Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Revision Stats

Okay, so it's no secret that I'm revising my novel. It went pretty well, actually. That's right, you read that as if the revisions were done. That's cuz they are. I have the MS out with my gamma's (thanks for the tip, Beth!) right now and I'll go over their notes one last time before I really throw my arms into the air and proclaim, "It is done!"

Here's some stats for you:
1. Words cut: 7000
2. Chapters completely rewritten: 3 (written into 4 new chapters)
3. 2-Liters of Ginger Ale consumed: 5
4. Packages of Red Vines thrown back: 2
5. Number of times "Single Ladies" played: 196
6. Number of times I re-watched GLEE (episode "Preggers") for inspiration. Yeah, for inspiration: 6
7. Hours of sleep lost: too many to count
8. Days without facebooking, twittering or blogging: 9
9. Books read: 5 (The Other Side of the Island, Catching Fire, Graceling, The Magic Thief, Evermore)
10. Revisions: brilliant (well, at least I think they are)

So there you have it. What are you working on right now? Do you have some stats to share? Me being the math geek, I'm all over the stats.


  1. Wow! All that revising done and you read five books? You ROCK! I'm still revising. I'll have to try the stats thing. Maybe it'll give me some motivation. :)

  2. Good for you! That's awesome! I have my revisions done but I have to enter them into the computer (I revise by hand). That's what I've been putting off. Thanks for helping light the fire under my backside!!!


  3. Congrats! I'm currently writing chapter 15 of 18... still draft 1 of the chapter, so not too many stats there, besides that I'm 14 pages in!

    Books completed: Soulless
    Books begun: Peaches and The Shifter
    Books TBR in my possession: about 8

    TV shows that distract me: too many to count ... approximately 7

  4. Get out! You read five books while revising? No wonder you had so little sleep.

  5. Seriously in awe of anyone who can read, write, eat red vines, and listen to Beyonce in succession.

    My revisions: 10 pages cut. 7 pages rewritten. 4 pages left to go. Cups of tea consumed: 5. Spiders killed: 1.

    I want ginger ale now.

  6. If by stats you actually mean bejeweled scores, then yes I have those... but actual stats... sigh I do not. :(

  7. Haha! The stats are great!! So you're the reason they still make ginger ale. Just kidding. Great job on revisions!!

  8. Congrats on finishing your revisions. I just finished my YA ms but am waiting on my beta readers before I start revisions - so I've used the time to write my synopsis and query. I know one stat when I get to the revisions will involve number of Peppermint Patties consumed: too many. :)

  9. Congrats!

    I don't know about you, but I sort of wish I hadn't read Hunger Games or Cathing Fire while working on my own ms. Gave me extreme feelings of inadequacy!!

  10. With stats like that I've got just one word: Awesome!

  11. I rewrote the first 4 chapters and am considering reworking my query letter.... I REALLY need to get this Catching Fire book!

  12. Congratulations!!!! And Glee, I don't care what all is fantastic!! :)

  13. Dang. I hope I get my revisions done as quick as you!

  14. 9,000 cut (76.3 - 67.5), 30 whispers removed, no chapters rewritten (though several sliced and diced)...

    and the coolest part for me... when I was getting to the line referencing Darth Vader (one of 2 lines in my entire MS), The Imperial March started playing from my playlist (1 out of about 900 songs)... something to make me happy during the editing blues :)

  15. Something old and something new, that's what I'm working on right now. I wonder how many cups of coffee I've been drinking during the revis process??? Hmmmm?? Nope, don't want to know.

    Congrats on all the success.


    p.s. I've just recently started watching Glee - LOVE IT!

  16. ROFL Elana. Yay for you! You've been crankin' girl!

  17. vines...curse my diet!!!

    Congrats on the progress!

  18. LOVING the stats, Elana! I'm so proud of you! And that ginger ale, I'm so with you!

  19. Congratulations!

    I just finished revising my novel, including comments from my critique buds, and let me say, it feels soooo good!!

    Now I am free to do NaNo!! Yay!!

  20. *sigh* I wish I had stats. I've been a very bad, lazy writer. I'm actually trying to alter an unfinished category into a single title, so I'm at the beginning trying to figure out how to add scenes and keep a great hook and pacing. Blech.

    On an up note, CONGRATS! That's awesome you finished. :-) I love ginger ale. YUM.

  21. I have no stats, but I am impressed by single ladies...196 times! (Come on, couldn't you just listen to it 4 more times and make it an even 200?)



  22. OH MY GOSH! Why have you not emailed me this info! Way to go Elana!!!! I am brimming over with jealousy! I need to be keeping track of my own stats, but they might be too nutty to keep track of? Things like, "chapters moved: 14" And completely rewritten: 32."


    Good luck!!!!


  23. I'm impressed with the stats. I think I out do you on the ginger ale consumption with my diet coke addiction. The company would go bankcrupt if it weren't for me.

    I'm currenting editing using the cool voice technique H.L Dyer explained yesterday on the QT blog. Maybe I should do a stats list on the number of overwritten sentences, typos, missing words, extra words, and my favorite " . . . testosterone throbbing through his veins." (First chapter of my YA contemporary novel). Apparently I had a mental lapse and thought I was writing a historic romance with the throbbing manhood line. :D
