Monday, June 29, 2009

What'd I Miss?

Okay, I was gone for 75 hours to a mountain camp. It rained all night the last night and we packed up all our stuff, including three tents, in the pouring rain.

After 75 hours, this is what I miss most:

1. My family. No phone contact was hard. My girl kidlet was standing in our doorway when I walked down the sidewalk. She said "Mommy, I missed you," and was bawling before I could scoop her into a sweet hug. Man, I missed her too.

2. A couch. You don't know how much you enjoy couches and chairs until you don't have them.

3. A shower. I didn't take one for 75 hours. Good thing my hair is only an inch and a half long. Well, most of it. Standing in the shower never felt so good.

4. Being warm at night. Do I really need to explain this? I think not. And I could add dry to that as well. It's nice to sleep warm and dry, but hey, maybe that's too picky.

So what else did I miss? What did you do all week? Anything exciting happen?

BTW: That's not me in the picture, but that's what the last 14 hours of camp was like. So much fun! Besides the miserable rain, the other 61 hours were really fun. Ziplines, canoeing, s'mores, etc. I really did have a blast.


  1. The zipline sounds so great! You were missed online as well. Hope everything finds you well.

  2. Long, long ago in the days of childhood my father thought a camping trip would be a fun vacation. WRONG! My three siblings and I refer to that vacation as the camping trip from H-E- . . . To this day, we shudder at the thought of camping. It rained every single night of the 7 day camping trip. 7 nights of rain. 7 nights of spiders in the tents. 7 nights of being swarmed by mosquitoes! 7 nights of misery so firmly ingrained in our minds that we are still in therapy!

    You didn't miss much from me. To weekend vacations, very little writing, and very little blogging. I plan to play catch-up this week!

    Glad you're back.


  3. Oh, I'm feeling your pain, girl! We have a family reunion every year in the mountains, and the only year I can remember, as a kid, is the year it rained all three days/nights we were there. And my husband doesn't understand why I never want to go camping. Weird.

    Glad you're back!

  4. You didn't miss a thing--I've been gone, too :)

  5. Funny--since having children, "roughing it" is no longer appealing to me. Give me nice sheets, total silence, and good coffee. Ahhhh.

    You get a prize for sticking it out!!


  6. Uh, did anyone tell you about Jacko? I'm in London right now and that's all that anyone is talking about...

    Well, except for Wimbledon.

  7. Andrea beat me to it. A handful of celebs died while you were kicking back & relaxing in the mountains: Michael Jackson, Farah Faucett, and the OxyClean guy - sorry, can't remember his name, and I think Ed McMahon may have passed away last week too.

  8. Glad you had a blast and that you weathered those last 14 hours. Aren't kid hugs the absolute best!!!

  9. Glad to see you're back, Elana. I have many camping horror stories that will leave you laughing for at least... 10 minutes. I'll share sometime if you're horribly interested. :P

  10. M. Dunham, you know I'm always interested in things that make me laugh... I heard some good bat stories whilst at camp. And I don't mean the kind about hot men in suits. Oh no. The kind living in people's walls. It was sick.

    I did hear about Michael Jackson, but that's it. Billy Mays is the oxyclean guy. My husband loves him! I can't wait to tell him.

    I'm glad to be back!

  11. Missed you much, Elana! All those reasons--plus being allergic to anything remotely plant-like, and insect bites--are why my idea of camping is renting a hotel room. ;P

  12. Wow what a trip. While you were praying for the rain to go in the south we were praying for the rain to stay.

    Nice to have you back.

  13. Wow! Look at the RAIN!!! You are a trooper, for sure. Sounds like it was pretty fun, though, and it's always so nice to get home. Good to have you back in the blog world!
