Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Major Awesomeness Ahead

Okay, so you know when your book comes out? It's pretty amazing.

But when someone you've known for years? Read several of their books over a year's time, critiquing every two weeks, 10 pages at a time? Someone you've seen wait for months and months and months for an answer? Someone who is extremely talented, and has wondered when their break will come?

That's enough to reduce you to tears. (I may or may not be crying writing this.)

Enter Stacy Henrie. She's been in my critique group for years. I've read several of her books, 10 pages at a time, critiquing every two weeks. I've seen her go through a whole pregnancy while she waited to hear from a publisher.

She is extremely talented. (Visit and follow her blog.)

And her book, LADY OUTLAW, hit shelves yesterday! I read the book way back when, and I recently read it again with all the changes. It is a brilliantly plotted story of how love can be found, even in the wild west. Of how love can overcome the biggest odds.

I've always loved Jennie as a spunky stage-coach-robbing heroine who is desperate to save her farm. But in LADY OUTLAW, you'll fall in love with Caleb--the reformed bounty hunter looking for a fresh start--too.

Stacy does a great job with the development of Jennie and Caleb's relationship, a mark of an awesome romance. The writing is beautiful in every way, and the plot is fast-paced and action-packed.

Get your copy of LADY OUTLAW at HarlequinAmazon, or Barnes & Noble. You won't regret it.

About LADY OUTLAW: No one would ever imagine a fresh-faced young woman could be robbing stage bandits of their ill-gotten fortunes. But Jennie Jones is desperate to save her family's ranch from foreclosure. And the risks seem worth it, until her upright new ranch hand offers a glimpse of how much is really at stake.

Former bounty hunter Caleb Johnson is ready for a new, clean start. With a woman like Jennie, he could build a future there in Utah territory. But only if his gentle faith can guide her in a choice between the land she's fought so hard to save and a future by his side.

And I'm giving away three copies! Right here, right now. And they're all signed too! Enter in the Raffley thingy below. Contest open through Sunday night. Winners will be announced on Monday.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Congratulations, Stacy! Doesn't matter how long it takes.

Stina said...

Waiting a whole pregnancy to hear back from a publisher? Wow, that would suck.

Congrats, Stacy! :D

vilmarys said...

Congratulations on the release! Sounds like a good romance. Thanks for the giveaway :)

Veray said...

Looks like a great book! Thanks for sharing!

Shannon said...

Thanks for telling us about Stacy and her new book. Sounds like something I would enjoy reading. I can think of a friend who would love to read it too! I'll have to tell her about it.

Margo Berendsen said...

I've followed Stacie's blog for a couple years now, and I'm so thrilled for her! Will definitely be buying this one (even if I win) to pass on to friends.

Angela Brown said...

Very happy to see Stacy has her book out in the world :-)

Carolyn V said...

Yay Stacy! That is awesome. Congrats on the book.

Renee Collins said...

Congrats! The book sounds fantastic!

Stacy Henrie said...

Thanks, Elana! I may or may not have been close to tears myself while reading your sweet words! :)

Stacy Henrie said...

Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone! You're right, Alex, about the time frame. In hindsight it doesn't feel that long anymore.

And yes, Stina, waiting a whole pregnancy and even a couple of months after my baby was born to hear back on that book felt like FOREVER! :)

Donna K. Weaver said...

I love the looks of this book. It's on my to-read list!

Patti said...

That is some major patience. Congratulations, Stacy.

Loree Huebner said...

Congrats Stacy!! So happy for you. Loved the journey you shared on your blog. It's hard climb, but the view is beautiful from the top! Congrats again.

LC Piper said...

That's really cool. Outlaw. Love that word.

Susan said...

Sounds like a fun one. Thanks for the chance to win!

Julie Daines said...

Sounds like a fun book. Thanks for the contest.

Jenilyn Collings said...

Congratulations, Stacy! (And thanks, Elana!) I'm looking forward to reading this one. :)

Angie said...

Hooray and huge congrats to Stacy!

Na said...

Happy book release, Stacy! Lady Outlaw sounds like a book I'd really enjoy.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats to Stacy! That's awesome when you have friends who get published. I get excited when a Michigan SCBWI member gets published and always try to feature them on my blog.

Ali Cross said...

I love Stacy! And I loved LADY OUTLAW the first time I read it and am loving it even more this time! Congrats to Stacy! Woot!

Martina Boone said...

I love hearing success stories like this! Congrats to Stacy!



Jemi Fraser said...

Sounds like a really great book - and such an inspiring story too! :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this book. It sounds very good. Please enter me in contest.

Peggy Eddleman said...

I'm so excited for Stacy! Huge congrats!!

Ink in the Book said...

An amazing story and really great news after waiting so long! Yay!

Diana said...

What a sweet post! It must be exciting for you to know you helper reach this point.

Anonymous said...

I adore Romance Novels!! They are like that guilty chocolate you hide from everyone, but indulge in secretly because it is just so damned good!!

This one looks like a lot of fun. I like the wild west them to it!

Anonymous said...

I adore Romance Novels!! They are like that guilty chocolate you hide from everyone, but indulge in secretly because it is just so damned good!!

This one looks like a lot of fun. I like the wild west them to it!

Melissa said...

Love me a historical romance, thinking of writing one myself (only set in Australia).

Sounds like a great book, will be checking it out no matter what!

Melissa :)

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet Stacy and to learn about her book LADY OUTLAW.

Emily Elizabeth said...

Sounds like a great read! Congrats Stacy! :)

See Elana's recent blog posts

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