Wednesday, August 20, 2014

WriteOnCon 2014!

Dude, so WriteOnCon is happening again this year! I have been on-board with the planning of this amazing, free, online conference for five years running. We have decided to scale things back quite a bit this year.

We will have Ninja Agents and Editors in the forums, so if you're an aspiring author looking for feedback on your query letters, first five pages, or just want to catch the eye of an agent or editor, post there! I love watching the Ninja's come into the forum, and the excitement of people as they comment and request pages.

We will be doing only live events this year. Twitter pitch chats, live chats, and some twitter chats too. Our agents and editors are awesome with their time. I know we'll be putting up a schedule in the next few days, but mark your calendars now for next Tuesday, August 26, and Wednesday, August 27 for the fifth annual WriteOnCon!

Have you attended WriteOnCon before? I hope you'll join us this year!


  1. Exciting! It's difficult for me, being a number of time zones ahead, to take part in live events, but I hope there are some I can "attend"!

  2. I will be there!

    (Typo alert: ninja's)

  3. It's been a couple years since I was there, but I'm back this year and already get great feedback and responses to stuff in the forums. Lots of great energy and support. Thanks!

  4. I have to work both days, but I'm hoping I can participate some. It's such an awesome thing that you all do for the writing community!

  5. I've attended before and look forward to what occurs this year :-)

  6. I think I attended the 3rd year. Thanks for the reminder about this year's dates.

  7. Glad it's back... glad I visited your blog again, too. It's been like a YEAR since I've visited. I realized something remarkable (and what every writer wants to hear) which was that I missed your "voice!"

    I missed all the bacon comments and conversations too.

    Glad you're still around. :)

  8. Oh I'm super excited for the live chats this year! Can't wait for the schedule to go up. Thanks for all of your work. :)
    Edge of Your Seat Stories

  9. I'm really hoping to find time to check it out this year! I've heard such great things.
