Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Dude, I am so very tired today. I feel like I've been chasing that hope smoke we talked about earlier this week, and it's leading me in circles.

At the same time, I haven't had this hugely pressing schedule or anything. It's summer, and most days I can sleep as late as I'd like (though I did get up to play tennis this morning at 7 AM).

I think maybe I'm just recovering from launching another book, and the heavy weight of worry. Maybe? Have you ever felt more exhausted when you have hours and hours to do whatever you want? 

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  1. Sorry, but I never have days like that. I still get up at 6:00 in the summer to get my daughter off to 2 hours of swim. And then go to work all day. I'd love to have lots of free time for a change. Except I know I won't enjoy when I'm laid off at my job. Sigh.

  2. I think it's an American way of being...not being able to relax and enjoy free time that is. Living here in Mexico, I've had to adjust to a different energy. I'm always being told to calm down, relax, don't worry, everything will get done. ('ugly American' might describe me in a bank line here). The good news, people in Mexico live longer.

  3. I am always more tired--or maybe it's more of a depression?--when I have less to do. Gives me more time to freak out about stuff and I have an overactive imagination:)

  4. I'm always tired except on my days off when I can sleep in (like today) but then it still seems like I don't have enough time to do everything! Actually, it never seems like I have enough time to do everything!

  5. The freer my time, the more laissez-faire I become and the less productive I am. I don't think it's so much exhaustion as it is "I have plenty of time, I'll get to that later" and then later never actually comes.

  6. You've been working so hard! You definitely deserve a rest. And here's wishing you all the best of success w/book #2! <3

  7. I agree with Em - it's definitely an American way of living. We're so used to a fast-paced, hectic lifestyle of go, go, go! I hope you get a chance to rest and relax a little bit after all of your hard work!

  8. I was feeling a bit this way a few days ago, so I read. Three books. Two days. Feeling much better :)

  9. That's been me since we moved. Lots of free time, lots of exhaustion and non-motivation. It's not very fun. :(

  10. Lack of sleep isn't necessarily the determining factor in exhaustion. Worry, stress, anxiety all add to it. Take a breather, go for a walk then have a piece of bacon.

  11. I have! Something about having all that time makes you realize how fast and how long you've been running around with your head cut off. Exhaustion sets in deep then. (((hugs))) Hang in there!

  12. That's how a lot of this summer has felt for me. I've had over two weeks off waiting for the new chain restaurant I work for to open, and I don't know what to do with myself except write and eat. Hang in there. :-)

    ~Gina Blechman

  13. It's weird when you feel tired, despite having tons of free time. I can see why in your case though; it seems like you're still in recovery from other stuff!

    Right now, I WISH I had more free time. I'm slammed with stuff and feel like I could collapse any day now. Get some extra sleep for me! ;)

  14. There aren't enough ME days. Even when we have open time our mind is racing far too fast to keep up. I find that I'm most exhausted the more open time I have because my mind works faster than my body.

    Praying for the exhaustion to pass!

  15. I lifted weights for the first time in months yesterday. I can hardly move today.

  16. Hopefully summer will give you the rest you need. ;0)

  17. Get some good rest. You are a hard worker and you deserve it!

  18. I'm completely and totally wiped out these days. Only a week & a half left before holidays, but right now it kinda seems forever... Then it was SO hot & humid today *yuck!* so I'm wiped too!

  19. Amazon sent me one of those recommendation e-mails today. It was about Surrender and Possession! How cool is that? :D

    Rest up!
