Thursday, May 16, 2013

INSOMNIA by JR Johansson

Okay, so today I'm talking about INSOMNIA by JR Johansson. I can never quite get that name right. Two N's? Two S's? I get it wrong every time! But one thing you can't get wrong is reading her book, INSOMNIA.

I'll admit right up front that I'm wimp. I've only just started exploring the YA thriller/horror genre, because it scares me. But I've really been enjoying the select novels I've read, INSOMNIA included. I liked it so much, I offered Jenn a blurb: “Cleverly written and dangerously dark, Insomnia will take you to the brink of insanity. A must-read for thriller and romance fans alike.”

Let's explore a little deeper... if you dare!

The Twitter version: tell us about your book in 140 characters or less:
INSOMNIA is about a teenage boy who spends every night stuck in the dreams of the last person he made eye contact with and it's killing him.

What’s the one thing you learned about publishing that you didn’t anticipate?
I didn’t anticipate how crazy the last couple of months before publication can be. There is so much behind-the-scenes stuff going on that you don’t know about until you’re in it. (So true!)

What else are you working on? Secrets? Inside scoops? Give us the juicy stuff!
I’m working on three new projects actually, trying to decide which one should be my next project. They’re all creepy. One is sci-fi, one is apocalyptic, and one is urban contemporary. I don’t know how I’m going to pick because I LOVE them all. Oh the woes of the writer. ;-) (Just write them all, Jenn!)

Have you always wanted to be a writer?

No. I never wanted to be a writer. (This answer is so rare! I swear I'm the only one who can say this, so yay for company!) I only started writing because I was going through a rough spot and scribbling notes on paper was therapeutic for me. Then the scribbles turned into a story and after that I couldn’t stop.

What made you decide to go that “extra step” and seek publication?
I loved writing and I wanted to continue to push myself to improve and get better. Trying to move toward publication was a great way to hone my skills.

Quick! You’ve been chosen to be a contestant on Survivor. What luxury item do you take?
My ipad mini? Face wash pads? I fail at even wanting to be on Survivor. I like being clean way too much. (Yes, there is that...)

Tell us something about yourself we don’t know.
I have lived in Washington, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado and Ohio…and I LOVE to travel.

And the most important of all: bacon or chocolate?
This may not be the popular answer…but definitely chocolate. (Boo! But I get it.) I have a killer sweet tooth.

You can find Jenn or INSOMNIA on twitter, her blog, Facebook, and Goodreads. You can buy INSOMNIA on Amazon, the Book Depository, Barnes & Noble, or your favorite independent bookseller. You won't be sorry!!

My review of INSOMNIA: I really liked Parker. Does he do some creepy things? Sure, because oh my heck, can you imagine not sleeping? When he finds a way to sink into slumber, he's desperate for it, and he does some pretty insane things to make sure it happens. But I hurt for him so much that I really wanted Parker to be able to sleep!

This is a thriller, and as Parker begins to sleep, more creeptastic things begin to happen. I don't want to give anything away, so you should read the book. Jenn does a great job with the tension and pacing, and there's even the possibility of kissing, which you know I like. I literally read the book in a single day, felt connected to Parker, and wanted to solve all his problems for him.

That's how I know I've just read a great novel.

Jenn is running a pre-order INSOMNIA giveaway! If you pre-order the novel, you can enter to win a NookHD! So spend seven bucks and enter to win this amazing $250 prize! You really can't go wrong here, because no matter what, you'll be getting an amazing novel to read. So here's those pre-order links again:

Check out what the other Bookanistas are talking about this week:


  1. Sounds like an awesome book. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Elana, and thanks for having J.R. here. It's kind of interesting to hear a writer say they never wanted to be a writer. I never knew that about you either.

  2. I'm also a wimp when it comes to thrillers, but, Elana, if it's got your stamp of approval, I can handle it! The plot sounds great, catches one's interest fast!

  3. I always spell it e-n instead of o-n. Haha. I already have my copy from Amazon and can't wait to dig in. Congrats to Jenn!

  4. Thank you for having me, Elana! :) I had fun with the interview. I don't know any other writers who haven't always wanted to do it. I knew you were a kindred spirit. ;-)

  5. Cant wait for this. Ive had it pre ordered for ages and got the confirmation email to say mine has come into stock!!!!

  6. Great interview. I've heard great things about this. And glad I'm not alone in not having wanted to be a writer as a kid.

  7. Gosh, what a great premise!! I love this. It was great meeting J.R.

  8. I feel like I've been waiting years for this book! I know it hasn't been that long but still... can't wait:-) And sorry Elana, but I'm with Jenn. I'll choose chocolate every time!

  9. I've wanted to read this since I read Jenn's query. Can't wait!

  10. Oh WOW! I'm a complete wuss too, but this sounds awesome! The cover alone freaks me out (that's how wimpy I am) but I also can't look away because it's so great!

  11. It sounds like a super book. I haven't read many scary books, but I'll have to keep an eye out for this one.
