Thursday, February 4, 2010

You Know You Need A Break When...

You get mad for no discernable reason, other than Blockbuster called with a "friendly reminder" that your movie rental is now three days late.

One second everything's fine, and the next you're about to cry.

You eat out 3 nights in a row.

You have so many emails, the new ones go onto the next page.

You can't watch American Idol because you can't stand to watch the heartbreak of rejection.

You've been wearing the headphones for three hours and haven't heard a single song--because you forgot to turn on iTunes.

Your MS is in pieces and you're about to throw the laptop through the sliding glass door. Oh, and you're over your word count. Again.

The sun hasn't been shining in a week. Srsly, winter. END.

Your daughter has inherited your unibrow. Dang genetics dooming her to a life of Bert-dom and/or painful hot wax treatments.

You actually care that your daughter has inherited your unibrow. In fact, this is cry-worthy.

You lay in bed reading at all hours of the day. In your pajamas.

You buy a can of those "garnish" French-fried onion things and eat them for a meal.

How do you unwind/find yourself/achieve balance/etc. when you have days/weeks/months like this? And this totally wasn't my week, in case any of you were wondering. I know this other girl who has a unibrow. It's sexy. *wink*

But I will be taking a break gone until Monday. Have a loverly weekend!


  1. Have a great break! You deserve it!

  2. Or if you're watching AI and cry because some of them are going through? You know 80% of them are going to be headed home after Hollywood, yet they're so excited. I feel bad for the upcoming heartbreak.

    What can I say? Winter turns me into a creepy wreck!

  3. Waxing isn't TOO bad... And since when aren't those onion garnishes a meal? I thought they went together with chow mein noodles...

  4. Sometimes a nice break is really necessary. Enjoy it!

  5. You'll get through it. You're in the down cycle. Frustration with a WIP affects every aspect of our life. I've been there. It should be called WIP syndrome b/c I'm pretty sure most writers experience at one point or another. :)

  6. I usually have one good break down and cry and then I'm better.

  7. Have a great break.

    Laying in bed reading at all hours of the day is my break, but I do it wearing clothes.

  8. I am with you. I have been feeling like that for the past week. Yesterday was the worst (so bad I didn't even read blogs much less post any!). Feel better my friend and have a great weekend.


  9. I set everything aside and do one of a few things to regain my sense of peace, balance ... take a good, long walk. Or sit near the fireplace with a cup of green tea. Immerse myself in a good book. Things like that, easy, peaceful and inspiring. Enjoy your break!

  10. Hang in there. You're not alone. Writing is tough - the month of February is tough. Just remember hope and springtime are right around the corner.

  11. Awww yeah you totally deserve a break! And chocolate. And fuzzy slippers.

  12. Breaks are so important. I hope you can recharge and feel better soon. (And if this were me, I'd be taking a pregnancy test. :)

    I can totally relate to the American Idol thing though. Sometimes I wonder how I can even watch it, it's like a rejectionfest, and I get more than enough of that in real life.

  13. Good call on the break! Go eat some chocolate.

  14. Hi Elana~ You have a fantastic site here -- so informative and inspiring! I'm so glad to meet you; thank you for following me. I'm heading to your followers button now. I look forward to reading more from you!!

  15. Girl, I started crying in the drive-thru of Starbucks the other day. I gave my order and started bawling. I understand. This week has been THAT WEEK. I would like to tell you I did something brave like went to yoga and rediscovered my Chi. Instead. I faked a migraine, came home and went to sleep in the middle of the afternoon.

  16. All this sounds way too familiar. :) When my life gets like this, I tend to ignore the things that are stressing me the most. Probably not very helpful info for you.

    Hang in there and enjoy your break! I hope your "friend" is feeling better soon. ;)

  17. Take a break. You deserve it! Unplug, gurl, unplug! :)

  18. Enjoy your time away. It's easy to take things one day at a time, but sometimes they dogpile you. :)

  19. No worries, my dear, you aren't alone :) I'm right there with you - microwave popcorn and chocolate chip cookies for breakfast (I'll deal with the sore throat later), dishes piled up sky high, and on and on and on :) I think I'll force myself to take a shower and get dressed but then I'm considering some serious couch time :)

    Have a great break!!

  20. Oh Elana, enjoy your break and use it to refresh yourself. We all have these weeks, I've had "one of those weeks" that's going on week 3 right now. Last night I broke down in tears for no reason other than... I kid you not... I thought we were out of burgers (which I was going to make for dinner) and then found out that we still had 2 left, but the thought that we might have been out of burgers nearly sent me into hysterics. Burgers!!!

    Thankfully, my hubby has planned a weekend away the weekend after this one. I think I need it.

    Take all the time you need to relax and get yourself back to feeling like "you" again. We'll still be here when you get back, so no rush :)

  21. “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under the trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” --John Lubbock

  22. "You've been wearing the headphones for three hours and haven't heard a single song--because you forgot to turn on iTunes"--yeah that would be ME!!! Walking away for a little while is a good idea! Give yourself a break--you have alot on your plate and balance it well but sometimes the balance is a little "off"--hang in there, girl!!

  23. The headphones one made me a giggle- I've done that, but maybe not for three hours.

    Enjoy your break- take a nap and read a good book.

  24. I think taking a day to stay in your jammies and read sounds heavenly. I'm a big believer in 'mental health days,' and I'm going to try that on my next one. I actually schedule them 'cause I'm lame like that. Hope your next week goes better!

  25. Oh, I totally get the American Idol thing.

    One thing that I do is take a long walk, especially at night when it's dark and quiet. But that usually only works with medium-level frustrations.

    Change is the best thing. Get away for a week. If it's someplace you hate, that's okay, because it makes you long for your ordinary life. :) If you can't physically get away, just change whatever's flexible in your schedule. Put away the manuscript and spend a week catching up on all the things you've been ignoring, like housecleaning.

    If you don't even have that liberty, concentrate on the things you absolutely have to do and ignore the rest. And be sure to take at least a couple of hours to do something you really want to do. Like read that book you've been meaning to for months.

    Hope you feel better.

  26. Oh, you made me so sad Elana. I hate weeks like that. =( It can only get better, right?

    As for the unibrow thing. I think people with high levels of awesomeness get those. My DH has one. See? High levels. =)

  27. So funny and so horrible all at the same time. Yes, take a break - you deserve one.

  28. I think my husband would love it if he could eat a whole can of those onion things. And I would certainly enjoy an all day reading fest in my PJ's. :)

    Hang in there, Queen Elana, and enjoy a break. We all adore you, ya know! :-)

  29. You so deserve it, Elana! Take a break and you'll feel so much better by Monday. And I totally commiserate with the whole, earphones for 3 hours thing without turning on the tunes. Ugh. ;)

  30. Take a break, Elana! You've certainly earned it.

  31. I can totally relate to the earphone thing.

    Breaks are good. Help you get refocused. I'm trying to read more.

  32. I'm sorry that you've had a rough week. But you definitely still have your sense of humor!

    Relax and enjoy your break. Do nothing if you feel like it! Sometimes we all need to sit back and just read, watch t.v., or take long naps:)

  33. Summer, you're my new BFF.

    Little Ms. J, I think you're my twin, separated at birth. <3 you!

    Jess of all Trades, thank you! You are my lifeline today.

    Shannon, *weeping* Thank you.

    Thanks everyone. I feel much better now that I have permission. I will try to keep up with your blogs, but it might take me four days or so. *hugs to all*

  34. Oh Sweetie, I think we all have those days. I had a meltdown myself yesterday and when it was over...well let's just say I don't remember WHY.

    Take these days and find your balance again. We'll be here when you come back. (Hugs)Indigo

  35. Breaks are good. When Husband breaks modem, it is a mandatory break and it definitely helps the brain recharge.

    Have a great weekend.

    Remember to breathe!

  36. Have a great weekend. You are a powerhouse and definitely deserve it!

    (Take a powernap in the meantime.)

  37. Sorry. I hate it when that happens. Make sure you are getting enough vitamin D, get a sitter and go out with some friends.

  38. I love this list and I'm so feeling you here. Sometimes I feel like every drop of sanity has been squeezed out of my body and it's just time for a mini break-down. The thing that helps me the best is to spend some one-on-one time with my kids and swimming laps. There is something so peaceful about it. :) Have a great weekend!

  39. You and me both! I haven't had the best week, but I find that chocolate chip cookies, and a trashy novel do the trick for me! Probably not the best way to feel better, but in the moment I get that sense of relief!

    Umm I suppose like others exercise would be good, but I approach things differently than the average, LOL

  40. Mario Kart Wii . . . strangely relaxing. ;)

    Have a better one!

  41. I need a break when I feel like I'm forcing myself to do everything, especially when I'm "forcing" myself to do stuff and it's not really getting done.

    Enjoy your break!

  42. Feel better! The sun is shining in our neck of the woods today! Who would've thought we'd have highs in the 40s in January?

    P.S. Word verification: torgy. Um... :)

  43. Sorry you're feeling low - I hate it when I get like that. I hope you can rest, relax and rejuvenate this weekend.

    My normal response to too much stress is to get all of the "necessary" stuff out of the way, and then ignore everything else and read. A lot. For hours and hours. That normally brings me back to center.

  44. I felt like that last weekend :( It's no fun. I talked to my writing buddy and she got me out of my funk. Hope you have a great weekend!!

  45. Elana, you're like the direcell bunny! Except you run on rechargable batteries and you need to take time to do nothing and recharge. It's okay, you're allowed.

  46. Have a nice break! You deserve it. I usually find chocolate and hot baths help with weeks like that. *Hugs*

  47. I'm so happy I wasn't eating or drinking while I was reading this post. Absolutely hilarious. I do hope you have a nice weekend though, Elana.

  48. I go to the mall and buy something that smells good. When my son painted my daughter's bedroom window pink (the glass, not the frame) and then peed in the vent, I rode the escalater up and down at Macys, enjoying the aroma from the fragrance dept. I've have oodles of days like that in recent years. Sometime in the future, after I'm over the trauma, I hope to turn them into picture books on potty training. I had one of those weeks not long ago. Either go to the mall or soak in a hot bath with a glass of wine. Just don't forget to lock the door. Have a wonderful weekend, girl!

  49. You need that break. Glad you decided to take it. I hope it is restful, rejuvenating, and you come back with fresh eyes, and slowly--slow and steady--that's my latest writing mantra.

  50. I unwind with music sometimes. Other times I just take a nap.

    But today, my friend posted this lovely video, Art Manifesto, which filled me up again.

    Have a great break; hope you come back refreshed.

  51. Depressed or not, you're still hilarious and I love reading your blog. But totally understand the "break" thing. Enjoy the reprieve! Relax, Wax, whatever!

  52. Wow, Elana, your week sounds as crappy as my January went. I have a unibrow, but I wax it, the dang thing. I got it from my dad. Yicko.

    Hope you have a good break. You know where I am if you need to come vent. :)

  53. So sorry your week was crappy! I love this,

    You've been wearing the headphones for three hours and haven't heard a single song--because you forgot to turn on iTunes.

    I've done that!

    Enjoy your break. The sun will rise again. Winter does suck though ;o)

  54. Go and have a break, you definitely deserve it.

  55. DUDE.

    I SO sympathize.

    Also: I have totally done the can of french fried onion things, and I have the unibrow of doom as well.

    Srsly, you're my twin.

    But now I feel like a stalker for saying that, so I'm going back to my cave.

  56. I've so been there. Enjoy your break!

  57. When things like this happen to me I realize that I have gone too many days without taking my Paxil, and its time to start popping the anti depressants again.

    ...Speaking of which, I need to find that bottle. Lol.

  58. Okay, I wouldn't mind the emails. ;)

    Sorry for the crap week, Elana. At least your kids are free from the infamous chin hair. You know, the one that looks like a witch? Yeah, I love my mom.

  59. I laughed out loud at the headphones & iTunes comment. That is so me!!

    Take an enforced holiday from "life" - watch your favourite movie, read a comfort book, delete all nonvital emails without reading them, listen to Motown.

    Take care of yourself!

  60. I know how you feel girl! Take all the time that you need! Happy Break! :o)

  61. L.T. -- You are too funny! And now I'm snarfing about the chin hair. Thanks for that!

    Beth - twins, I definitely think so. I didn't know other people ate those onion things the way I do. Woot!

    And I'm a little surprised at how many people do the headphone thing. At least now I don't feel so dumb about it. You guys are the best!

    Lady Glam, yes, February can only be better, right? I'm going to go with RIGHT!

    Linda - thanks! I like to be funny even amidst the turmoil. Glad you enjoy.

    Thanks Eric! You have a great weekend too.

    :) :) :)

  62. Thanks for the much needed chuckle and ENJOY your break! Happy weekend!

  63. Enjoy and don't forget to cheat, but stopping by and saying hi :P

    Hey that rhynmed... Look at me Ma! hehe

  64. I have a glass of wine. I play Mario Kart. I dunno what else!

    have a nice time away.

  65. Isn't a unibrow supposed to be a sign that you've been born with super-powers?
    And of course, it's a classic beauty feature. You too, could be approached around the next corner by a young Leonardo da Vinci, looking for a girl with distinguished eyebrows. (I realize "Mona" was browless, but THAT's what she was missing. I think it was the one regret of Leo's life, that he picked the wrong girl on that one.)
    Enjoy your break. You are one hilarious writer.

  66. You know you need a break when you cry over On Star commercials.

    Methinks we are in the same boat...

  67. Hope you're okay! Don't you just hate those days where nothing seems to go right? Don't worry, you're certainly not the only one to stress over the little things. Bursting into tears because you spilled water or something like that is perfectly natural. Sometimes. Maybe.

  68. I've been there (except for the unibrow part, but my mother once looked at my brows and tsked, saying what a shame it was I inherited hers). Hope your break helps. And don't forget chocolate and bubble baths!

  69. I love to read fantasy when I get like that and escape from reality. Then I try to be grateful for all that's going well. You have a lot that's going well--an agent, a great book on query writing, two great blogs, a job that gives you time to blog at work. We all have good things going on. Have a great weekend off.

  70. Yikes! Hang in there. ; ) I'm with all the people that suggested you eat plenty of chocolate and take bubble baths. And of course, read!

  71. Yeah you might need a break. Enjoy it. Read you when you get back

  72. I thought this post was hilarious and strangely a lot like my life. I also think that edgy, hanging-on-by-a-thread woman would make a wonderful character in a story...

  73. Oh boy! I can relate. Enjoy your weekend, and I'm glad your daughter doesn't have a unibrow.

  74. OMG, the unibrow thing killed me. I actually asked my wax lady how early she starts taking kids. Talk about a bad day.

    Enjoy your break lady! You deserve it!

    78 comments? What's your secret?!?!

  75. Is it wrong of me to laugh at your pain and suffering? Because if it is, I totally wasn't laughing.


  76. I had a day like this yesterday. Just treat yourself well and tell yourself that it will be over soon! Sometimes you just have to cry and keep eating those fried onions (those are AMAZING by the way). Feel better! Hugs to you.

  77. Um, you deserve a break today? Thanks for the giggle. I needed it. Especially about the french fried onion things. Elana, I HAVE so been there.

    Happy weekend. Happy break! =)

  78. I hope you're having a wonderful break. We all need them from time to time. Good for you.

  79. I exhibit every single symptom of needing a break. Thanks. Have to go find a beach that's warm.

    Maybe I'll see you on the sand. Have a great time.

    Hasta la vista.

  80. You buy a can of those "garnish" French-fried onion things and eat them for a meal.

    Oh, Elana...if you've started doing this you're beyond needing a break. You need a full-fledged vacation in sunny Acupulco.

  81. Oh man, I totally feel for some of those contestants on American Idol. Not only are they rejected, they are ridiculed! I could not do that! At least nobody has to see my emailed rejection :)

    Have a good weekend -- stay warm!

  82. I know I need a break when I read the same paragraph 4 or 5 times.

    Enjoy a couple of days away!

  83. It's good you've got humor . . .
    It gets me through the tough times.

  84. I think I need to take fewer breaks! (aka procrastinate less)--I won't hold my breath.

  85. This list reminds me of some things I do. Yes, we need a break. When I know I need a break, it's nap time or time to go for a long walk by myself.

    Off topic, but I'm letting you know that I'm passing a blog award to you. :)

  86. Enjoy your break. I'm in Sedona this weekend taking a break as well. LOVED the list, by the way!!

  87. I had a unibrow until a few days ago. I don't notice it until it reaches nearly tufty proportions, since I wear glasses. Probably TMI.

    Anyway, nice to meet you! Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm trying to see if I can get to Storymakers this year and I see you're presenting. Woot!

  88. Is there a way to pull out of weeks like this?

    And be glad your daughter didn't inherit facial hair in places other than her eyebrows.

  89. Just had to say, I do that headphones-iTunes thing all the time! Hang in there. And enjoy your time away. :)

  90. Funny post. I blame winter - sour ju jubes helps!

  91. I am still laughing about the American Idol comment!!!!

  92. If you like Kit-Kats, I'll share a virtual one with you. :] Enjoy your break.

  93. I love it! It's like how I do so much better in yoga class when the yogi says, "It's just yoga, people." When you take the pressure away it all kinda comes together. This was timely for me, as I have been afraid of my WIP. I keep thinking I don't have the right words and I will destroy it if I try to write while I'm so busy in my day job. So, from my rambling brain - thank you!
