Wednesday, November 13, 2013

NaNo Check-In!

Okay, I realize I've abandoned the blog for a little bit. It's because all my time is sucked up in teaching, mothering, and writing. And it's exciting! I haven't written a book since April, and for a few days there, I seriously thought I'd forgotten how.

But isn't that always how it goes? Sure, I've been spending a lot of time on writing-related things. Revisions. Social media. Editing. But the actual drafting a book doesn't happen as often. Not nearly enough.

So this NaNo-ing has been good for me. Very therapeutic. I'm a bit ahead of the curve right now, but I still need to be writing about 1400 words each day to finish on time.

The real problem came yesterday when I wrote during my lunch hour (gotta grab the minutes when you can, you know?). I think I may have written myself into a corner. I usually write again after my kids go to bed, but I just couldn't. I wasn't sure how to get out of what I'd gotten into.

So I'm stewing on that today, and I might have to do one of those fillers. You know, the "stuff happens here" highlighted in yellow so I can keep getting the words on the page.

Are you NaNo-ing? How is it going?


  1. I'm mostly editing this NaNo, but I do have 4k of a new book. I don't think this is going to be my year to claim "winner" but I'll still be successful with what I've accomplished.

  2. I'm doing well considering I didn't start until last Tuesday and I'm not officially participating. I also have to edit a novel which is due Jan 15, but my betas currently have it. Once I get it back, my NaNo daily word count will be dropping. :(

  3. Glad you're writing. I'm swamped with work and Anna Li's high school swimming. So I'm not writing. But I'm going to be blogging less and hopefully writing more starting in 2014.

  4. I'm doing what I'm calling Fake-o NaNo. :) 1500 words (or so) 6 days a week. This is the first prose novel I've written in a long, long time. It's been fun just to slap words down!

  5. I skip ahead in drafting all the time. Some days I'm just feeling a certain scene more. I say skip and move on for sure.

  6. It had been way too long since I'd drafted a story as well. Yay for NaNo for getting me to it. (Revising 2 other MS's took over my life for a while there).
    I'm all for skipping around if it works for you or, I do this with NaNo, strike thru the words that put me in a corner, but still count them towards my total and write in a different direction. Either way, I hope you're able to find a way to write more soon!

  7. I'm a NaNo Rebel this year (editing a book I should have been done with two years ago), so my word count is really good. In fact, according to the NaNo word counter, I "won" yesterday. I have a different definition of win this year, and that's to have the book up for sale by Dec 1. It looks like I might make it :)

  8. I'm too much of a wimp to do NaNo but, humm, from my branch on the tree, why not just delete the corner and come at it from a different direction?

  9. Woot! Awesome that you're ahead of the game!

    I've hit a wall, and I can't figure out what to do next. I was hoping that taking a break for three days to do copy edits would get me over it, but... I'm still stuck. Fingers crossed the unsticking will happen soon! Days are ticking by, and during NaNo, that's kind of a big deal. :)

  10. So, can I say how much you amazing me? There. I just said it. Kind of. ;)

    I'm not partaking in NaNo this year, but I did just finish up a story for an anthology and am on the homestretch of my MG novel. Guess that's my personal NaNo.

  11. I'm in revision on a project I want to start querying by the end of the month, and I haven't drafted in a while, either. Still, revision work can feel pretty darn good, too, especially when you solve a tricky problem. Good luck!
