Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Official Elana Johnson Website

So I finally bit the bullet and signed up for a website. I've been thinking about it for a while, but I kept telling myself that I didn't need one. After all, I have my fabulous blog. And I'm not a published author--yet.

But it was so cheap...and so easy...and there was all this stuff with ABNA...

And so here it is, my official website: www.elanajohnson.com

Go. Now. Go check it out!

And then, because my husband is constantly reminding me that he's the decorator at our house, come back here and tell me what you think. Cuz that website is all me, baby. My DH is chortling right now...somewhere. And he's right, I really don't have a good eye for design. Unless you count florals meshing with plaids. They do, right?

Anyway, let me know what you think!


  1. It's beautiful, Elana! I love the banner and the color scheme. Well done :)

    Does the website allow you to set your blog within the pages? I know that you have a menu item for blog and that it tells us about here, but you need to link. Can you embed (for lack of a better technological term - I'm a ludite) your blog onto that page? As I think of a website, I'm curious about these things. Thanks.


  2. Woot Woot....so beautiful!!! You are inspiring me to take this project on...


  3. I love it!! Gorgeous, really, and so you :D It's wonderful :)

  4. That is soooo cool! I swear I'm going to be the last one around here that doesn't have a web-site.

    :) Terri

  5. Oooh, I love it! The header pic is absolutely gorgeous!

  6. I think it's time your husband let YOU decorate for awhile.

    Good job!

  7. I think it looks great-the pic for Control Issues is pretty intriguing too...I read the excerpt on Amazon and I am DYING to know what happens- I am so impressed!

  8. aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! i love it!!

    i have some design-y pals if you want to chat with one of them. the wunnerful amorby is one...

  9. p.s. i'm concerned about people actually being able to spell "elana."

  10. Oooh, awesome! I just have a Webs account...

  11. Hmm...Janet, I don't know. I'd have to play around with it some more.

    Go Christine! Can't wait to see yours later this week. ;)

    Thanks, Michelle, Jamie, Terri, Deborah, Kate, Kat, LadyG, Candace, Jess, and Jen.

    Jess, hmm...it is my name. I'm going to have to keep it. I worry about that too, since yanno, my FIL still doesn't have the spelling right after 12 years. We'll see.

    And Candace, thanks!

  12. I think it looks great! The artwork is awesome and the layout isn't confusing. I can't wait to read Control Issues! It sounds fascinating as well!
