Wednesday, June 13, 2012

#winViolet Today on Twitter

Dude, okay, so today author Kristi Cook and I are running a little thingy on Twitter. From 4 PM - 10 PM EST time, we'll be tweeting with the hashtag #winViolet. We'll be talking about our books and characters, and releasing one letter each hour.

Your job is to collect the letters and unscramble them to make a word. That's the password to this site, where you can then enter to win a signed copy of both MIRAGE by Kristi Cook and SURRENDER by well, me, Elana Johnson.

We hope you'll join us tonight! If you can't, no worries. Follow the #winViolet hashtag, collect the letters, unscramble them, and enter. The contest is open through the weekend.

Other stops on the SURRENDER blog tour today:

Remember that you can get a free swag package by participating in the Never Surrender blogfest this week. I've been reading the entries and they're so inspiring! I will get to every one, I promise. 


  1. And your covers almost match - how wild is that?

  2. This has been an inspiring blogfest. Love reading all the stories. I'm posting my Never Surrender tomorrow! :)

  3. Too incredibly cool! I love that the two of you partnered up on this. And I'm loving the blogfest!!!

  4. Sounds fun! I'll keep an eye out for it.

  5. Great giveaway idea :)
    Thank you for stopping by the blog and leaving a comment :)

  6. What a fun giveaway idea!

  7. A cool giveaway for tweeters :) those covers are awesome Elana. Good luck with the tour.


  8. I'm with Alex - I was just thinking how your covers match! :) Love the colours, and what a great giveaway.
