Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Wrongness of "Hurry Up"

Dude, so I think a lot of us live our life according to this "hurry up" philosophy. I'm constantly telling my kids to hurry up and shower, hurry up and get their shoes on, hurry up so they don't miss the bus.

I don't like being late, but I also want to squeeze every second out of every minute, so I often find myself hurrying to get ready, eat breakfast, and get where I need to get.

I guess that's okay for life, though I do enjoy it when things aren't in hurry-up mode.

I definitely think I've been applying this "hurry up" offense to writing, and it hasn't made me very happy. It's just frustrating to feel like I need to hurry up and get where someone else already is. Hurry up and write something new. Something on-trend. Something commercial. Something that will sell.

The problem is, I can't do more than I'm already doing. Writing and publishing is not my full-time job, nor the only thing of importance in my life. I also don't want to write something just so it'll sell. Writing is much more artistic to me than that, and I'm kind of a snob about what I write.

So the hurry up attitude is hurtful to my process, and my psyche. I was talking to a good friend last week about this -- she's the one who actually put it into words I could understand -- and she helped me see that I don't need to be where someone else is. I don't need to be hurrying to do anything. I'm right where I'm supposed to be, doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

No hurry up needed.

Have you ever felt like you need to hurry up and get where someone else is? How does it work for you?


  1. I have felt this way since I decided to take my writing to the next level. The sad part is I'm the one who inflicted it on myself. I felt that if I couldn't keep up, I wouldn't be respected by other writers. The thing was I was only holding myself back. I definitely opened my eyes fully this year and realized my path and progress is what it is and that's that.

    have a great day!

  2. Your new philosophy is the right (write!) one, but hard for all sometimes. The truth is the clock continues to tick. But this is a good reminder that we are all on our own paths.

  3. I feel that all the time in my life in general. You'd think now that I'm laid off that I'd feel like I could slow down. But I'm always in a hurry to look for jobs, work on my computer skills, etc. I am meditating and exercising more, which is helping me feel better inside.

  4. Hurrying is a daily affair with me and my ten year old daughter. Since it's just me, I sometimes feel the need to hurry so I can get things done. But as each day passes, I find I am getting closer to that point where I could end up hurrying past making good memories we could share. So even though I still hurry in the mornings, I slow down in the evenings after my nine hour days of doldrums so I can help with homework, prepare dinner and talk with my kiddo. Though it puts a clamp on the time I can write, it's worth the time sacrifice. I'll write and publish as I can... And just do me cuz I can't do anyone else.

  5. So true! I'e been thinking a lot about this, too. I feel like I went through that the last couple of years. Hurry, hurry, hurry. That's how it felt.

    I'm still pushing myself to do more than I think I can (because let's face it, the muse can be stubborn, and sometimes downright lazy if you let it), but I'm learning to let go of imaginary pressures (like keeping up with someone else). A lot of writers are way faster than me, and I used to think I needed to write at their pace. But I'm learning. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Because in the end, if I'm not enjoying this writing gig, why am I doing it? Right?

  6. I don't know if "hurry up" is my problem or just OBSESSION, especially since I quit teaching. I work more hours a day on some aspect of a writing career than I ever did teaching. At least as a teacher, I knew when to knock off for the night and do something for fun. Trouble is, that was usually writing! How do I take a break from writing to do something fun, when writing is what I used to do for fun?

  7. Your friend gave you some great advice, Elana. Here's to slowing down and giving yourself permission to enjoy today!

  8. They can try to hurry me up where writing is concerned, but it won't work. Like you, I have other interests, and music calls stronger than writing.

  9. *HUGS!* You truly ARE where you are supposed to be, and always moving toward more success.

  10. I "try* not to be this way but I am and it drives me crazy.The sad thing is I'm not feeling the "hurry up" mentality so that I can be where someone else is. For me I just feel like I should be doing more. Gah, it's frustrating. I need to hurry up and relax already. =D
