Monday, July 12, 2010

This Is Why You Wanna Come to my Party*

Okay, so I cleared my post for today because of the epicness that happened last Thursday night. Hopefully it's not too long, but if you look up EPIC...

First and foremost, if you are in a 2000-mile radius of Salt Lake City (which means everyone in the U.S. and most of Mexico and Canada) you must eat at Mazza Restaurant. It's right next door to The King's English where Kimberley Griffiths Little had her book signing last night, and they serve the best Middle Eastern cuisine I've ever eaten.

Not only that, they were the nicest people ever. EVER. Lemme give you a run-down of how this simple author book signing with a little dinner beforehand became an event of epic proportions.

First we arrived at Mazza. And we didn't have time to eat before the book event. So we said we'll be back and can you please hold our food. Not only did they do that, but they said they'd make it fresh for us!

I mean, who does that?

Mazza Restaurant in Salt Lake City.

So we ran over to the book event. And it was amazing. Kimberley is da bomb. Here's a pic of me and her.

Then we were late getting back to Mazza. Did they care?


Because they're freaking awesome. Then we increased our party of 3 to a party of 7. They didn't bat an eye. They moved two tables together and brought out some ambiance candles. I mean, candles!

Here's us: (clockwise, Jenn Wilks, Nichole Giles, me, Ali Cross, Sheralyn Pratt, Suzette Saxton took the photo)

Where was this? Mazza Restaurant in Salt Lake City.

FRAWESOME. Our waiter, Jody, was the best waiter ever. He had this deep voice and wicked awesome glasses, and sort of spiky hair. And, dude, you guys, you know how I like that stuff. After he used the word "sidled" (best word of the night), I mentioned to Ali Cross* (one of my favoritest peeps) that I was going to write him into a book.

So then we thought it was only fair to let him know that he'd just served a table of six authors, and hey, he might see himself in a few novels in a year or two.

(Have I mentioned that you should all eat at Mazza? Service = incredible. Food = divine.)

So then Jody sidled back on over and we had a little photo op, courtesy of the fabu Suzette Saxton. Jody thought it'd be pretty funny to stare straight at me, and ohmyheck youguys! He's my first fanboy!!

*insert fanboy scream*

So after I told him that was a little weird, Jody goes, "I can't stare at you?"** and we decided that indeed, he could, and should. So he did.

*blissful sigh*

Best. Night. Ever.

The King's English with Kimberley Griffiths Little.

Mazza Restaurant with their wicked awesome service and ultra-fanboyish waiters and scrumptious Middle Eastern delicacies. And the writing friends. Dude, the writing friends.***

They're the best (after Mazza, where I will be having a party before my book signing next year).

So. What's the best time you've had with your writing pals? What did you do? Anyone find that perfect restaurant with the perfect waiter? Lemme know.

*Ali Cross named this blog post.
**Nichole Giles made sure I wrote this quote down.
***Other writing friends in attendance: Jenn Wilks and Sheralyn Pratt and Suzette Saxton.


  1. LOVE the stare! Mazza sounds SO yummy...

  2. Sounds like you had a spectacular dinner!
    Some of the best times I've had with my writing friends have been when we just bump into each other, then realize 40 minutes just went by because we talked and talked about writing.
    I love those interruptions in my life!

  3. So I'm like a thousand miles away from all of that awesomeness... can you send me some of your fab juju? I could use the pick-me-up.... although I was lmao while reading this post and that alone made me feel tons better! Congrats on a swinging evening! :D

  4. AWWW I love nights like that! I just blogged about a great night with writer friends (now if I only I could move them to a restaurant, so I could enjoy a glass of wine).

  5. Yeah, I'm miles away too, but man ... it's looks like you had a blast! And I love your waiter!

    I'm afraid I don't have any mind blowing stories like that to tell, though. Four thumbs up for you, though!!! ;-)


  6. There's a restaurant in Salt Lake on the grounds of an old French Chateau - the food was good and the atmosphere outstanding. And I believe the salads started at $30. (This was a few years ago.)

  7. Hey! Only 30 miles away to the North. Sooo going to Mazza to check it out soon. I'll let them know you blogged and I had to go.

    Having a YA Fae Soiree in Park City in October. Have an open chair on a panel. Are you interested?
    lemme know.
    (conference coordinator for the Utah RWA)

  8. I'm so jealous I wasn't with you and your writer friends in Mazza.

    In the picture, the waiter looks a little like a young Robert Downey Jr. I bet it was a fun night for him too.

  9. Love the excitement in this post. You guys and Jody made your night, I bet, by the energy you had around you.
    Let's see...a best time with a writing pal. Once I went with my friend and author, Gayle Brandeis, to watch a storage auction as she was gearing up for release of one of her books called SELF-STORAGE. Then we stopped spontaneously at a Mexican restaurant with a mermaid in front. We both were drawn to the mermaid and now I'm finishing up a book that features (shhhh) mermaids. :D

  10. Awww, I'm not cool enough to have writing pals yet. Now I will go in earnest search of them! Sounds like you guys had a great time!

  11. Oh my freaking heck that sounds like the most awesome of awesome nights ever!!! I must go there, with writing pals (which I now must find) after I go to the King's English(where I have never been). FUN!!

  12. Sounds like a great time.

  13. Okay, Mazza, fo sho!

    Looks like you had a SUPER time! It's definitely summer -- everyone's posting their girl fun on blogs.

    A few weeks ago, my writing group went out to this Italian place I'd never been to in 16 years of living here in Ashland. We were ordering minestrone and laughing over the "Sex & The City" desert attire, when Suzanne Young walked by, and I pulled the whole table cloth off while I jumped over Julie and knocked Anjie on the floor to make sure she saw us.

    Pretty unforgettable. Especially for the servers.

  14. Sounds like so much freaking fun!!!! I want to go there! Me!Me! (Check your email, ps)

  15. Sounds like so much fun!! Wish I could have come, but hopefully next time! (FL was pretty fun too, so it's ok) ;-)

  16. Looks like you had a fabulous time and the restaurant sounds great! Love the pictures!

  17. Looks like a great time. I wished I lived close enough to get together with writing buddies in person.

  18. You and Nichole and Ali are making me soooo jealous because I had planned on being there, but the hubbie ended up having to work late. Sounds like an awesome evening. Congrats on the hot fanboy.

  19. So you're saying Mazza is a good place to eat, huh?

    Glad you had such a great time. Congrats on all your success!!!!

  20. GAH - nothing mo betta than hanging out with the writerly peeps! Any time I can sit outside, talk books, talk pop culture and swill an icy beer - MAN. Nights like that are my favorite, and always feel epic :D

  21. It's sounds like you all had a great time.

  22. Looks like such a great time! I haven't met any of my online buddies yet - small city Canada doesn't have a ton of authors :)
    One of these days!

  23. Love that pic of you and your server/fanboy! Hilarious! Mmm, and I love Middle Eastern cuisine.

    Sounds like a fun time!

  24. Okay, this makes me wish I lived closer to Utah. *wistful sigh*

    Oh, and you look adorable in those pictures! :)

  25. Yes, Yes, *raises hand* I do want to come to your party. :)

    I love the staring picture. It is made of 5 kinds of awesome. And, now on my list of things to accomplish before I die: EAT AT MAZZA. (Wait, was that the name of the restaurant- I forget)...

  26. *Ahem* If you wouldn't mind just sending Jody over to Colorado - it's only one state over! - I'd be much obliged >:]

    No, but seriously. This brightened up my day. One day I hope I'm out at fabulous restaurants with MOOD LIGHTING and writing friends. It sounds wonderful!

  27. I do stuff with my writing buds all the time. We've even taken weekend "writing" trips where we stay up till 4 in the morning being crazy.
    Looks like your group had a fabulous time. I'll have to try out this restaurant. It sounds delish (waiter and all) :-)

  28. This is one of my favorite posts from you, E. Shows why writer buds, rock!! Thanks for sharing.

  29. Gawsh, dern! My own peeps left me OUT of their party! Just LEFT me at the bookstore signing all these books . . . sheesh!

    Will you invite me next time???

  30. Love the fanboy pic. You are frawesome.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. So, I wasn't quite clear from your post. Did you have a good time?

    :-P Only kidding.

    How cool is it that you're writing the waiter into a book? That's so awesome 'possum, er, frawesome.

  33. Even though I was THERE, I still think that sounds wicked fun! I wanna do it again!

  34. Oh, how I miss Salt Lake. Might just have to stop at Mazza on my way home to ID in August! Sounds like a fun time!

  35. Best time I ever had with writing friends was about 12 years ago. I wrote Early Edition fanfic, and three other EE fanfic writers met up in Chicago. We had a blast finding all kinds of EE sites used in the show, and went on a hunt for a particular bench and clock used in the opening credits. Never did find them, and learned later they were props. lol.

  36. Sounds like a great time, Elana. And dang, you are in Salt Lake? Grrrr, I was just up there in February for my graduation. I would so have liked to say hi. Oh well, maybe when I graduate with my Masters :)

  37. What a fun experience. I love warm-fuzzy stories. The best writing moments for me have been at a crit session with one of my fave critters. She makes the best peppermint tea (from mint she grows in her garden no less), and sometimes the conversation far outweighs our scripts. Glad you had such a wonderful time.

  38. There's nothing like hanging out with awesome friends and having good food (and service!). My friend and I rediscovered our love for CPK after not having it for a long time. Of course, the excellent service and cute waiter helped.

  39. Oh, I agree. Did anyone order the waiter for dinner?

  40. Nothing like a little enthusiasm to help us through a hot Monday!

  41. See, this is the kind of awesome story I'm looking for on a Monday. Love the picture with the waiter.

  42. I wanna go to dinner with YOU guys!

    Beats telling my children to:

    --sit down
    --stop poking each other
    --stop eating sugar packets
    --push their water back from the edge

  43. What an amazing day you had. SOunds like a blast. I particularly like his fanboy stare.... you have so many more of those to come Elana. Better get used to it. ;)

  44. Hey, I was totally there at Kimberley's book signing, and I can't believe you didn't invite me to join you for dinner! Sheesh. Who cares that I had no idea you were there and I came with the fam (my littlest girl won one of the alligator door prizes, so I have proof of my attendance)..and you and I have never actually met in person. I am shocked--SHOCKED--at this supposed oversight. ;)

    But, Mazza = Awesome because they let my kids run back and forth through their outdoor terrace and they didn't complain at all. I can't vouch for the food, but the they are some pretty cool people.

    BTW, I totally expect an invitation next time. There will be no more or these dinner after signings without me, right? Right. :)

  45. Oh my gosh! It sounds like so much fun! I'll have to check that place out.

    Best night is any night with my critique group. We totally sit and talk it up. *sigh* Love that group. =)

  46. Too bad this recommendation didn't come before we drove out west. Maybe next time!

  47. A restaurant that comes complete with fanboys?? I am so there. :)

    Great post!

  48. SO amazing! Glad you guys had fun. And you already KNOW I'm making the roadtrip to see you on YOUR EPIC launch...cuz that WILL.BE.EPICLY.AMAZING! Just sayin.

  49. I may actually be more 2000 miles away...

    Any time spent with my good friend and mentor, author p.m.terrell, is the best time in the world!

  50. Sounds like a great night! Glad you enjoyed yourself.

  51. It looks like you had a great time...Jody's pretty cute. :)

    Elana, Do you know Tess Hilmo? She's in that area of the US too...and about the nicest person you could meet.

  52. I'm with Ali. Let's totally do it again. So. Much. Fun.

  53. I'm in my van. See you in a couple hours (days?) :D

  54. Ahhh! Love at first stare!
    I will be at dinner and YOUR book signing!

  55. Sounds like a fun night. How luck are you to have so many writing buddies around? :)

  56. Pretty much every night I have a writers meeting with my writer friends is the best night I've spent with my writer friends. We always make each other laugh and cry and have a good time.

    And I've had a couple of booksignings in the Salt Lake area. They were both awesome! Really, the people of Utah are too cool.

