Monday, November 9, 2009

Life Lessons From... Twisted Sister?

This week I'm going musical on you. I'm going to highlight a song and the specific lyrics that make me think about writing. And then, you know, apply them to writing, since that's what I do with everything.

Today: We're Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister.

That's right. These guys. Or whatever they are. (I especially like that one on the far left who's holding his stomach. What is he doing??)

Specifically this line: "If that's your best, your best won't do."

This sounds negative, but it's so not. It's inspirational to me when I sit down to write. I might write something and think, "Twisted Sister. Do it better."

And then I do.

I always listen to this song before crit group. It helps put me in the right mindset to take the slashing. Because I know they're trying to help me reach my best.

So thanks, Twisted Sister!

What do you think of this line? What lyrics inspire you?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Maybe the guy looked down right before they took the shot and realized he forgot to change out of his holey jeans, and then he was like, "Oh crap," but then it was too late. Thus, the deer in the headlights look. ;)

    And I think it's awesome that you're inspired by Twisted Sister.

  3. I think that's a great attitude to have because life's all about progressing. Do it better! Who knew Twisted Sister could teach us how to be better writers! Well, besides you! :D

  4. I think that line goes with what a bunch of us, you included (of course) have been saying about writing: we need to do more than our best, we need to do better than our best, and then do a bit better than that, always striving for more.

    If we become complacent in our writing (in anything in life really) then we stop growing, we stop learning, and what's the point of life at that point?


  5. Use whatever can move you to inspiration and push you to your limit. And, you'll never know if your best can get better if you don't keep pushing.

  6. There's a song by the BoDeans called Lookin' for Me Somewhere.

    In it, there's a line that I love:

    to live and die it seems, is a waste without a dream.

    That one gets me going.

  7. You mean you're not disturbed by the lead singer grabbing not one, but two of his bandmates bums?

    It's 80s music day for me! Another friend named a character Winger so now i have Headed for a Heartbreak in my head, PLUS my current wip is called After the Fall, and everytime I say the title I think of Nelson's After the Rain.


  8. I think anything that pushes me to grow as a writer and to be better than I am is a good thing! Interesting source of inspiration, though :)

  9. I have always admired how Twisted Sister did their make-up. Do you think they do their own or do they have a make-up artist? Anyway, I am always inspired by people who dream, songs of dreams, and aspirations of dreams (especially in songs). They uplift me. =)

  10. Eeek! I didn't know that's what they looked like. LOL I don't know what that guy is doing, maybe sucking in his tummy? *snicker*

    I love music and it makes me daydream, but it doesn't really inspire me when I'm writing.

  11. Love it!

    We love Queen. We are the Champions. And of course Eye of the Tiger. But I'm adding Twister Sister to the list. The kids will love it!

  12. Melanie!! Can't stop laughing!! Yeah, that's slightly disturbing too. :) And yes, PJ, Queen and Eye of the Tiger are on my list. Great songs.

  13. Speaking as someone who gets to slash up your work until it's red and bloody, I think this is awesome.

    It's nice to know you come prepared. ;)

  14. This is really great! And it's actually how I try to look at my critiques as well. Good advice.

  15. What were we thinking in the 80's??? Fun to look back, but I'm really glad there's no pressure to look like that!!

    I've used this song in a classroom in a similar vein - it's awesome.

    P.S. Your speed blogging tips really work!! :)

  16. I've had this song in my head all day...

  17. Twisted Sister's best song is this one.

  18. I love this song. Always brings to mind the time we had an extended family BBQ and my brothers turned this song on full blast, stomped out on the porch and shouted it at the top of their voice. My mom, tight lipped quietly walked in and turned it off. She had a way of speaking volumes without saying anything.

    Great song to write too. Rock out girl!

  19. How funny! I never thought of Twisted Sister as inspirational. Just goes to show that a different perspective can change everything!

  20. But what to you do if your edits sing this back to YOU? Then you've got a fight on your hands.

  21. How is it that very single post you write makes me laugh? Twisted Sister for inspiration? Hilarious!

    When your best isn't good enough, get better. Right?

  22. All 80s rock bands should be mandatory pre-writing listening!!
