Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Blog Post That Isn't Really a Blog Post At All

Okay, so I had something epic planned for today, and well, it didn't pan out. Maybe next week. Maybe never. That's the best part about publishing = there are always surprises around the corner.

And since I'm currently in "summer mode" and/or catching up on forums and/or prepping for a phone call tomorrow and/or panicking about ALA, this is the blog post you get.

Just for fun, here's a little snippet of a chat from last night:

Me, Tuesday 8:03 PM: Yeah, so now I have to find something to blog about. No idea.
Her, Tuesday 8:07 PM: Um... something about being flexible? Lol
Me, Tuesday, 8:09 PM: Spew! I also need something for Friday. I am so over flogging right now.
Me, Tuesday, a few seconds later: Flogging!!!!! LOLOLOL
Her, Tuesday, 8:20 PM: Flogging, bwahaha.

Yeah, the story of my life.

I can't even think of a question to go along with this non-post. Maybe... is blogging like flogging? Sometimes? Maybe?


  1. Sounds like you need to take a nap! Though sometime blogging IS like flogging...

    I dropped back from blogging every day to twice a week. Even so, I'm not good at scheduling topics either. It's been making it a little easier to breath. But then again, I'm not promoting a brand new novel--hopefully some day. :)

    Hope book sales are going well, and that you get some time to breath and enjoy ALA.

  2. Yes, I think we all have that feeling somethings. Maybe take a break. And have fun at ALA if you're going.

  3. I thought the title wasn't really true, but it is.

    This post reminds me of some movie from the 80s with Dudley Moore and Daryl Hannah. Was it called Crazy People? Anyway, Dustin and people from an insane asylum start creating ads. They're all really good. But then Dudley leaves, and the crazy people can't write them on their own.

    They come up with "Sony" "Bony" for one ad, which sounds like flogging and blogging. So I think your terms are just as unrelated.

    Give yourself a break. Go have fun!

  4. I do two posts a week and I never bother with personal stuff so coming up with writer related stuff that isn't old hat is pretty tough (well it is for me). I did originally have a list of ideas to work from for blog posts, but that list is long gone.

    i think you can change how often you post and maybe keep an online presence by commenting on other people's blogs. And then ramp it back up when you feel more like it.

    Moody Writing
    follow me!

  5. I love it. It happens. It's real. That's what so fun about your blog.

  6. It feels like I'm being flogged today. I usually NEVER skip a post without some kind of prior hiatus announcement, but I think I will today.

    I just feel all meh.

  7. Perhaps some good rest will do the trick!

  8. Today is so National Day of Suck. I feel like suck and so does everyone else...blah.

    Hang in there.

  9. your truest followers won't abandon you because you don't flog for a few days. take some YOU time for yourself. don't think. don't write. just play.

    have a blast at ALA. see you when you get back :D

  10. Ha ha ha! Hilarious! :) Blogging can be sort of like flogging if you do it too much. ;)
    Have fun at ALA! :D

  11. Sometimes I flog myself when I don't blog...

  12. Bwahahaha love that chat ;) and yes, there ARE times when blogging is synonymous with flogging . Lol!

  13. Sometimes, yes. Definitely. That's when my blog gets posts like yesterday's where I just ramble about something without really having a point to the post.

  14. Could not come up a with post for quite a while yesterday - I had all sorts of random ideas. Good luck with all your stuff!

  15. Hee hee :) This made me smile. I write my posts at night and schedule them for the mornings, so I know how you feel...sitting there at 1 AM with no idea what to write about is the worst.

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  16. Yeah, sometimes blogging can be torture - but I think it's worth it, overall. :)

  17. Sounds like you brain is full! You need to give yourself a break and put up a "gone fishing" sign until some new space becomes available. Finished POSSESSION. You wowed me! Fabulous story. The ending killed me!

  18. You're just now feeling this way? I feel this way all the time. "Oh, crap. I need a blog post. What the heck am I gonna do?"

  19. Flogging is a little extreme, but trying to think up an idea for blogging can feel kind of torturous. :P I have mini-panics all the time.

  20. LOL Blogging... flogging... it's all the same.

    I love how real your blog is, how YOU it is.

  21. Well, I've got a couple of connections...
    Blog about flogging?
    While you're blogging, your keyboard feels like it's being flogged?
    Maybe it's like putting a new letter in front of "log". B-log. V-log. C-log (wait, that's a shoe...) and F-log which is...a fake blog post? (Bingo! A flog is a blog post that doesn't actually exist! As in, a blanks post is a flog!)

  22. This was a great non-flog (er blog) post.

  23. I guess if you're beating your brains for a post it's like flogging.

  24. Yep. Sometimes it sure seems like it!
