Monday, June 17, 2013


Okay, there were so many B-words I could've put in that title. "By" and "Banghart" also start with B! So today is the BY BLOOD by Tracy E. Banghart Book Blitz!!

Doesn't that sound shiny? That's because it is!

Tracy is releasing her book today for the first time in paperback! I know how awesome of a moment that is, so I wanted to celebrate with her.

First, the amazing cover!

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About BY BLOOD: For 17-year-old Emma Wong, spending a summer in England should be a dream come true. Gorgeous scenery? Check. Lots of hot guys with accents? Yes, please.

Throw in an estranged mom, annoying new stepdad, and drooling baby half-brother, and it’s a disaster even her favorite cherry red leather jacket can’t fix. Even worse, there’s (hot) live-in research assistant Josh to contend with. The only thing more embarrassing than drunk-kissing him hours after they meet? Knowing he’ll be witness to her family’s dysfunction all. summer. long.

But when Emma meets a mysterious girl who happens to be a Druid, her vacation suddenly promises to be far more intriguing than she anticipated. Powerful rituals, new friends, an intoxicating sense of freedom...and Simon, the sexy foreign stranger she was hoping for. It’s all a perfect distraction from dirty diapers and awkward family dinners.

Trouble is, intriguing doesn’t often mean simple. And Emma is about to discover just how not simple her life really is.

I'm reading BY BLOOD right now, and I can tell it's going to be a page-turner. Susanne Winnacker (author of IMPOSTOR -- one of my favorite reads of 2013!) said this about BY BLOOD: “By Blood effortlessly transports you to the cobblestone streets and small pubs of Oxford, and Emma’s sassy voice pulls you right into the story with its hot British boys and touch of magic. A must read!”

So far, I agree with her. So if you haven't put BY BLOOD on your radar, do it today!

Tracy on Facebook
Tracy's blog
Tracy on Twitter
Tracy E. Banghart is a cheesy movie–loving, fantasy football–playing (go Ravens!), globe-trotting Army wife who began “practicing” her craft at the age of five, when she wrote her first story. She loves visiting the international friends she met while pursuing her MA in Publishing and spends a portion of every summer at her family’s cabin in Canada, where she finds inspiration and lots of time to relax on the dock. She lives with her husband, son, two lazy dogs and one ornery cat. When not writing or spending time with her family, she is on a mission to bake the perfect cupcake.

Tracy’s next novel, Moon Child, a companion to By Blood, will be available this August!

Tracy is running a giveaway with the Blitz! She's giving away a signed paperback of BY BLOOD and a whole slew of hardcover books (US only), and a signed paperback of BY BLOOD + a $50 Amazon gift card to an international winner! Enter in the Rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. :-D This is made of so much awesome! Thanks so much Elana! I'm glad you're enjoying BB so far!!

  2. Congrats to Tracey for releasing this out in paperback. Wishing the best of luck :-)

  3. Congrats to Tracy. Her book sounds good and I'm always intrigued about Druids.

  4. Sounds completely awesome!! Thanks for the tip! :)

  5. Exciting milestone for Tracy!

  6. Sounds like a fascinating book.

  7. Thanks so much! I hope you guys get a chance to check it out! :-)
