Monday, June 22, 2009

We Interrupt This Regularly Scheduled Blog

Yeah, this is going to be my only post this week. I'm off to girl's camp bright and early tomorrow. I know you're all turning a delicate shade of green that I "get" to go hang with 10 (yes TEN) 12 - 15 year olds for 4 (yes FOUR) days.

In the woods. Tents. Five-minute showers. No Internet, no cell phones, no electricity, no nothing. Not even lotion (it attracts the wildlife *panic face*).

Now, some of you may not know me very well, so let's just say that I'm not a Carly Camper. I had to practice how to cook outside. That's right. I practiced in my 15 x 25 foot backyard on a camp chef. I still don't know if I can build a fire. Seriously. I hope I can. Then I set up a tent in the common area behind my townhome. Three, actually. Tents, I can do.

It never hurts to make sure you aren't going to make a fool out of yourself in front of said teens. Trust me on this.

So I'll be gone the rest of this week. Have a great time without me!


  1. Have a terrific and well deserved break.

  2. Ooo! I always loved girl's camp. Of course we got to sleep in cabins... with electricity. :) Enjoy the great outdoors! And watch out for critters. ;D

  3. You're gonna love it! And, they're lucky to have you are so 'kewl'. :D

  4. Have fun, Elana! Will miss you muchly. Promise you won't get eaten by bears or carnivorous plants! :p I'm allergic to pretty much everything out there from the plants to the bugs, so my girl's camp was an interesting experience. At least you have showers.

    *virtual bug zapping and bear trapping cookies* O:)

  5. Don't forget the bug spray. And the sunblock. And, of course, imperative to any excursion - a notebook and pens. :)

    Have fun!

  6. Have fun, girl! Whatever you do, DON'T let them talk you into going Snipe hunting. *wink*

  7. I was a cabin leader for outdoor school once (read cabin). Fun stuff!

    I'm not sure I'd survive a tent.

    Haha! I'll be looking forward to a story or two.

  8. Here's wishing I could be a fly in that campsite. Seeing Elana workin' the campground like a pro could be possibly entertaining - whether you do a bang-up job or not. Have fun either way Elana. We look forward to hearing all the gritty details when you get back.

  9. Woah! You are a brave woman!

    Good luck and enjoy God's nature. Hope it gives you rest and inspires you to kick some writing butt when you get home. :)

  10. Good luck. I'm sorry you don't like camping, because I am totally jealous of you right now!

  11. Have fun camping! I'm sure you'll do grrrrreat!

  12. Have fun!! Just think of all the great research you'll get from 12 - 15 year olds! Your dialogue is going to be rockin' by the time you get back. Enjoy and remember all the stories. We want a full report when you're back.

  13. OMG, reading that list of things you won't have I started to get a little panicky just as the very thought of it. I mean no Internet? Is that even legal?!? Seriously, WiFi should be a basic human right;)

    Well, enjoy the downtime and I'll miss reading your blog while you're gone!

  14. I will be suffering from Elana-withdrawal, but yeah, I certainly don't envy you. A camper I'm not.

    Good luck and good weather!

  15. can you use a steel flint - that should help make fires ez! (i dont know how but my character does :)

  16. My utmost condolences on this. Seriously good luck. **Secretly thanking God her daughter is still only 8!!!***

  17. Not only are you an amazing query genius but now your willing to give up technology I dare say it aloud...for days!?!

    Your truly awesome, I have seizures if I can't check my email, plus I hate missing blogs!

    Anyways have fun! You CAN build the fire! If you build it the kids will come--hopefully with marshmallows, grahm crackers, and hersheys so you can make Smore's! YUM! =D

  18. Have fun! Beware of teen-agers not wildlife! Hope they let you take bug spray!

  19. Good luck! You are already missed. :(

  20. I'm very sorry! You're going at the same time as my daughter, Brittany. I wonder if you'll see her? We do live in the same city, after all. Hm.

    Anyway, have fun with that, and don't get eaten by a bear or mountain lion. That would not be good for your writing career.


  21. How adorable! What on earth are you doing? I need more! And photos!! I hope it was relaxing and wonderful!

  22. Have lots of fun! Looking forward to reading all about it.

  23. Hee hee. Think of it as research. Oh yeah. You don't like research. Well have fun anyway.

  24. I am SO jealous! How could you go and not take me along? That sounds like so much fun. I never got to go to camp or do anything like that when I was a kid, so I missed out on all the fun stuff.
    Well, I hope you've been having a fabulous time, and we want a complete report when you get back, ok?
    Miss You Tons,
    Cynde's Got The Write Stuff
