Thursday, June 14, 2012

Dystopian Domination 3, Now With SURRENDER

Okay, so I'm still a huge fan of everything dystopian. So when Precious asked me to participate in her Dystopian Domination 3, I jumped at the chance.

From her blog: Dystopian Domination 3 is a blog event that will be hosted by Precious of Fragments of Life that will run from June 8-September 28, 2012 (may change depending on the number of authors included) featuring YA and MG dystopian, post-apocalyptic and science fiction novels through character interviews, guest posts, reviews and giveaways.

And you guys! SURRENDER is up tomorrow, June 15. You can win a signed hardcover of both POSSESSION and SURRENDER, as well as a ton of other cool things.

Other authors in Dystopian Domination include Claire Merle, Gennifer Albin, Melissa West, and others. Be sure to check it out each week for features and giveaways. Precious does a great job with this!

There's only one blog tour stop today:


Leigh Caron said...

Ya know why I love dystopian? Of course I LOve your fab books, Elana, but I also love to say "dystopian" to my friends in conversations about books and watch them go, "Huh?"
And how do I win your signed copies?

Natalie Aguirre said...

This sounds really good. I'm going to follow her blog so I can see all the posts. I love dystopian and want to find more books for my daughter and me.

Kelly Hashway said...

Very cool! Thanks for sharing.

Liesel K. Hill said...

That sounds cool! I'll follow along as well! :D

Angela Brown said...

That is quite an interesting blog tour. Loving dystopian. Will have to check this out. Thanks for the heads up for it.

Carolyn V said...

Awesome blog tour! And can't wait until tomorrow! Whoop!

Wendy Lu said...

Wow haha that is a long blog event! Sounds like an adventure, Elana :) I think the idea of Dystopian Domination is fascinating...I'll be sure to visit the blog tour several times!

By the way, I'm hosting an awesome blogfest and critique giveaway at my blog from June 22-24 if you're interested! :) Hope you have a great day.

~Wendy Lu

The Roarin' Twenties Poetry Blogfest + Chapter Critique Giveaway (hosted by The Red Angel)

See Elana's recent blog posts

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