Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Have Not Written a Single Word

Since November 15. That's right, in over 30 days. I've been editing and revising like crazy. My second novel, ELEMENTAL HUNGER, is undergoing a major makeover. And I'm not like Kurt on Glee who thinks makeovers are like crack.

More like cold-water torture. Self-inflicted, because I wrote the novel so suckily (it's my blog and I say it's a word) the first time. In fact, I have since realized why it's not as polished as some of my other third drafts.

It's a NaNo novel.

2008, to be exact. And I "finished" it earlier this year. The last 100 pages are in far (far far) better shape than the first 200. Why?

Because I wrote them over a span of two months instead of two weeks.

Go figure.

So, I solemnly resolve to get this bad boy whipped into shape.

Problem? I have a shiny new idea that wants to be written. And since I haven't penned any new words in such a long time, my resolve to revise EH is waning.

How long has it been since you've written? Do you miss it when you don't write? What keeps you from writing?


  1. I try to WRITE everyday. Either on my novel, a short story, or on my blog. But if I'm understanding your defintion of WRITING correctly, its actually been longer than 30 days. I'm in revision hell also. I have composed a couple of short stories from scratch, but nothing new on my novel.

    I kind of shut down when I finish a novel and put it away for awhile, then I pull it back out a couple of weeks later and start editing it.

  2. It's been a while, though I have been working on outlinish looking things for two future projects. I need to dive back into revising (which does count as writing, btw, as does blogging), one more word elimination go around, finish a query letter, and . . . it's Christmas. Sigh!

  3. Don't worry, Elana. Editing is writing in a way.

    I still put my edits into my word count for the day. In fact, I think you learn more about writing with editing than with doing anything else.

    I can't wait to read your book when it comes out!!!

  4. Sausages. *sigh* Sausages keep me from writing.

  5. I wish I had more time to write. What I do instead is write snippets. Blog posts, a journal entry, ideas, etc. January begins the slow time at work. I'll write more then!

  6. Haven't exactly not written. Just haven't invested the time I should. My second book is waiting for me to finish up the first draft. Instead I'm doing 2nd draft revisions on previous chapters because I'm avoiding those last chapters. Make sense. Ugh. In reality I could just dump the last chapters and start a fresh ending. Problem is - letting go is so hard. You fall for a certain ending and want that one more than anything. The plot twist however are wrecking serious havock with current ending.

    So um...yeah. I know what you mean.(Hugs)Indigo

    P.S. I've already got the 3rd book written in my head. Guilt however won't let me type it out till I finish the mess up above.

  7. Six days. And I'm getting itching but family and the holidays take precedence. Editing is the bane of my existence and evil thrust upon us all. I wish you well in this dark hour…

  8. Television keeps me from writing. I have to keep it off. I'm impressed you've pushed yourself through the cold-water revisions. I have to agree, they aren't fun but I love the results.

  9. To me, editing counts as revising so you're still good to go ;)

  10. I'm rewriting two older WIPs. So they are not new stories but there is lots of new writing., new material.

    I'm hoping the new idea lightning bolt strikes me soon!

  11. I have been revising too and it's been since mid-November since I've worked on something new. Unless you count my silly twelve days of Christmas... Though, actually, never mind. I have been writing, just not a novel. Confused yet? Me too. Moving on. I do miss it most of the time, but right now, life and the holiday season have sucked me dry. I need to set new goals and get working on some new wordage.

  12. Fear, kids and hubby keep me from writing. LOL I do miss it, even when I'm avoiding it. I'll think about it constantly.
    Good for you! I hope you finish this up so you can start on your new idea. Great title too!

  13. When I get confused about the direction my novel should be going, I get paralyzed and stop working on it. But I never stop writing and neither do you. Blogging IS writing! Just a different sort :)

  14. It's been about two weeks. I'm starting revisions to a draft, and itching to write something new so bad I can hardly stand it. This is the longest I've gone without new words since last March, when I started writing seriously again. I've been busily doing crits for others in the interim.

    But that's okay. I started my revisions last night, and tonight, I start a new short story. All is well. :-)

  15. I tried to start writing on another rough draft this week and found after two weeks I was already feeling rusty. Most of my time is on my NaNo novel that was also written most suckily. (Very.)

  16. It's been a while for me, too. But, I'm a sketching ninja these days--still using that good ole right brain, so I'm not feeling the withdrawel.


  17. First off: Yay for Glee reference. :) Joy.

    Second: It seems like everything can keep me from writing, particularly as a college student with piles of things on my shoulders. It seems like every time I sit down to "fun" write, all I can think about is what I am NOT doing in terms of homework, projects, papers, etc...

    That's my main challenge. I don't even have anything massive to edit because I have yet to actually finish anything completely.

    But I have high hopes for this Christmas break.

  18. My NaNo 2008 is giving me fits as well, but I can think of about 20,000 mistakes that contributed to those fits. Good luck with all things writing!

    I have been trying not to start a new WIP because I'm in the midst of a revisions storm, but it's so hard! I'm really excited about my new idea even though I told myself I wouldn't start it until I'd finished up with some of these revisions on my plate. Still, I haven't been able to resist completely. I'm about five pages into the WIP because it just won't leave me be.

  19. I've been in revise mode myself lately. I've got two novels to polish (I'm back to the drawing board on my first novel after a string of rejections), and three short stories still in draft form. It's going to be a while before I penn anything new.

  20. I am currently editing so I have not started writing a fresh piece. I miss writing sometimes but I do enjoy editing my special world.

  21. I Before that it was Wednesday and before that it was the 17th of November when I finished my nano project. I've been more than a little wrapped up in revisions myself. I want to write, but for some reason the ideas just aren't flowing.

  22. Oooh, I totally count editing and revising as writing. Otherwise, I'd write for a very short time each year :)

    EH is an amazing title. Finish that baby up. A title like that will sell it.
    But I get the new idea thing. I got a new one yesterday.

  23. I've been revising my WIP and writing notes to myself about my next novel. My revisions have new material--I totally consider it writing. Still, I'm eagerly anticipating page one...

  24. I probably only write six months out of the year. The other six months is spent brainstorming or revising/editing. Right now I'm almost done with the rough draft of my most recent novel, so I've been filling my daily quota of a 1000 words a day (usually more) for the past few months.

  25. Hello Elana,

    How long? - a few hours

    Do I miss it? - yes, these days I've been writing less, I miss my best days

    What keeps me from writing? - I think I'm still a bit blocked, still trying a new language and some days I get scared away by the my own challenge. lol. But I write every day.

    Kisses from Ireland,

  26. Yeah, we're currently taking a little breather. Hopefully we'll be back in business come January. We need to be editing but um, we need edits first.

    Can't wait to write some shiny new words though!!!!

  27. I haven't written since last night. I am in a writing only time of life and love it. Revisions/edits will be taking over soon enough.

  28. I haven't written much this month. NaNo kind of wiped me out - and then December craziness took over. I snatch minutes at a time, but that's about it. Maybe in the new year :)

  29. It's been a few weeks since I've written and it makes me feel all empty inside. I really need to get back to it.
    Hope you get the chance soon!

  30. Some bad boys like to be whipped. And some girls like to do the whipping. I'm just sayin'

    I've been in the same boat as you E-Jamma! Been an editing crazy-woman. But, ta da! I'm done for the moment. So now it's time to move back into creative mode.

    If I were you, I'd give yourself a little tiny Christmas gift and write for a day or two on your shiny new idea :)

  31. I get antsy if I go through long stretches (more than two hours) without writing. And more specifically, writing fiction. I know some people don't count editing/rewriting as writing, but I do. Maybe that's why I enjoy doing them.

    Oh and suckily. It's so a word. I wrote it in my dictionary so now official. :D

  32. What keeps me from writing, you ask? Facebook, blogs, reading, book clubs, lunch dates, volunteering at the school, and various and sundry other social and community activities. And long crying jags. And stress. And a deep-rooted fear of failure. And, currently, the knowledge that my NaNo novel quickly went south as I plunged toward the finish line the last few days of the month and now I'm going to have to figure out how to fix it. And chocolate. And scouts. And email. And stressing over Christmas. And writing this comment. Hmmmm....
