Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thankful For My Readers!

Okay, so as I was out reading blogs last month, I stumbled across this blogfest happening. Now, I normally don't do a lot of blogfests for various reasons, but this one struck me as something important.

It's the Thankful For My Readers blogfest. You can find the details -- and sign up -- here on Vikki's blog.

The idea is to thank the people who read your work. CPs, beta readers, blog readers, or novel readers. Oh, and you're supposed to do it in a unique way.

So I thought and thought about what I'd do. Vlog? Requires makeup. Letter? How could I address that to everyone?

And then it struck me.

I've been revising a novel in verse. So why not verse? You can say a lot in just a few words.

So my free verse thank you:

To those who read this blog
Every time I post,
And comment in ways
That add to the conversation.

Thank you
For allowing me to read your words,
Be inspired by you,
Get to know you,
Buy your books.

Thank you
To those who read my
Before-published words,
Before they're ready,
Before they shine.

Thank you
For helping,

Thank you
To those who read my books,
Email me,
Post on Facebook,
Tell their friends.

Thank you
For leaving reviews,
Coming to signings,
Inviting to conferences,
Showing enthusiasm.

Thank you.


  1. That was a really nice way to do it, Elana! We appreciate you as well.

  2. What a great idea for a blog meme! And thanks for the reminder to thank all the people who are with my on my writing journey, whether they're critique partners or blog friends (or both). I don't think people say thank you enough (and, yes, that includes me).

  3. Beautiful words! Thanks for sharing them!

  4. Awesome Elana. Thanks so much for sharing all you do and supporting us too.

  5. Thank you for being a kind person. Thank you for writing good books. Thank you for making me laugh. Thank you for being yourself. Thank you!

  6. What a great way to say thank you - love it!

    Stopping by from the Thankful Blog Hop! :)

  7. I love it!
    And thank you for being you, wonderful, you!!

  8. You rock Elana! Perfect thing to be thankful for! :)

  9. What a lovely poem and a great way to join in - and thank you so much for joining in the bloghop, I genuinely appreciate it, the bloghop wouldn't be anything without the lovely spirit with which everyone has taken it on board. So thank YOU.

  10. You are one brave woman to write in verse like that! Dang I am impressed! Well done, Miss Johnson!

  11. A post in verse! That is so cool. I don't think I could ever even do this, so you're talented.

  12. Very nicely said. Aren't we lucky to be bloggers?? :)

  13. You are welcome. And thank you for all you do because heck, you do one heckuva great job, Elana.

  14. YOU are awesome and so is your poem.


  15. Nice! as Jaq would say. I would like to thank you for introducing me to Jaq and Vi. I love their story.

  16. I love getting to know you through NaNoReviMo-- so thank YOU for reaching out to other writers.

  17. Awesome thank you in verse, Elana. :D

  18. Very creative. Readers are the reason we write.

  19. I'm right there with you. I don't do many Bloghops lately, but this was a good one. Can we ever express too much gratitude?

  20. that was a eloquent expression of endearing thanks! so glad you joined our hop!

  21. LOVE this!! Thank you for being you, Elana! We ALL love ya!!!!

  22. Beautiful poem, Elana. Thank you for being you!

  23. Aw. I love this! Thank you for always being there. Just being you. Just. Thanks.

  24. Loved this blogfest! Your entry is great.
