Friday, April 12, 2013

A BLIND EYE Trailer!!

Okay, so I'm always amazed by book trailers that are done well. I love the two-minute sketch of what movies and books are about. And Julie Daines has a great trailer I wanted to share with you today! It's for her novel A BLIND EYE, which came out earlier this year.

I mean, awesome, right? I can't wait to read A BLIND EYE!

What movie/book trailers have you seen recently that have you all jazzed to watch/read?


  1. That was sooo good. *jealous*

  2. I don't usually watch trailers but this was fantastic and totally got me wanting to read the book. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Jennifer Bosworth's book trailer for Struck and this trailer for A Blind Eye are definitely in hollywood leagues of book trailers.

  4. Now I have to read this book. I've seen little bits about A Blind Eye over the past few months, but WOW, this trailer sucked me in. So glad you shared.

  5. I love live action trailers! This one is fabulous!!

  6. I wonder how much this cost to make? Really well done.

  7. This is good! Now I'm thinking about how to do one for my book I'm finishing. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Wow, it not only makes me want to read the book. I want to see the movie. This definitely raises the bar for all book trailers.


  9. It looks really good. Loved the trailer.

  10. I don't always watch book trailers either. But when they are well made, it's worth it!

  11. Doesn't anyone feel uncomfortable with promoting a book by making it look like a movie?

    I love my stories in all shapes and sizes--TV, novels, movies--but... there's a reason the creator chose to write a novel, not a screenplay.

    I think I would die a little inside if, as an author, I made a book trailor and viewers kept clamouring to know when the movie was coming out.

  12. And, that said, congrats to Julie Daines for creating something intriguing and beautiful.
