Monday, March 25, 2013

I'm Back!

Sorry to have been gone so much these past couple of weeks! I feel like I've fallen off the edge of the Earth, and have just barely been able to claw my way back to the top of the cliff.

I've been spending a fair bit of time over on the WriteOnCon forum, as we just held our first-ever pitch-fest! We had over 350 people enter, and 14 agents comment, and it was amazing. If you're interested in seeing what specific agents are looking for, combing through the boards would be beneficial.

Then I've been spending some time watching my daughter dance, reading some amazing books,  playing a little too much Bakery Story, and watching some of my favorite movies like Bend it Like Beckham and The Village. 

I think one of these days I'm going to have to get back to actual writing. Yeah, that's probably a good idea...

What do you do when you're not writing? Did you check out the WOC boards? 


  1. The WOC boards are great. Lots of insight into what those agents want. Some very detailed reponses too.

  2. Welcome back! Haven't been over to WOC, I'll have to check it out.

  3. I've heard a lot of good comments about the pitch fest. Glad you finally got to see those movies, since Netflix failed you. :)

  4. Glad to see you clawing your way back into things. At least the time away has been for wonderful things like WOC, family time, reading and much needed movie-make-up-time :-)

    I haven't been to the WOC boards in a few weeks because I've been writing, released a YA novella and had some great family and friends time in Florida.

    Good times. Now back to more writing :-)

  5. I fell off the earth too - life stuff. I'm jumping back into all the things that have made me happy though and looking forward to hammering out a revision or two, writing and blogging again.

    Welcome back!

  6. WOC is such a major undertaking - thank you for the time you invest helping to pull that together.

  7. I got the best feedback on my query from fellow participants this year. Thanks so much for putting all the time into it. Glad you're back to blogging. Missed you.

  8. Reading, watch tv or go online or to the movies. Welcome back.

  9. Welcome back!! Your falling off the edge of the earth sounds heavenly.

    There was some great pitches on the WOC boards!

  10. You've been having fun! I'm sure you'll bounce back into writing with gusto. (Wow, haven't used the word "gusto" for a while.) :)

  11. I can't believe I missed the WriteOnCon event. I've started working full time and had the stomach flu twice in a month so I guess I've been out of the loop! Glad it was such a success!!!
