Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Read the first 96 pages of SURRENDER free!!

Okay, so if you joined the online party yesterday you already know--and have hopefully read!--that you can read the first 96 pages of SURRENDER for FREE.

That's right. Free. Almost 100 pages!

Not only that, but in case you haven't read POSSESSION yet, you can whet your appetite--or remind yourself why you love Vi!--by reading the first 110 pages FREE.

Read the first 96 pages of SURRENDER free! -

Buy your copy of SURRENDER so you can experience the rest of the story.

Read 110 pages of POSSESSION!

Happy reading! Also, don't forget about the blog tours going on today:


  1. I am very much looking forward to reading your books! Love that you are letting everyone see pages for free - you rock!

  2. You're being so generous with all these giveaways. Hope you had a great release day!

  3. Elana congrats on the launch of Surrender and I can't wait to read it!! So awesome:)

  4. Um, awesome! I can't wait to read this series!

  5. Just read the first chapter, can't wait to read all of it.

  6. Just wanted to stop by and say congratulations on Surrender's release! Wish you all the best! :)

  7. Congrats on your release. I heard your launch party was amazing!

  8. I hope everyone takes you up on the offer! It's such a great book!

  9. CONGRATS on the release, Elana!!! I can't wait to read it ;o)

  10. Congrats! I love the cover! I will have to check it out ! :)

  11. Loved the first 96 pages!! Can't wait to get my book and see what happens. So happy for you and your success.
