Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday WOW

Okay, so there's many great things going on out there! I hope you guys don't mind me sharing a bit.

1. WriteOnCon is having another live event! This time, we're bringing you literary agent Sara Megibow from the Nelson Literary Agency. She'll be chatting with us--and all of you!--on Monday, October 25 at 9 PM EDT. Suh-weet! (And, uh, wow.) Check out the WOC site for more details.

2. I, Elana Johnson aka Query Ninja, am doing a live chat on Thursday, October 28. I know, shocking, right? I'm going to be discussing all things
query letter related (and giving away query crits and ebooks!), and you can find out all the details at Operation Awesome. (Double Wow.)

3. Victoria Schwab's COVER! *faints* Dude, you guys, there is nothing more exciting that seeing/stroking/tasting a book. I love them all, not just my own. And Victoria is one of the nicest people you'll ever "meet." And she's got her ARC's--with the fantabulous cover, and she's letting me share it with you. So enjoy/drool/scream/whatever! Holy Triple Decker WOW!

A bit more about THE NEAR WITCH: The Near Witch is only an old story told to frighten children.
If the wind calls at night, you must not listen. The wind is lonely, and always looking for company.
There are no strangers in the town of Near.

These are the truths that Lexi has heard all her life. But when an actual stranger—a boy who seems to fade like smoke—appears outside her home on the moor at night, she knows that at least one of these sayings is no longer true.

The next night, the children of Near start disappearing from their beds, and the mysterious boy falls under suspicion. Still, he insists on helping Lexi search for them. Something tells her she can trust him.

As the hunt for the children intensifies, so does Lexi’s need to know—about the witch that just might be more than a bedtime story, about the wind that seems to speak through the walls at night, and about the history of this nameless boy.

Part fairy tale, part love story, Victoria Schwab’s debut novel is entirely original yet achingly familiar: a song you heard long ago, a whisper carried by the wind, and a dream you won’t soon forget.

Ooh, I have chills. I can't wait for this book! You can preorder it here. Go check out Victoria's blog too, okay? Okay.

What do you have on your WOW list today? Lay it on me, we're going for the bestest Wednesday ever!


Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm super excited about the live chat with Sara. I've heard such great things about her as an agent. I would love to have her as mine.

Shannon said...

Awesome stuff going on, Elana! The WriteOnCon sounds amazing and your query help rocks! My query would still be a quivering mess if not for you.

I'm headed over to Victoria's blog now. Thanks for providing my morning dose of awesomesauce.

Renae said...

So excited for another WriteOnCon event! And you have totally sold me on The Near Witch. Can't wait to read it!

The Blogger Formerly Known As said...

Ooo, I’ll have to make a point of being around for the live event. My first time.
The enigmatic, masked blogger

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

My wow is day two of my virtual tour and a surprise great review that appeared yesterday afternoon.

Christina Lee said...

Awesome! I was so excited to see her cover! Love the exciting write on con stuff you guys have going on!

Candyland said...

You're awesomness never ends! I don't have anything fantastic to share, but I wanted to tell you I MISSES YOU!!!

Theresa Milstein said...

There's a lot of WOW news here. I'm going to check out this book and mark my calendar for the live chats.

Laura Pauling said...

Both live chats sound great. I think your query one will be just as popular! We have just as much to learn about the writing side from writers ahead of us on the journey as we do from agents!

Anonymous said...

yay fantastic - love the live events...
cool book...
hope to make both chats :)

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to the next WriteOnCon live event and your chat, too, Elana! Thanks!

Amparo Ortiz said...

You rock, Elana. No joke. But you knew that already, RIGHT????

See you at the WriteOnCon and OA chats!!!

Lindsay said...

Yay to all the awesome.
Looks like I'll be having some naps this side of the pond that week to make the WOC chat. Oh yeah, and I REALLY should make sure I'm at the OA one. lol.

Shain Brown said...

Awesome news, I am so excited. I knew there was a reason to get an early start today. Thanks.

Christine Fonseca said...

LOVE that YOU are doing a love chat and DUDE...Victoria's cover/story are AMAZING!!! Can't wait to read!

Stina said...

Wow, lots of wowness (Yes, I suck at Scrabble.) Can't wait for the WriteOnCon sessions. :D

Bish Denham said...

WOW you're going to do a query letter chat! That's my WOW! Thanks Elana.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that book sounds great.

My Wow. . . .Hmmm. I got a couple full requests from a couple publishers. . . So I'm doing the happy dance.

Another one: My dad's coming home from Europe this weekend. He's been gone since APRIL! So that's way cool.

Finally....I get to go work at the bookstore today. There's no better place to work as far as I'm concerned!!

Happy Wednesday!

Michelle McLean said...

ooooo Victoria's cover and book look and sound amazing! Can't wait!!! And as a brand new member of OA, I am wowing over being a part of your query chat :D

lisa and laura said...

WOW is right! A live event with the query ninja??? Yippee! Yes, I just said yippee. And Victoria's cover? Beautiful. Can't wait to see it in real life!

Kelly Polark said...

Yay! Live events! Thanks WOC and to you, Elana!!

Unknown said...

Victoria's news was HUGE!! Pre-order, ARC's I mean what more could a girl want!!!!

Melody said...

Awwww, I was all excited about your query chat - because that's exactly where I am in 'the process' right now - and then I realized I won't be able to make it! :'( Hopefully I'll be able to attend the WoC one. :)

Ishta Mercurio said...

GO, WriteOnCon! GO, Query Ninja! And GO, Victoria Schwab's cover for THE NEAR WITCH! (Although, Elana, please tell me you did not lick this book. PLEASE! 'Cause that would be gross. I would worry that books I win from you come with a special add-on.)

What's on my WOW list? The release of Robert Paul Weston's second book, his first YA, DUST CITY! YAY! I am privileged to be taking his creative writing class at the moment, and it is blowing the door right off of everything I thought I knew about writing a novel. I have to let my brain digest for two whole days after every class. And his book is great, so go read it! (More, including book launch details, at

Claire Dawn said...

Wow! She looks so happy! And that cover is awetabulous!

Makes you feel all mushy inside being an author...

Carolyn V. said...

Ahhhh! So many awesome things! I'm making a list. =)

Patti said...

Marking the calendar now. Especially excited about the query chat as I'm struggling with that right now.

As for my WOW. I'm going to Costco today, does that count?

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I want that book! It sounds like all kinds of fantastic!! :-)

My WOW list today is all about James Dashner and the release of Scorch trials. *sighs...wipes fangirl drool from chin* :-)

Katrina L. Lantz said...

OMGoodness, I thought I was excited about the OA chat with you (and I SO am!) but now I have TWO amazing chats to look forward to, and one of them involves Sara Megibow! *suppresses a squee for the kids' sake*

I am so there! Both times! And congratulations to Victoria! That book sounds creeptastic!

Tamika: said...

Wow~ what a treasure chest full of goodies! Thanks Elana:)

Lisa Potts said...

Oooh, I want that book! Sounds fantastic. And the WriteOnCon event? Icing.

mshatch said...

well, speaking of wonderful authors...I recently read Struts and Frets by Jon Skovron and he agreed to do an interview on my blog so do check it out! I loved this book!

Colene Murphy said...

Sounds AMAZING! Love that cover! Thank's for sharing!!

Paul Greci said...

Victoria's book sounds awesome! A great halloween read!!

And I'm sure your live workshop will go well. It'll be fun and informative just like your blog!

TerryLynnJohnson said...

wow, that's a lot of awesome in one post! I'm heading over to Victoria's blog now because after seeing her video, I now have a girl crush going on. She's way too cute.

Jennifer Hoffine said...

This book does sound awesome. Thanks for sharing.

I "listened" in on one of the last WriteOnCon chats. They're great! So worth the time.

Krispy said...

I saw the Near Witch post last night, and now I'm so interested in reading the book! Sounds like a story I'd love!

My sister bought The Lost Hero, the new Percy Jackson (except not actually about PJ) book yesterday and I'm SO EXCITED to read it this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so Victoria is possibly one of the most darling people I've ever seen online. Just sayin'. And what an awesome cover!

So exciting news around here! WOC, your query ninjaing! (Is not a word, I know. Is not a good grammar, either.)

Sadly, my Wednesday is downright boring. Lame. Utterly.

Lisa_Gibson said...

All excellent things on this, a fine Wednesday afternoon. I'm way excited for the live chat too. I'm hoping I can make the 28th one. Yay!
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Susan R. Mills said...

That's a lot of WOW! Thanks for sharing. Will check into all of it.

Hermana Maw said...

The Near Witch sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing. :)

Unknown said...

Hooray for more WriteOnCon! Ms. Schawbs's book sounds pretty intriguing. I'll will have to add it to the list.

Sara B. Larson said...

That really is a WOW day! The Near Witch sounds awesome, I can't wait to read it!!

Belle Wong said...

Love your WOW list! The NEAR WITCH looks really good. And I'm hoping I'll be able to catch some of your query chat!

Jackee said...

1. How awesome of Sarah!
2. How awesome of YOU!!
3. Victoria's book DOES sounds wow!

Thanks for sharing. :o)

My WOW: The miners being rescued... wow....

Jemi Fraser said...

Awesome cover! The book sounds awesome too :)

Matthew MacNish said...

Why is it not final? That cover looks wicked sick.

Author Joshua Hoyt said...

Sounds great I hope to make it to the events. Today has been a great day, you visited my blog (: I also found out that I could get a dual licence in both school psychology and school counseling pretty much at the same time. Woot!!

Anonymous said...

The Near Witch sounds fantastic, and what a gorgeous cover!

Also, I adore the paint on the walls in the room Victoria is sitting in. It had to be said.

My WOW for today? I posted about Michael J. Fox's shot for shot recreation of the original Back to the Future trailer in honor of the upcoming 25th anniversary reunion. It is all kinds of happy-making.

Hannah said...

My WOW list simply includes bloggers today. I'm just amazed by their awesomeness and generosity daily but some days, I'm wowed.

WritingNut said...

This books sounds amazing. I got chills too when I finished reading! Very cool cover :)

Lydia Kang said...

That book sounds great! What a great idea, wish I thought of it!

Donea Lee said...

No viable WOW's for my Wednesday (as it's almost over) - ummm... yeah. I've got nothing. But - your upcoming events look great! I hope I'm able to check out both of them! :)

Nicole Zoltack said...

That's awesome. I'm so excited for both chats. I had a pitch session with Sara earlier today at the Muse Online Conference. She seemed really nice in the brief time that we spoke. Of course she was deemed awesome in my eyes wen she asked for the 1st 30 pages. Woot!

Julie Wright said...

this book sounds awesome and I'm going to have to read !it

Slamdunk said...

I think you stay busy Elana. Wow...

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