Tuesday, October 20, 2009

You Are Awesome

Everyone needs someone to tell them how awesome they are. So today, that's me telling you, okay? Okay.

And here's why: Because we don't get told enough.

A couple of weeks ago, one of my students said, "Mrs. Johnson, you're awesome."

I smiled and said, "Hmm...I don't feel awesome."

And she stopped walking and just looked at me. "Well, you are."

Just like that. Like it was the simplest thing in the world. And that she couldn't believe that I wouldn't think I was as awesome as she thought I was.

So there.

You are awesome. Even if you don't feel like you are. You simply are. So take this badge, put it on your blog to remind yourself of your awesomeness and spread the awesome!


  1. That's so sweet! I love kids, esp. the middle aged ones because they're a rare blend of honesty and wisdom. (when they're not freaking over something silly, lol)

  2. That is awesome! I am totally going to post it on my blog. What a great thing to do. Thanks. =)

  3. That is just...awesome! :) You're right and your student is right. We all need to be reminded that we are better than we think we are. We need positive in our lives. This is great!

  4. You are awesome! And so am I! Thank you for the reminder.

  5. Ooooohhhh, thanks for the awesome post today. Sorry, couldn't resist. It's who I am!

    You're Awesome.
    I'm Awesome!
    Everybody is Awesome!


  6. That's so cool! I love kids. They always say the best things.

  7. I agree with Jessica -- a compliment from a kid is a true one, because they do have an honesty about them that is genuine.

    This post made me smile -- thanks for sharing!

  8. Thank you! Those are welcome words after a rough week.

  9. Aww, kids are so sweet. And their feelings are so genuine and they are so honest in expressing it!

    Thanks for the positivity.

  10. Very cool, Elana and just what I needed to hear today! I'm going to put this in my blog post today, and linky-dink you.

  11. I NEEDED that post today. Thanks Elana!

  12. Kids are always right....at least in this sense! Great positive vibes!

  13. So here's another thought (and, no I'm not a teacher). When one of your kid's teachers is awesome, like Elena, tell them. Don't be afraid to let a teacher know of the positive impact she/he has had on your child. Teachers are so critically important in the development of our children and way too often are taken for granted. When you encounter an awesome teacher, don't leave it to your children to communicate it, join them.

  14. I concur with all the awesomeness here today!

    Everyone needs a little awesome!

  15. Thanks. And yes, you are awesome!

  16. Great post! And you are awesome! Your student was right.

  17. AWESOME!

    All around awesomeness.

    Love the badge!

  18. It is these moments that I live for. The little random acts of kindness that are not so little to the recipient. You're more than awesome, Elana. You're WICKED awesome.

  19. We are totally on the same wave length. You ARE awesome!

  20. You are awesome. THIS is awesome. I'm going to put the emblem on my blog right now. Thanks, Elena.

  21. That student has some GREAT intuition! =D

    Thanks for the boost, it def. helps out for all of us crazed writers with rejection left and right!

  22. Every once in awhile we should all bask in our vast awesomeness! This post rocks :D

  23. Thanks. And she was right, you are pretty awesome. PFA. This blog proves it.
