Monday, February 28, 2011

Things I Like

1. This cover. The colors are brilliant. The cracks. The glass as a fence--and you know how I feel about fences...

2. And this cover. The blue and the tree limbs... GORGEOUS yet creepy at the same time.

3. Email. Good thing, because between WriteOnCon and the Bookanistas and planning a trip to NYC in SIX WEEKS, and my inbox is NEVER EMPTY.

4. People. I spent last weekend, and the weekend before that, presenting at symposiums and conferences. It is fabulous to be surrounded by writers, by those seeking to become better writers, by those who inspire.

5. Sleep. I haven't gotten nearly enough, and I'm determined to get a nap today.

What do you like right now?


Emily White said...

I LOVE those covers! And I'd also have to say I love the burgeoning warm weather. I just hope it stays.

Anita Saxena said...

I think your fence infatuation is so cool, as are these covers. Lately, I've been getting the opportunity to write everyday, even if it's just a scene,I revel in the fact that somehow my life is giving me the time to do it. It's way cool.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I love the covers too. I can totally relate on the lack of sleep.

Right now I like that I have a day off at home, even if I have to go to the dentist. Hope to get some time to write.

Anonymous said...

Those are great covers. What do I like? Hmm, sleep is a must. I love resting my head on my pillow after a long day. I'm heading to the library this morning, and that's always fun. I also love that there's ice cream cake in my freezer! Yum.

Theresa Milstein said...

Both of those covers are beautiful.

Sounds like you've been busy, and deserve a nap.

Since break is over, and it's back to school today, it's hard to think of something I like right now. But I had a productive writing day last week and found out I'd made it to the 2nd round of ABNA. Those were things to like!

Connie Keller said...

I'm enjoying the daffodils and crocuses. And I'm enjoying Skullduggery Pleasant--it's one of my son's favorite series.

Unknown said...

I also like that cover for POSSESS. It's like the trees are veins across her face! And I like Kiersten White's SUPERNATURALLY cover, and Meg Cabot's ABANDON - love all the sepia tones!

Liza said...

I like reading the blog posts of writers who inspire me.

Stina said...

Um, I like that summer's eventually going to come. I'm getting so sick of this freezing weather.

I like that I get to write every day.

I like it that my husband is super supportive about my writing, and doesn't complain when I disappear to write.

I like it that my husband has no problem with me buying tons of books.

I like that I'm meeting some of my writer friends for lunch on Wednesday, and that one of them has a US stamp for me (US currency not Canadian) to put on my SASE for requested material (my stamps when missing).

Okay, the last four are more like loves than likes. :D

Melissa said...

Both those covers are absolutely gorgeous!! You know, I love my email but sometimes I want to kill it, it always seems like it's never-ending and I always have more emails to answer but I never have enough time.

I also like sleep. It's almost five in the morning for me right now and I really should be getting to bed.... (I have a strange sleeping schedule...especially on days I don't have to go to school)

Amparo Ortiz said...

Those covers SLAY me! *reaches out to touch* So pretty...

Right now, I like being alone at home, even though I'm spending that time on homework rather than revising the good ol' WIP. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Oh man. I love that cover, Possess. WOW!! That's a thing of beauty.

Things I love?
My hubby.
Oh my, I could go on. Life is good.

Have a great day. Hope you get that nap!

Unknown said...

Yesterday I sat around all day thinking of my 5 posts and Friday I came up empty.

I like that you gave me an idea for my post on Friday. I'll of course if you credits for the likeness.

I also like that this represents 4 weeks of the waiting game. This is the real week, the winning week, let's hope my good vibes move to that publisher!

B.E. Sanderson said...

Those are awesome covers, Elana. Thanks for sharing them. =o)

Right now, I like coffee. Lots and lots of really strong coffee.

Kristi said...

Ooohhh, love the covers!

Right now, I am LOVING Possession and can't wait to read it! Just read a review over at Operation Awesome and had to say, it left me even more excited than I was before. You go girl! ;)

Oh, and I'm also LOVING author signings. Meeting peeps in person just rocks my world.

Henya said...

Thanks for sharing Elana. When I get to this point of the game, I might just come 'round knocking at your door wanting your opinion.

Paul Greci said...

At this moment I like watching the presunrise sky turn light red. And breathing--no alergies at the moment--I love breathing.

Christine Fonseca said...

Gretchen's cover!!! And dude - lunch or dinner with writerly friends = best thing ever!

Jessi said...

Arizon and now NY? What a fabulous, jet-setting life you have. :)

What I like right now:

Sending out letters my students (who are now Seniors) wrote to themselves in 8th grade. I don't think they believed I'd really do it, so I can't wait for them to get them!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sleep is always on my mind! And music. Sounds like you've got a lot happening right now.

Unknown said...

I like being on vacation and having the time to read blog posts that make me think :-)

Matthew MacNish said...

I like life right now. Things are going pretty well everywhere except at work. And who cares about work? As long as the checks don't bounce, I'm good.

AE Rought said...

I'll keep it short and quote a movie to boot:
"Sleep is good."

Wendy Paine Miller said...

Cool covers.

I like laughter. My whole family erupted in it last night at dinner. Like medicine for our sick souls.

I like the book I'm reading now: The Map of True Places

~ Wendy

Anonymous said...

Oh, you're right about the Possess cover. Creepy but good creepy. Love.

Shana Silver said...

Do you have time to meet for coffee or something while you're in NYC?! Would love to meet up!

Tracey Neithercott said...

I LOVE the cover for Away. So cool.

I'm also loving Scrivener, which I bought this weekend. I wish I had gotten this a long time ago. Its usefulness continues to surprise me.

Kelly Polark said...

Beautiful covers! Are you going to fill us in on last weekend's conference too? Please do!
I hope you get a nap in, girl!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Enjoy this year, Elana. You'll never have another first book again.
And I'm SURE I was following you, but no idea what happened. Stupid Blogger.

Leigh Caron said...

I love cool covers too. Yes, get a nap, you'll need all your energy for NYC!

Hannah said...

I like my first cup of tea in the morning. I really like that POSSESS cover. Hmmm, I like books.

Angela said...

I'm head over heels in love with poetry right now. A writing form that makes no money and takes up a lot of my time. Oh' well. What do you do?

Brigitte said...

That first cover is very Peter Jackson-esque. love it!!
Right now, I'm liking getting free stuff, drawing scratch from photoshop, attending writers/artists conferences, and finding new galleries. :)

Jennie Englund said...

ART!!! I'm ALL OVER stuff that can be created, that, unlike writing, manifests right before my eyeballs!

Lydia Kang said...

Oh, good covers like that are like crack cocaine for YA addicts.

Amanda Bonilla said...

Those are both gorgeous covers!!

Michelle Merrill said...

Those book covers are gorgeous, I likey too. I can't even imagine what your inbox looks like. I think mine's bad sometimes...yours would probably kill me.

You're awesome. I wish I could've been at those meetings that you presented at. Those people should all feel very lucky :)

Magan said...

I like pink haired avatars! It makes me feel like I'm part of a cotton candy revolt!

Chantele Sedgwick said...

Holy crap! That Possess cover is so awesome! Creepy, but totally awesome. :) I'm coming to Storymakers and am definitely coming to your class on blogging! It sounds awesome and it would amazing to meet you! :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

My brand new, way too amazing, oh-so-comfortable King size bed and pillow top mattress! *sigh*

S.J.Kincaid said...

Right now, in no particular order:

1) caffiene

2) chocolate

3) having my own fireplace

4) knowing my writing is going to be read by actual, non-publishing people

5) my new AlphaSmart <-- is amazing

6) a bunch of ARCs I just received. So exciting.

Nicole Zoltack said...

Possess has such an awesome cover.

Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

Right now I really like the pink hair thing that's going on!

Heather said...

Tracey, I love scrivener too! Best money I've spent in a while. I also love covers. They really do make me want to judge the book. Love Matched cover too, but my favorite it Clockwork Angel. I wish I could put it on my wall!
But most of all I love getting good reviews for my book!! I'll be riding that high for a few months!

Stacy Henrie said...

Sleep, for sure - but we weren't on the best speaking terms last night. And watching my daughter learn to walk on her own!

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Oh, I hadn't seen that other cover--broken glass as a fence. Very nice!

Right now, I really like sleep. REALLY really like it. Although it feels like a distant friend at the moment.

Hooray for The Liar Society!

Robert Guthrie said...

I like possibility.

Kelly H-Y said...

Those are some catchy covers!
I like my flower blossoms that have lights in them (really hard to explain, but - trust me - they're gorgeous!) ... they look so pretty in the house at night!

Krispy said...

OMG, NYC trip! How fun!

I'd like some sleep right now too, and I love the cover for AWAY. Wow.

Caroline Starr Rose said...

Is away coming soon? I just read The Line earlier in the year.

Miriam Forster said...

I like all your things too!

Today it was 35 degrees outside instead of the -11 it was on Friday. I liked that a LOT.

Sara B. Larson said...

Love those covers! So beautiful.

You are one busy girl! Is the trip to NYC business or pleasure? I'm jealous! Hope you have a great time. :)

ali cross said...

Well, now I love those covers too!

Today I love routines. Feels so good to be back home wrapping my mind back around the normalcy of my life. Is that weird?

J.R. Johansson said...

Those covers are awesome. Today I like goals... because I have a new one, but tomorrow I might not...

Stay tuned. ;)

Anonymous said...

I like that creepy tree limb one.

This reminds me of an article from last year, where they were comparing movie posters. They had lined up four or five posters to show that they were almost identical. They all had the blue and orange scheme, and explained that the opposition of the colors made it attractive to the eye.

Looks like someone saw that memo.

Colene Murphy said...

Wow! Those covers are awesome!! Exciting about the NY trip!!! AND I surely hope that you have gotten your nap by now!!

Marsha Sigman said...

I love all the covers coming out lately! They are beautiful.

I also love naps. said...

I love both of those covers...and right now I love this amazing long sleeved soft as silk stretchy tee from Eileen Fisher...I want both colors asap...the sleeves are so long you can pull then down over your hands...I love this aspect...
Have a lovely nap...

Golden Eagle said...

Those are great covers!

I really like my cat right now--he's sitting on my lap and purring away.

Abby Minard said...

Pretty covers!

I really like being healthy. In which I am not, right now. Stomach bug- 1. Me- 0. The stomach bug wins.

Jonathon Arntson said...

You, always.

Meredith said...

I love those covers! So detailed and haunting. Good luck getting that nap!

Anonymous said...

My wife and I made it a point to get 8-9 hours sleep and small cat naps throughout the day this past week. Sleep was much needed and we feel better. I still need a few more good night sleeps in a row though.

TirzahLaughs said...

I love covers. You can do so much fun stuff.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on those covers, especially Away. It's all sorts of awesome!

Right now, I'm liking having cash in my bank account, X-files episodes, and the sunny afternoon sky. Well, I mean, it's night now, but it was sunny earlier.

- Jackie

Ishta Mercurio said...

Oh, wow - those covers! VERY nice.

I like that the snow is melting, and I like the new exercise plan I have, and I like hanging out with my kids and my friend's kids. Especially at the Science Center. And I like the way my three-year-old's brain works. And I'm starting to figure out how TV series plan their story arcs (so I can figure out what's coming and how long it will take to get here), and I like that, too. I'm thinking if I can really nail it down, I can apply the same story-planning principles to my novels, and I really like the thought of that.

Anonymous said...

I love emails, too. And both of those covers are so evocative. All dark and me!

Bonnie @ A Backwards Story said...

I especially love Away's cover. So gorgeous!

Hee, I'm about to go to NYC in four weeks myself. I got tickets to see Company with Neil Patrick Harris and Patti LuPone. The Broadway fangirl inside me will die happy :)

See Elana's recent blog posts

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