Monday, March 23, 2009

And the Winner is...

The Getting to Know You contest was sure a lot of fun. I loved reading about what you all write, what you like to eat, and what you do when you're not online blogging. So, without further ado, the winner is...


You've won TANTALIZE by Cynthia Leitich Smith! Please email me at elanajohnson at gmail dot com with your name and mailing address and I'll get this bad boy in the mail.

Thanks for entering everyone! I love doing contests...but my biggest problem is knowing what people want to win. So, I thought I'd ask. What do you want to win? Books? Query letter critiques? What?


  1. Any free stuff good. It doesn't matter to me! You're doing a great job. Contests are always fun. :)

  2. You should do critiques - queries, tags, anything like that. I think you'd get a lot of interested parties...

  3. Woo woo! I'm a fan of books, but the critiques would be very helpful too. Especially with new writers who haven't been in an English class for over 12 years and have never taken a creative writing class... Ha ha! Yeah, that would be me. I'm sure I'm not alone though. Advice is always appreciated.
