference last week.

  7. Three cheers, Laura. Your novel sounds like a very intriguing read :-)

  8. Hey, this is the second blog in like 5 minutes I've found announcing Laura and this book! That's some good marketing :). And you had me at "stripping down"...

  9. Yay for Laura!! I loved her book! It's a fun plot with terrific characters :)

    (Don't enter me in the draw - I already own my own copy! :))

  10. This book reminds me of Ally Carter, so I'm for sure going to read it. Woot!
