Monday, April 19, 2010

Upcoming Agent-Judged Contest!

Howdy, people!

Okay, so over on the QueryTracker blog, we've got another agent-judged contest coming up.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 27 (not today! TUESDAY, APRIL 27. That's not even tomorrow.)

WHO: Chris Richman, from the fabulous Upstart Crow Literary Agency.

WHAT: One-sentence pitch of your YA/MG novel.

WHERE: On the QueryTracker blog (not here!). You must be a follower of the QT blog to enter, because Mr. Richman has NOT capped the entries!! That's right, people, no cap! The contest will remain open for 24 hours, and if we get 600 entries, so be it!

So get your novel distilled down to your best one-sentence pitch and join us on Tuesday, April 27.

Do we know how to throw a contest or what?? And do I use too many exclamation points or what?!? Whatever (or what?). Go get your pitch ready!


  1. Kristi (one of my crit partners) mentioned this one. Chris does represent things like faeries, vampires, werewolves etc. Do you think he'd be interested in those entries even if he doesn't rep them?

  2. Nice contest and great use of exclamation points. ";-)

  3. Thanks for the heads up. Now, what should my one sentence be?

  4. Oh, I love contests...Can't wait til my book is finished so I can enter some of these puppies!

    I think I signed up at QT awhile back, but I haven't really looked around yet. I'll have to go find my log-in info, so I can route y'all on!

  5. We had a post about pitches last week, if anyone wants some samples:sisters in scribe

  6. Very cool of Chris. Poor guy will be flooded with entries. No cap? Is he crazy? lol.

  7. I had the same question as L.J. Is it worth entering if he doesn't rep what we write?

  8. You so make me laugh! Thanks for the heads up. Now to get to work on a pitch...

  9. Sometimes a query hook works out as a pitch. The two are very similar. Hope that helps someone. :)

  10. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Contests like these half motivate me to have a finished novel so I can participate and half freak me out because I am afraid that once I do finish my first book, all the contest hoopla and excitement will be long gone and I'll have to go about things the old fashioned way.

  12. *sigh* All the agent contests of late (that I have run across) seem to be YA/MG only. Ah well.

  13. Oooooh I do hope you remind us the day before. (Since I have revision brain and can't remember a dang thing these days!)

  14. It's a bad sign when you already think it's tuesday...

  15. Ditto on what Candyland said. :D

  16. Awesome contest! Good luck to all of you YA/MG writers :-) I've got my fingers crossed for all of you.

  17. This will be great!

    Chris R. seems like a very smart boy.

    Mostly, I can't wait to read YOUR pitch, Elana!

  18. Janet (and others): No, you shouldn't enter if he doesn't rep what you write. That's sort of a waste of everyone's time. I do believe he's open to all genres of YA/MG though. Be sure to check his profile and read their blog and stuff. If you think he'd be a good match for you, plan on entering!

    Jonathan, dude, there's going to be contests from now until the end of time. Have you read The Hunger Games? I mean, that's like the ultimate contest! Ha ha ha! Srsly, don't worry.

    Jennie, I have to have a pitch... Uh... Okay. You just wrote my post for tomorrow.

    L.J. Thanks for linking to your post! It was awesome!!

  19. another great contest, I've marked it in my calendar

  20. Yeah for Query Tracker! Thanks for all you do Elana!

  21. Best of luck to everyone who enters!

  22. Awesome! Other than the fact that my one sentence pitch totally SUCKS! :-)

  23. I was SO excited about this one til I saw the MG/YA part. :( Can't wait til you host one like it for adult fiction!

  24. What a great contest! (or what!?!) :-)

  25. Oh my - thank you for the heads up so I can write a one word pitch (a log line, I think they call it in screenwriting). This will be interesting!

    What is the prize? Feedback? An offer to look at pages? I am trying to figure out if unfinished ms's can enter? :)

    Oh, and I love exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Grrr, one SENTENCE. One word pitch... yeah, that'd be interesting.

    (And just for fun - !!!!!!!!!)

  27. Good luck to all who enter. :-) I wish I had a YA/MG book, oh well, I'll sit this one out and wait for the next contest, or the one after that...

  28. You guys are awesome. Thanks, Elana! Last time I was sick, and did it wrong. This time I vow to enter the contest properly.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. A one sentence pitch!? That is like the hardest thing ever! I'm working in it. =)

  31. I'm a firm believer in using exclamation points!!!!!

  32. All of these great opportunities makes me want to try my hand at novel writing--and then I read my "stuff" and consider how much of a project I am.

    Keep up the good work Elana.

  33. Thanks for the heads up on the contest. I've been working on my sentence this weekend. Hope you get some time to work on your conference.

  34. Oooh! Thanks for the heads up on this! I wonder how many hours its going to take me to carefully place those pitch words into one sentence. One, very long sentence with lots of commas, probably....

  35. Wow Elana, very cool! Thanks for posting about this contest. I don't write YA but I wish you all GOOD LUCK in entering! Yeah!!

  36. Very Cool. Good luck to all who enter!

  37. AWESOME. I love a challenge! Thanks for sharing, Elana :)

  38. What a great contest, Elana! Thanks!

  39. Hello Elana. Thank you so much for the lovely comment you left on my blog! It really made my day when I read it. I have just added myself as a follower, and looking around, can see I am going to love it here. Love the idea of the contest too. :)

  40. Elana, you are so thoughtful, i appreciate your presence in bloglandaria...

  41. Who doesn't love an awesome contest!!!

  42. Elana,

    You're a hoot.

    I like being your hero, even if only for a day.

  43. Wow! What a great contest - thanks for the advance warning :)

  44. Abby, uh... I'm not sure of the prizes, but there will be full details on the QT blog this Friday. Suzette Saxton is handling this one -- and she's awesome!

    Cassandra -- hero for always! :)

    Jayne -- glad you're here. :-D

  45. Ugh, I need to finish my freakin' WIP so I can enter one of these. I'm so missing out.
