Friday, April 16, 2010

For Your Entertainment

I quite enjoy this song, and how can you not love anyone who does sign language? I mean, seriously. I rarely post videos, but this one is awesomesauce.

And I may or may not be out of things to blog about at this time. I'm fried from spring break--staying up late and swimming can really wear a person down. I'm going to a M/W/F posting schedule next week so I can finish my conference presentations and feel human and all that other jazz.

But for today, this is pure entertainment. I'm not even going to ask you any questions. (Ha!)


  1. What an awesome interpretation! Thanks for sharing Elana.

    Go ahead and take the week off, you've got plenty of residual blogging awesomesauceness to last.

    Today's guest blogger is Rachel Alpine!

  2. Hate the song (I'm just being honest), love that video! He's awesome.

    Take a break, breath, drink a drink with a little umbrella in it. I think we'll all survive...maybe...ok, we'll miss you lots!

  3. How awesome!!! Have a drink for me!!! Have a great break :) We will miss you, I might not survive!!! Just teasing... I'll try not to lurk too much!

  4. Haha - love it!

    Enjoy your unplugged week. I second Jen: we'll miss you! :)

  5. he looks so...happy. it's almost contagious. love that!

    enjoy some time off. we're not going anywhere :)

  6. OMG! I saw this video months ago and totally loved it! I hate this song, but the video is awesome ;-) Have you looked up any others? I haven't found any as good as this one, but plugging sign language like this is really neat. My daughter wanted to learn it after watching the video.

    Enjoy being off-line for a week!


  7. I love this. I love the expressions. You just got to watch. It is an overplayed song, but I know it so well I want to see how he is going to do that next chorus. THX!!!

  8. Whoa! That's great. Thanks for posting.

  9. I am so glad that guy did that. My youngest child has apraxia of speech. He learned sign language at the wee age of 20 months. Seriously. It was awesome. Great skill to have.

    Enjoy your time away, Elana. Refresh!

  10. I couldn't watch the video because the kiddies are still sleeping. I studied ASL at one point. I figured I couldn't mess up the pronounciation unlike the other languages I attempted. Apparently I was wrong. :(

    Can't wait to watch it!

    Have a great break. You deserve it!

  11. 3yo listens to Miley like, on repeat...

  12. Elana - I love that word "awesomesauce"! Did you make it up?? You're so clever!

  13. Love it! My daughters love that song :)

  14. I laughed during the whole thing. That was just what I needed! Too cool. I might have to link it to my FB page. ;)
    ~ Wendy

  15. I love Stephen Torrence!! Here's my fave

  16. I'm not a fan of Miley (I have serious concerns regarding her values/morals or lack thereof), but I can't knock her vocal skills. What I really liked about this though was the sign language interpretation.

    It also made me wonder something. With English constantly evolving and new slang added in, how do current users of sign language "create" a new sign to indicate a new word? For example, how does a person sign any of the numerous Snoop Dog "words"?

    Thanks for sharing this Elana.

  17. I've always wanted to learn sign language! Have a relaxing week unplugged. Best of luck preparing for the conference. (I'm jealous!!)

  18. I love this! Wonderful entertainment on a Friday morning!

    Have a great week - we will miss you!

    Of course I am sure your email is flooded with the NGaAHDay emails! lol (which I am psyched about!!!)

    You deserve the break ;o)

    Visit My Kingdom Anytime

  19. Elana! Love this video, thanks. I can't help but like the song, too.

    I hope you get everything sorted out and have some time to relax. Good luck with the upcoming conference!

  20. I love sign interpretations. That guy was wonderful. I know a bit, and it was fun that they have what he's actually signing in parentheses.

  21. That guy is so cute! I'm totally smiling right now.

  22. I almost didn't click on this - Miley Cirus? But, wow! that was great. I'm pumped for the day.

  23. Good idea to start the weekend.
    Rest and relax,

  24. Awesome! I really enjoyed the video. That guy was amazing

  25. That was awesome!

    A while back I saw another very good ASL video to a modern song. Believe it or not, it's for a Marilyn Manson song. It's pretty intense. Google ASL + Marilyn Manson and it will come up.

    Please be warned it is NSFW or children. Very impressive and intense, though.

  26. Thank you so, so much for sharing this. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this.

  27. Not my type of music, but you can't argue with her success.

  28. I miss you already! Good luck with your conference presentations. :-)

  29. The sign-language guy. I've had a crush on him for a while. Thanks!!! You're the best, E.

  30. I love watching people do sign language. It's so much more than just the signs.

    I think the Idol contestants could take some lessons from him on performance.

  31. I SUPPOSE I can forgive you for abandoning me on Tuesday and Thursday next week (what will I do without an Elana Post? WHAT?) But only if you give VERY detailed posts about your conference experience when you get back. Details. I want allllllllll the details.

  32. Funny! I wonder what other songs look like in sign language.

    I'll miss you, but if you'd rather prepare presentations and feel human than comment on my blog and give me posts to read, I'll wait.

  33. Good song + ASL = My being super happy :D
    Thanks a ton for posting this

  34. Yup. Great song. Even better video.

  35. OHMIGOSH! You have no idea the memories you just brought back for me! I had to do one of these for my final in the last ASL class. I did the Fox and the Hound's 'Best of Friends'

    Ahh! I had completely forgotten about it, and it was really a LOT of fun!

  36. Oh,I actually sign (Used to teach at a school for the deaf) Loved it!

  37. Too fun! I don't know why I like that song so much. But hey, I'll go with it.

    Good luck on your presentation! I'm sure you'll do great. :)

  38. ASL was my foreign language in college, so this was a BALL to watch!

  39. Elana, take a break. You deserve it as much as anyone I know. More, even.

    Can't wait for the conference! See you there.

  40. i'm movin' my hips like yeah.

    (ps. I have an announcement on my blog today~ check it out.)

  41. You are so funny, Elana. I'm showing this to my kids when they get home. Have a great weekend!

  42. Not a Miley fan, but I love the song. And I love this video even more. Thanks for sharing! Do you mind if I steal the video and share it on my FB page?

  43. Lol, that was great! I don't like that song, but this guy's sign language interpretation was fantastic. Loved his expressions during the DJ part when the Britney song comes on, hahaha! Thanks for the entertainment!

  44. Loved this. Loved the energy of the guy in the video even more. Even though I'm deaf, I don't sign. Comes with the territory of being late deafened, I'm better at reading lips. Thank you for sharing this.

    One other thing I loved - the video had close captioning available to follow the words to the song. I wish more people realized that was an option and used it when they made videos. (Hugs)Indigo

  45. What a fun interpretation of this song. And I'll admit that I liked the song (this was the first time I'd heard it). This signer shows such an infective sense of joy.

    And slow down if you must, Elena. Got to have priorities.

    Tossing It Out

  46. Rest up and have a good weekend! :)

  47. Loved the video! I'll have to look up Steve and see if he has anything else out there.

    I've done Sign Language specials at church for years, and enjoy watching others sign.

    Susan :)

  48. Thanks for the funny video. And thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to stop by my blog. When you do I'm always surprised and I feel so honored that the famous Elana is visiting me! I can't wait for your book to come out. :)

  49. I LOVE that song too & seriously this guy only makes it better. So great! Thanks for sharing!

    And its always good to take a break from blogging. Sometimes you just need to get away and then come back feeling all fresh and good!

  50. I'm still smiling from watching this. I'm glad you guys are enjoying it too!!

  51. Big grin on my face. Thanks, Elana! Have a great weekend and good luck at the conference! (Movin' my hips like yeah...)

  52. Good luck getting everything done!

  53. If that isn't a perfect example of what body language can do to express someone, I don't know what is. I have such respect for people who sign. =D

  54. I like that song too! Awesome video. I loved how he timed his hands to the song too. Really cute.
    have a great weekend girl!

  55. Hmmm... I think a break sounds like a good idea.

    One day I'd like to know what got you writing dystopian YA. It's a cool genre, but not one I ever would have thought to write myself.

    Have a great weekend!

  56. Okay, this video was fun but I have to tell you -- my son walked in and was mortified to find me groovin' to a Miley Cyrus tune!

  57. I always wanted to learn sign language. I can do the alphabet, and when I was a gawky jr. high schooler getting teased on the walk home from school,I would spell out the most atrocious insults with my hand in my pocket. hahaha.

    My brother could also do the alphabet, so when we were in time-outs as kids, (and mom wanted absolute silence) we would spell messages to each other...except he wasn't the greatest speller so half the time I didn't know what the heck he was saying.

    Ahhhhh, memories! Thanks for that!

  58. Signing is so beautiful - smooth and flowy :)

    Enjoy recuperating from the break! We had snow during ours!

  59. This is awesome--thanks for posting! Good luck getting caught are a wise, wise woman.

  60. That's an awesome video! My nine year old daughter heard it playing and came to take a look, so I started it over. She loved it too. Afterwards, I saw her doing some of the signs, but then she laughed and said the guy did them too fast. lol

  61. What a sweet guy! I do love that song. My DD plays it all the time. It could be worse, right?

  62. Truly, showing not telling - amazing that he makes you feel the song. How cool. Thanks for posting it Elana!

  63. - This is my FAVE of his! Talk about awesomesauce!!! But we <3 this song around here. My kids make me play it over and over. So when we found this video, guess what we had to do? LOL.

    @Eric, I've learned lately that they can fingerspell super fast. Pretty much as fast as they can make other signs. If there are new words they don't have signs for, I'm sure they do that, just like they do with names.

    The Deaf Branch is now part of our stake, and we <3 watching them up on the screen at Stake Conference. I especially love watching them sign the songs. They don't just sit there and passively make the signs, they really get into it like this guy does. <3 it!

    (sorry this is so long, btw. And now I'm making it longer. Dang it!) LOL.

  64. My hubby found this fascinating - he's been learning sign language in Greek for a couple of years now ...he's doing a doctorate in speech and learning difficulties.

    It's the first time he's seen a presentation like that though.


  65. D1 is a British SL interpreter for the British Deaf Soc. Her wedding was amazing, so many folk with expressive hands sharing her vows.She has taught her friend's baby to ask for milk.

    Enjoyed the video.

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  69. Recup and relax. Do all the things that make you feel stress free!

  70. My toddler loves this song. so cute. And this guy is great! He even does the sign for the little "Whoa!" Very good!

    Good luck with conference preparation. Conference prep for me will be more like two days debating what to wear. But I'd imagine you have a little more to do than that ;)

  71. My Mom does sign language. I'm going to forward this to her! Thanks!

  72. Oh, you are wise to cut back the blog bit. I've considered M/W/F but haven't done it yet. Still considering, though...

    PS: See you in a few days @ LDStorymakers!

  73. This is so awesome, I can't even tell you how much I love this, Elana. I know ASL and this brought back so many memories. Thank you!

    (and did you ever get my email?)
