Monday, August 27, 2012


Okay, so I've renamed and re-released my short story, what was once called INSIDER INFORMATION.

It's now called RESIST, and here's the new cover, with the new blurb.

About RESIST: Zenn Bower has spent his life falling in love with Violet Schoenfeld. After he turned twelve, he learned his father was part of an underground revolution called the Resistance, a group of free-thinking citizens fighting against the mind controlling governement. He joined, putting his considerable talents to use: lying, flying, and voice control.

He wishes life inside the Resistance could be easy. He yearns to tell Vi what he's doing in the middle of the night. He wants cocky leader of the Resistance Jag Barque to back off.

Zenn runs a mission with Blaze, Jag's older brother, to Freedom. It's a simple get in, get out procedure. But things go wrong when Blaze breaks protocol and Zenn uses his voice to detain him. Zenn's met by Thane Meyers at the drop location, and he has an interesting proposal for Zenn. 

Ultimately Zenn has to choose: Violet or the Resistance. 

This 20-page short story takes place before events in the full-length novel, POSSESSION, and provides insider information into the Resistance, as well as Vi and Zenn's stormy relationship. 

RESIST is just as FREE as ever, and you can download it here or here, as well as read it online here.

Also, you may have noticed me tweeting about Entangled authors a lot lately. That's because I've joined them as a junior publicist! 

I've loved organizing events and blog tours for myself, and it seemed a natural fit for me to continue in that vein with other authors. I'm certainly learning a lot, and this new venture into the marketing side of publishing flexes a different muscle than writing--and I like it!

I'm back to teaching now, and that means back to blogging! I've enjoyed my break, but now I'm back! 

Fill me in on EVERYTHING I missed!


  1. yay!! Welcome to Entangled! :D So exciting :D

  2. hmmm I appear to be in my other account LOL celticqueen = Michelle McLean ;)

  3. Congrats on the new position with Entangled, Elana. I'm a huge fan of some of their books. Liz is speaking at my city next month. I can't wait to hear more about the company.

  4. Elana,

    You're such an enthusiastic advocate for authors, going with Entangled is perfect for, I love their authors!

  5. How very cool! I'm even more impressed with Entangled Pub now!! They've definitely got smart people on board!!! :)

  6. Welcome back! The new title and cover art are both very cool.
    What's been going on? I'd sum up, but even that would take too long...

  7. Shut *UP*---WOWEE, it seems a perfect fit for you, E! Okay, Miss Super Busy has just gotten busier!!! Woo-hoo, girl. Happy for you!

  8. Congrats Elana! That's awesome about your publishing venture. Hope you'll consider Literary Rambles for some of the blog tours. Love your new title too.

    Wish I had news too.

  9. Welcome back!

    I like the new short story title. Nice fit! And I like the idea of knowing the story before Possession. Great news!

  10. I cannot wait to read this story, and welcome back! Looking forward to seeing what you've got up your sleeve for weeks to come.

  11. Congrats on the new name of your book and the job as junior publicist.

  12. Thanks for the freebie Elana! I'm looking forward to reading it. And, I'm sure you'll be a big help to other authors as you venture into the promotional side of publishing.

  13. Love the cover! And, well, since I'm currently jobless, free is rather up my alley. :-) Awesome, too, about Engtangled!

  14. Definitely have to make sure I have RESIST downloaded.

    And cool beans about your publicist gig with Entangled. You've got a major marketing skill so it's great you're getting to put it to extra use :-)

  15. You are a genius. Entangled is lucky to have you!

  16. Love the cover and thanks for the update. I can't believe we're all back to school. Where did the summer go?

  17. Awesome Elana! I love the cover!

  18. Wow, marketing, eh? Way natural fit. After all, you're sort of a genius!

  19. Love the new title and cover for RESIST! And how awesome about Entangled! :) They've got some great stuff going on over there.

  20. Congratulations on your new position, Elana! :)

  21. The new cover and title are awesome! And I thought it was you who sent the Entangled email. I was going to ask when I saw your name on it and wondered whether it was you or someone with your name. :)

  22. So many awesome shiny things happening for you. Congrats!

  23. Love the new cover and that's so cool you are working with Entangled. ;0)

  24. Very cool news, Elana! Love the new title! Good luck with the new position with Entangled!!

  25. I like the new title! Congrats on your new position with Entangled. That's fantastic.

  26. Ooh! I LOVE the new cover and blurb for RESIST! Awesome!

  27. The cover is gorgeous! And congrats on your new adventure. Sounds awesome. =)

  28. Wow, Elana! That's awesome! Congrats on the junior publicist gig! I couldn't think of a better person to do it. Especially since you have that awesome controlling time super power.

    And I love the new name!
