Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why I Like Bacon Like Vampires Like Blood

It's more a need, a craving. I mean, it's bacon. Salted, cured meat. How can anyone pass it up??

So just like vampires have this extreme craving, this unquenchable thirst for blood, I feel this way about my salted, cured meats.

Especially bacon. The crispiness. The salty explosion on your tongue.

I love it. I cannot get enough of it. Just thinking about bacon makes my mouth water. I'm sure vampires go through this too. I've read enough stories to feel their hunger, see their delight at the thought of bacon, er, blood.

It's one of my favorite foods. What do you like they way vampires like blood? (Translation: What's your favorite food?)


Martina Boone said...

In-N-Out Burger... healthy, right? :)


Stephanie McGee said...

Indian, Mexican, Italian, sushi. Good thing I'm in culinary school, eh?

Theresa Milstein said...

I like your new picture. But not like vampires like blood, because that would be weird.

I like the Indian buffet like vampires like blood, definitely. I'm starting to get that way about sushi too. And I'm like that for coffee. Red wine, sometimes.

virg_nelson said...

Sushi and cheesecake. Lol. Did you know there is Bacon soap and Bacon mints out now? Lol

Anonymous said...

Coffee! Okay, I guess this isn't technically a food, though I'm convinced I could live off it. The only real food that I could never turn down no matter how full I am is ice cream cake. I love it. Ooh, especially with a nice big cup of coffee!

Kelly Bryson said...

Chocolate. I'm starting a detox program today, actually. Bacon is good, but doesn't get me that way.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I can't relate to the bacon. I'm a vegetarian. Ice cream, especially blizzards at Dairy Queen. Or coffee which I couldn't live without.

I love your new picture.

Gail said...

Chocolate and Dr Pepper!

Unknown said...

I love coffee the way vampires like blood. If they invented a device that would link coffee straight to my blood stream, yet make it so I could still experience the taste, I would probably purchase such a device IMMEDIATELY.

Renae said...

Food wise, I can't live without my chips and salsa. I had to laugh about this post because my son feels the exact same was about bacon. If we miss a Sunday breakfast we have to make it up to him sometime during the week!

Kerri Cuev said...

Pizza,chocolate,coffee, and ice cream. I need food now. Bye.

Deborah Talmadge said...

A kindred spirit. I fall off the bacon wagon frequently. Then I have to fight to get back on it again. There are, however, a couple other foods that run a close second. Ribs and ice cream.

Ishta Mercurio said...

Bacon. No, really. When I gave birth to my older son, the first thing I had my husband do (while I nursed our brand new beautiful baby) was make me a BLT. That was my celebratory meal.

Speaking of BLTs, I might have one for breakfast...

Bish Denham said...

I love my mac and cheese! (Organic, gluten free.) Still fattening, still delicious.

Ishta Mercurio said...

Good picture, by the way. It's very natural looking - it feels like I'm looking at a real person.

Christine Fonseca said...

I know this sounds insane...but I really don't have a "favorite" food. I have lots of food I love, but not a fav. Unless you count my skinny vanilla lattes! But that is more like an addiction :D

Michelle McLean said...

brownies....well anything with chocolate really, but mostly, BROWNIES. :D

Liza said...

I like too many things really, lately, anything prepared by the chef who cooks at the gourmet cheese and food shop where I started working recently. No kidding, I follow up everything I taste with a sincere: "OH MY GOD" and a swoon. That said, I have to cook for my family when I get home at night, and this week, I bought....BACON! Somehow it will end up in a past dish by the end of the week.

Matthew MacNish said...

Personally I fiend for Sushi, but I do love Bacon!

Check this out (scroll about half way down) for Big Fat Bacon on a stick!

Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

Bacon, Sausage and Pepperoni Pizza!

And, Elana, I love, love, love your new pics! You are so gorgeous!!! I also saw you majorly highlighted as a speaker for next year's LDStorymakers conference!!! Yahoo!

Tessa Quin said...

Chocolate! I've eaten so much of it lately that I literally hear it calling me every time I pass the store. I'm being harsh on myself and I'm only allowed chocolate on Saturdays, but it.is.so.hard! Still, I'm going to make it through this week, and then I'll wolf it down in buckets next Saturday!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Tessa on this one. Chocolate. I could get struck with a craving and my thoughts will be consumed by it until I go out and get some.

Especially when I'm having a write-fest. M&Ms next to the computer + me typing = mega word counts.

VR Barkowski said...

I'm quite fond of low sodium bacon, which is weird because I'm a salt FIEND. However, my achilles heel, my true weakness is... fried chicken.

Love the new pic!

Alicia Gregoire said...

I've gone through the bacon obsessed stage, but I always fall back to the carborama stage. (AKA pasta)

Carolyn V. said...

Chocolate, ice cream and cookies. I have a terrible sweet tooth!

Sara B. Larson said...

I LOVE your new picture!! Dang girl! :) As for food, do I have to pick one? I love too many things. But Mangoes and Sticky Rice are definitely up there. As is steak, mashed potatoes, brownie sundaes (but only really good ones like Maggie Moo's), oh man, I love food.

Bast said...

It's gonna sound weird, but asparagus. Preferably, asparagus wrapped in bacon!

Anonymous said...

Favorite food. That's a tough one.
I like so many. At this very moment I'd have to say something chocolate--like a brownie.

Elena Solodow said...

Love me some pomegranate juice - and it looks like blood, so there's an added bonus there. Now, if I could only remember where I left my plastic fangs...

Andrea Coulter said...

extra-crazy-sharp cheddar cheese. I have tried to quit it several times. Never sticks! It makes me so happy :)

Stephanie Faris said...

Mmmmmmmm bacon. Oh wait, that's a dog commercial.

Here's a bit from Jim Gaffigan on bacon:


Unknown said...

My kids must be bacon vampires too, because they can't get enough of it. My bacon is fruit. I must have some every day. Oh, wait! It's a food group so I *have* to have some every day. Score!

Alyssa Kirk said...

Hmmm...Chocolate, cheesecake, cake batter ice cream, homemade Mac and Cheese, lemon meringue pie. I'd keep going but headed to the kitchen...Must EAT!

j.leigh.bailey said...

Like vampires, I thrive on a liquid diet. My blood of choice is: Diet Pepsi (Diet Coke will do in a pinch). But I must have it, and in great quantities, to survive.

Melody said...

For fear of sounding strange...


I can not ever, ever, ever have enough orange juice. Ever.

Carol Kilgore said...

Mexican food. Must have it at least once a week. Twice is better. Three times is best.

Love your new photo!

Laura S. said...

PIZZA!!! Also, chocolate. :)

Nicole Zoltack said...

Pasta., definitely pasta. I adore the neverending pasta bowl at the Olive Garden.

Although chocolate is a close second... :)

Melanie said...

I'd probably have to say cheese. Can't live without it. I love my cheeses...on crackers, with grapes, on breads, on my pasta (hell, on anything, just slap the stuff on there and I'm in heaven). And...there isn't any cheese I don't LOVE (okay, had a bad experience with goat cheese once and got put off, but...). Yeah. I love me my cheese. Give me a block of brie and some crackers and I'm one happy camper!

Colene Murphy said...

I love the fact that this entire post is dedicated to meat. MEEEEAT. mm. My husband gave me the weirdest face when I made bacon for a late night snack. Um.. that's not weird. I love beef jerky and steak too. But something about bacon is just...magical.

Windy Aphayrath said...

Bacon. Yum. But when it comes down to it, some good quality sushi is personal favorite treat!

Huntress said...

White cake with white buttercream frosting.

Lydia Sharp said...

I just love food, period. Hard to select a fave.

Speaking of bacon, though, I've been on a major BLT kick the past couple weeks, eating it for lunch like every day. What's *that* all about?

Patti said...

Peanut butter and honey on toast. I could survive on that.

Nicole L Rivera said...

Peanut butter and chocolate. Could be Reese, Coldstone's Peanut Butter Perfection, or anything peanut butter and chocolate. *Licks lips* Yum! I'm already salivating just thinking about it.

Tere Kirkland said...

Mmmm, cheesy grits. Put a little prosciutto in there and Oh Mama!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

My favorite is custard pie. I could sit down with a fork and eat the whole thing - and then still want more! :-)

Patricia A. Timms-McGehee said...

Two crispy, shredded beef tacos wrapped on the side with rice and beans and an icy cold Coke (not pepsi, not any other brown soda, just a nice cold Coca-Cola.) Oh yeah, and this must be from the drive thru window at Miguel's Jr.

That just reminded me that today is Taco Tuesday in our house and yep, I get to have my taco combo around 6pm tonight. Gonna be a good day!

Melissa Hurst said...

I can't get enough chicken taquitos from Taco Bell. And of course I lurves my chocolate.

Unknown said...

Someone else may have mentioned this, but have you tried chocolate covered bacon??? Don't miss it, trust me. It sounds horrid, but it is so full of win the Lakers would be jealous. You can get it at a lot of gourmet foodie places ...

Shallee said...

Chocolate raisins. Definitely chocolate raisins. I could eat a whole tub of Costco chocolate raisins in a day. Not that I actually have...but I could.

I hope you get some bacon today. :)

Nomes said...

dear God, this post. i am so in the mood for some bacon right now (even though it's currently 2am in Australia).

i'm all for the salty stuff, hey? I love original chips. salty and crisp. perfect with a good book :)

Emily White said...

Caramel! *smacks lips* Mmm...I love me some caramel! Now I must go make some.

~Jamie said...

Spaghetti... it's BAD how much I love that stuff. I could eat spaghetti every day for one million days.

My kid actually had to ask me to stop cooking it so much!

Anonymous said...

Ha! My friend and his daughter love bacon, too, but they're healthy-earth-muffin types, which makes it ironic. I found a bacon-scented car air freshener and gave it to them. I should send one to you, too. :)

Valerie Ipson said...

Alas, my total fav list would be way too long, though I pretty much crave chocolate 24/7.

Valerie Ipson said...

Love the new pic, too!!!

Serena said...

could murder a bacon sarrnie now lol. have you tried making large pancakes lashing it with butter and rolling your bacon up in it its just mmmm bacon......

oh fave food i crave anything with chilli in it like a vampire craves blood like it spicy!

Susan R. Mills said...

Anything greasy, so I suppose bacon would fall into that category.

Lisa_Gibson said...

Have you tried the bacon flavored vodka. I'm thinking Bloody Marys! I haven't tried it either. Come to think of it, I've never had a Bloody Mary. Sheesh, I need to do some drinking. ;)
I totally <3 Bacon too!! Had an awesome bacon, shrimp appetizer the other day. Woohoo!
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Shannon Messenger said...

Mmmm--bacon. *empty stomach growls*

I tend to crave salt more than sugar (though sugar is still a HUGE vice) so my biggest craving is probably chips and salsa. The salty crunch with the hint of spice (well, actually, I like my salsa HOT). MMMM. Only thing better is covering those chips with cheese and beans and guac and making some killer nachos.

Okay--my whole mouth just filled up with saliva. I SERIOUSLY need to eat. :)

Krispy said...

Um, chocolate. How I love chocolate. And ice cream, but I figure chocolate is more available and practical. :)

Noticed someone mentioned In-n-Out. DELICIOUS!

Caroline Starr Rose said...


Taffy said...

My son just informed me last night that BACON is his #1 favoritest food. Good thing we had it for dinner :)

I love to try new foods. I love me good chocolate.

Horseradish is yummy too :)

Kelsey (Dominique) Ridge said...

Mmm... Spaghetti in Meatballs.

And I'm totally stealing that saying. "I like [blank] the way vampires like blood." :D

Anonymous said...

Salmon – I love it with a passion! No idea why, but I do! Bacon would definitely be a top-5 favourite.

Ted Cross said...

Pizza!! Though, if I can get really great Mexican food with guacamole I am thrilled, too.

Southpaw said...

I don’t know. But I can tell you when I smell bacon I want to eat it.

Jen said...

Ha! This is great.
I too love bacon, but if I had to choose just one food, one that I could not live without, it would be cheese.


I love the new picture by the way!

Hannah said...

Just one?? I'm going to have to say...food. I love all foods. Generally when I'm eating, I'm happy. Which is horrible for the waistline or what people call a waistline. Cest la vie.

Tamika: said...

I have to agree with you, bacon is one of a kind!

I just love food:) If I had to pick I think my brain would sputter, and die.

Sandy said...

Vietnamese food in general -- and Vietnamese noodles (all kinds of them) in particular. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thai food - hot & spicy!

And I like the new photo.

Marsha Sigman said...

I love food like I love books...and it's so hard to pick a favorite!

Onion Rings. And Mexican Food (specifically fajitas). If a margarita could be called food I would add that too.

kathrynjankowski said...

Leg of lamb, risotto, roasted asparagus, and chocolate cake is my favorite meal.

Great picture. Went to your Blogger profile for a bigger version. Very nice. I do think it's time for you to update your occupation. Your day job may be teaching, but you're a WRITER!

Kelly aka yllektra(I Work For Books) said...

Oh gosh, I think that must be the sweet n sour taste of Black forest in my mouth - sweet cherry with intense black chocolate!!

Kelly aka yllektra(I Work For Books) said...

OMG, why would you ever leave the restaurant business? XD *drools*
Ok, scratch that! *g*
If you hadn't we wouldn't have books like "Possession" to look forward to! :P XD

Riv Re said...

Maybe you should write a vampire novel next, having some first-hand experience.
I wonder if this is how Rebecca Maizel did it...

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Oh my, you love bacon like I like sweets. Maple syrup bacom. Mmmmm....

P.S. LOVE the new pics!!! Gorgeous!

Julie Wright said...

Ice cream. I have a profound respect for ice cream

Robert Guthrie said...


Melissa said...

Teryaki beef jerky. I love this stuff.

Stina said...

Mangos. :D

Too bad they are seasonal.

I hear you on the bacon, not that we have it often.

Love your pics, btw. Told you they would look great once you went outside. :D

Jessica Nelson said...

Chocolate!!! Of course. :-)

WritingNut said...

Chocolate and sushi.. maybe not together though.... YEt... yummmmmm

RaShelle Workman said...

Hey Elana - This is so NOT a cool thing to have an extreme craving for, but it was triscuits. I'm over them. In fact, I can't even look at them anymore. But for six years STRAIGHT (it started during the pregnancy with my son), I HAD to have them. Not just one or two, but like A LOT!!!

Claire Dawn said...


Claire Dawn said...

PS. Linky to my "Compelling Characters"


Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Soooo many things.
Indian food rocks.
And Thai...and Mexican.
NACHOS. Super-deluxe and loaded!

(= Mmmm...

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Writing prompt on my blog. Possibly fabulous.

Sherrie Petersen said...

Bacon dipped in maple syrup. Mmmmm....

Christina Lee said...

hahahaha-- too many to name, but potato chips are up there.

Karen Baldwin said...

My lover's mouth...his kiss is my sustenance. And if he's eaten bacon? Double the pleasure.

Julie Hedlund said...

I love bacon too, but I'd have to go with cheese. Especially melted cheese... Slathered all over pasta or hot crusty bread.

Oh, I'm sorry... Are you all still there?

Anonymous said...

My Vamp Blood is Indian Food. Or truthfully, anything spicy. =] Curry....*drooling*

Unknown said...

There is a restaurant in my neighborhood that has Bacon Fest in April every year. Last year they had Bacon Creme Brule. They also have a Bacon Haiku.

Botanist said...

Mmmm...bacon. BLT, or bacon on crusty bread with HP sauce.

Good, but not absolutely tops. Truth is, I love all sorts of food, but if I'm pressed to pick one enduring favourite it has to be Indian. OK, that's a whole cuisine, but I won't be pressed further.

a kelly said...

Fries. I totally understand the salty crunchy need.

See Elana's recent blog posts

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