Thursday, April 25, 2013


Okay, so I think I might be the last person on the planet to read THE FAULT IN OUR STARS. Part of that is my rebellious nature. I automatically buck against anything that "everyone seems to like" or that "everyone is doing."

Might be lame. I don't know.

The other part of this equation is that I often don't like books that everyone else does. Then I have to wonder why everyone likes this book that I really don't. Is it them? Is it me?

So I held off on reading THE FAULT IN OUR STARS. I just couldn't do it when everyone else did, mostly out of fear that once again, I'd be disappointed and left pondering why I couldn't like a book that seemingly everyone else on the planet does.

Thankfully, that didn't happen. I read THE FAULT IN OUR STARS, and I really liked it!

About THE FAULT IN OUR STARS: Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel’s story is about to be completely rewritten.

I think the thing I liked best was that while this is a tragedy, the main characters don't give up. It's a story that encompasses life--because those of us plodding along on this orb aren't giving up. We keep putting one foot (and in the case of Augustus, he only has one, which I thought was brilliant) in front of the other, and hoping.

I've read lots of reviews and such of this book, claiming I'd cry. Well, I didn't, but that just might be because I'm heartless (ha!). But I really did enjoy the journey Hazel and Augustus embark on together, and it reminded me that every day I live should be filled with hope no matter what circumstances I'm facing.

Check out what the other Bookanistas are raving about:
Katy Upperman ponders LOVE AND OTHER PERISHABLE ITEMS by Laura Buzo
Kimberly Sabatini wonders at WHEN YOU WERE HERE by Daisy Whitney
Tracy Banghart loves LACRIMOSA by Christine Fonseca
Corrine Jackson adores the ARCADIA BELL series by Jenn Bennett
Rebecca Behrens delves into CODE NAME VERITY by Elizabeth Wein
Lenore Appelhans raves about THE RULES by Stacey Kade
Stasia Ward Kehoe wraps up National Poetry Month with THE POETRY TEACHER’S BOOK OF LISTS by Sylvia Vardell
Christine Fonseca celebrates UNDER THE NEVER SKY by Veronica Rossi
Jessica Love hails THIS IS WHAT HAPPY LOOKS LIKE by Jennifer E. Smith
Shannon Messenger discusses some recent reads


  1. I haven't read anything by John Green but need to. Our library has this as an audio book. I'll have to check it out.

  2. Yeah, you're not the last person on earth to read him. I've been meaning to, because I keep hearing great things about him, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

  3. Love everything John Green--including this one. I heard John (you know, we're on a first-name basis) say that his goal was to have his readers feel All The Things. For me, he hit his goal.

  4. Thank you for the great review! I've been wanting to read this book for a long time too, but just haven't taken the plunge. I am definitely drawn to the overall theme of hope that you mentioned. I will definitely be moving this one up on my TBR list :)

  5. Nope, you're not the last one, Elana. I haven't read Fault in Our Stars, either. After reading Looking for Alaska, I'm just not into YA books where the MC's all sound like PhD's sitting around philosophizing while drinking wine.

    This one sounds good and it sure gets tons of raves so I may still try it. :-)

  6. I've wanted to read this book for a while. It may be a while still before I get to read it since I've got myself pinned in a writing corner and promised to read so many other things for review purposes first.

    I've also read the many reviews of how they cried. Knowing me, I probably will. But I can understand your hesitation. I was hesitant about a few things that folks raved about until the moon turned green. Then when I read said book, finally, the disappointment was much to bear lol!

  7. Yes, I think you are the last person. :) It was awesome, though, right?

  8. Like you, I avoided this book for a long time, mostly because the hypochondriacal part of me really doesn't like disease stories. Finally caved and enjoyed the book. I didn't cry either. In truth, it's far from my favorite John Green (WILL GRAYSON, WILL GRAYSON by David Levithan). Oh, and btw, let me know what you think of THE PROGRAM (possible my favorite cover of the year).

  9. You are not the last one. I still haven't read it. :)

  10. It is one of my favorite books.

  11. I fell in love with the way the characters maintained such a strong sense of self even facing the worst life has to dish out.

  12. I haven't read that book either, Elana. I've been reading the Beehive Nominations. But I hope to get to it this summer.

  13. I read this book last summer. I hate when people will say that I'll cry because I hear that as I'm reading it... and then don't cry out of rebellion or something. But I succumbed with this book.

  14. You aren't alone, Elana--I still haven't read it yet. Soon . . . I hope. :)

  15. Great to hear an honest review on this book. I like to read books that received bad reviews just to see if they're bad -- just read, or tried to read, A Casual Vacancy, but gave up, which I don't often do.

  16. I read this about a week after you, so no, you weren't the last, I was. And you're right, every feeling. I finished and was in the best place and the worst place at the same time. The quality of this book is amazing.

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