Friday, October 5, 2012


Okay, so I was typing with my son this past week. He has to log onto this website and complete 250 races, and to sort of encourage him through this somewhat tedious task, I challenged him to try to beat me.

Like that's gonna happen. Ha! But really, he did beat me in a couple where I gave him a head start.

Typing. Exciting times. But it did give me this blog post. One of the quotes we typed included this line: "Focus on your own performance rather than on the competition."

It comes from this book. No lie. SPEED SECRETS, you guys!

The beginning part of the quote we typed said something about how sometimes a car in front of you can be good motivation, and then it went straight for the jugular with the whole "focus on your own performance" line.

I mean, seriously. It's so perfect for writing! Sometimes we are motivated by those who are ahead of us on the track. We see them and what they've done, and we have hope that we can replicate their success.

Sometimes we have to be the lead car. Sometimes we're blazing our own path.

And sometimes we just need to focus on our own performance, putting blinders on to everything else around us.

Where is your focus right now?


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's a good motto. We have to focus on our own path. It's the only one we got!

Heather Sunseri said...

What a perfect quote. I remind my children (and myself) of this on a regular basis. We relate it to swimming. When my children swam I was always telling them that winning a particular heat wasn't important. Their goal was to always improve their fastest time and swim their best. This is so true in writing. Shouldn't we always be trying to improve upon our previous best?

Thanks for this great reminder today, Elana!

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Great quote and an excellent post. It is far too easy to get sucked into comparing yourself to everyone else. My husband keeps telling me: "Look how far you've come." Maybe it's about time I started listening to him!

Carolee Dean said...

I tell my students not to be intimidated by those who speed through a test and finish in five minutes. They were probably guessing.

Jemi Fraser said...

I like that! Finding our own pace & goals is important. I'm currently deciding on what type of publication I want to pursue - tough choices!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Love the observations here. Yeah, I'[m focusing on edits. Ugh.

Heather Kelly said...

Love this idea of inward focus and also living by "it takes as long as it takes." Thanks, Elana.

Stina said...

*snort* There's a reason for that wisdom in the book. If you're not focused on your own performance, you might crash, and die in a fireball. Fortunately that doesn't happen with writing. Right? At least I hope it doesn't?

Stephanie McGee said...

My focus is on finishing right now. Finish the synopsis, finish editing it, finish editing the query, finish this first draft, etc. I have a lot of irons in the fire right now, project-wise. Basically when I'm not at work, I'm working on something related to writing. (Like right now, focus on networking.)

Michelle McLean said...

I've got the blinders on right now. And I've never been more productive :)

Angela Brown said...

That is a very true quote. Sometimes, we can can trip ourselves up by focusing on what others are doing because we eventually lose sight of what we're doing or what we've truly accomplished. Also, we may look at what others have accomplished and get bogged down by the disappointment of not doing the same as "the Joneses". So it is very important to focus on our own performance and channel our energy in doing the very best we can...whether in writing or any other thing in life.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Such a great quote to focus on. I'm just focusing on moving along to querying at whatever pace I can manage given everything else going on in my life. And that's okay for me right now.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Elana! I like that quote.

Botanist said...

Love that quote. I'm focused on drafting right now, and trying not to get distracted by what others are up to. Seems to be working (mostly).

S.P. Bowers said...

Good motto. No matter what there will always be someone on a different part of the path, or who is better at a certain element than us. Comparing ourselves only causes depression and makes us want to quit. And quitting is the only way to lose the race.

Nichole Giles said...

Today, my focus is on the road. Holy wow, it's actually moving. And I love that. Great post, as always.

Liza said...

Wonderful quote! We can get waylaid paying attention to others accomplishments, when what really matters is our own.

Unknown said...

Wow. That's pretty profound.

Mart Ramirez said...

That's a GREAT quote! That's so true. Thank you, E.

Jenn said...

So true! Works not just for writing, but all aspects of our lives. :)

Thanks for sharing that encouragement with us! :)

Nicole said...

Great advice! The most challenging times are when that focus starts to waver.

Anonymous said...
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Lauren said...

We usually compare ourselves to the person leading the pack, who is on the inside track with a professional support team in an amateur race.

Personally I like demolition derbies. :)

Marsha Sigman said...

If I keep focusing on the cars around me I'll lose sight of the finish line.

NOT happening.

i'm erin. said...

My focus has been on candy and laziness. But I'm about to change that dad-gum!

Alice said...

Good advice.

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