Monday, February 11, 2013

Recording Inspiration

Okay, so inspiration can strike anywhere, right? I often find myself getting random scenes in my head that I need to add to a draft of my book. Sometimes I'm at work. Or the post office. Driving. Or in the shower.

In the past, I used to carry a notebook in my purse (and I do have one in there now), but I don't use it for notes about my book. I've found myself turning more and more to technology to jot down my ideas.

On my phone, I have an app called ColorNote. It's basically like a Post-It note on my phone. I can type pretty fast with my two thumbs, and I don't have to search for a freaking pen that works!

On my tablet, I have an app called Evernote. This is an amazing tool, because I can sync it to my computer. So I can check my notes at work, home, or on the go from any computer.

If I can get to a computer, I do. I can type super-fast, and I can't even tell you how many emails I've sent myself this week! Like, probably 15, all related to plot points, or scenes, or characterization ideas I need to add to my draft.

So while I still carry a notebook in my purse, it's not my go-to tool for recording my inspiration.

What do you use to jot down your ideas when you're on the go?


Martina Boone said...

I m glad I'm not the only one who has to write this stuff down! I use the notes feature on my ipad, phone, and Mac because it all syncs automatically so the notes are there whenever I want to modify them or add to them. When I first got my iPhone, I had this silly idea that I could just use Siri to leave myself notes when I'm driving, for example. I did that for the whole duration of a ten hour drive, and came home to,discover that everything was so garbled I couldn't even decipher what the notes were about or what part of the manuscript they referenced. :(

Natalie Aguirre said...

I hadn't thought of apps for my phone. I'm a big fan of post-it notes or a small pad of paper in my purse.

Matthew MacNish said...

I've got Evernote, and it's pretty cool, but honestly, I use the built in notes app on my iPhone more often than I use Evernote.

Stina said...

I once wrote plot ideas on my leg while running. It took me two days to scrub off the ink. :P

I've used the app on my iPod Touch (if I have it with me), and have written on whatever scrap pieces of paper I can find. I now have a note book in my purse for such emergencies. :D

Leigh Caron said...

For me...when I download something to my computer, it tends to get forgotten no matter how efficient an app or software program is. When inspiration strikes, I have a method I use to remember. Usually though, when I have an idea, I stick with it until the idea waves a white flag of: enough already.

ilima said...

I want to figure out how to record my voice on my phone. I tried Evernote and it kept crashing. Plus being a writer and walking through the forest with a recorder on and spilling out words like poetry sounds so romantic. Ha!

Patti said...

Whatever I have handy at the time. Pen, paper, computer, tablet. Unfortunately I don't have a fancy phone, because I think that would be the easiest thing.

mshatch said...

I try to keep a notebook handy - and a pen but if I'm somewhere without then I have to try to memorize and that seldom works out very well; I can manage a few sentences and then the gist but the rest usually gets loss.

Jessie Humphries said...

I have a notebook but my kids always steal it and draw on every single page. I usually send myself an email.

Unknown said...

I'm such a messcompared to you! I write on random papers, on notebooks, post-it and I'm usually text messaging my ideas to myself. i don't use e-mail because I have a crazy obsesion with writing my ideas on paper (and sometimes losing them) and then re-write them at my laptop.

This year I must learn discipline.

Taffy said...

I use Notes on my iphone too. It leaves an email for me so I have my notes in two different places.

LG O'Connor said...

I had to get used to hearing my own voice, but iPhones come with a voice recorder built-in. It has been invaluable on my long drives once a week for work. Straight highway for 90 minutes, no traffic. Lots of plotting and story line details have been captured during those miles...

Kelly Polark said...

I email myself!

LG O'Connor said...

I had to get used to hearing my own voice, but iPhones come with a voice recorder built-in. It has been invaluable on my long drives once a week for work. Straight highway for 90 minutes, no traffic. Lots of plotting and story line details have been captured during those miles...

Jemi Fraser said...

I use my iPod - it has a Notes ap. I wish I could type quickly with my thumbs, but those old volleyball injuries make that impossible!

Nicole said...

I dictate in a mini tape recorder while I'm driving. :) Otherwise, Post-its...lots of Post-its.

Kathryn Purdie said...

I love Evernote! I use it all the time--especially for research.

Misha Gerrick said...

I actually tend not to. I just let the thought simmer. If it's good enough, it'll come out when I write. If not, it needs to stew a bit more. ;-)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I write on paper, napkins, paper plates if need be. I also have a little voice recorder that I sometimes use.

Leslie S. Rose said...

Must check these out. I'm often hit with a golden nugget when I'm out walking. Thank goodness for smartphone apps.

See Elana's recent blog posts

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