Thursday, November 18, 2010

PERILOUS by Tamara Hart Heiner

Today's Bookanista post is pulling double duty--because I'm the next stop on Tamara Hart Heiner's blog tour!

Welcome PERILOUS to the blog.

The Twitter version: tell us about your book in 140 characters or less:
Perilous follows Jaci & friends on a terrifying journey in2 the lair of a kidnapper. The girls soon find that he'll nevr stp hunting them.

What else are you working on? Secrets? Inside scoops? Give us the juicy stuff!
I’m currently hard at work on the sequel to Perilous, which I wrote a year ago but have to fix it to match the first book. I have another series that I’m querying and currently have a partial out. And then there’s a novel I started in May that I very much want to finish!

Have you always wanted to be a writer?
I can’t really remember deciding to be a writer. I just wrote. I started trying to write novels when I was 9. Didn’t actually finish one until I was 13.

What made you decide to go that “extra step” and seek publication?
After I finished my first novel, I just figured that was what you did. (I was young.) I didn’t succeed at that time and kind of forgot about my interest in writing for a decade. When I picked up the hobby again years later, I knew publication was my end goal and I wouldn’t be happy until I achieved it. I wanted my book to be read. (Thank goodness money has never been a part of the equation!)

Quick! You’ve been chosen to be a contestant on Survivor. What luxury item do you take? Okay, what exactly is a luxury item? Chapstick. (I'm going to make a questionairre for all future interviews. Seriously, people. Don't you watch TV??)

Tell us something about yourself we don’t know. I lived in Brazil for two years and still prefer Portuguese to English.

And the most important of all: bacon or chocolate? Are you kidding? Who on earth would choose bacon? :) (Oh, sure, you think that little smiley is gonna make everything all better?? I suppose I live on Mars or something.)

Also, get your game on to WIN!!
1) There will be two book giveaways. Signed copies of Perilous, of course. All you have to do to get in on that action is make a comment anywhere in the blog tour. This is a Random drawing. Here are the links for all the other fabulousparticipants!

2) There will be a Kindle giveaway. This WON'T be random. Kindles are kind of a big thing, so I'm going to make you work for it. The giveaway will be point based, in other words, whoever has the most points at the end of the blog tour wins the Kindle. The contest will run until Dec. 15, and you can visit this page for full details about how to enter.

And check out what the other Bookanistas are up to today!
Christine Fonseca is amazed by DESIRES OF THE DEAD
Shannon Messenger is awestruck by THE MARBURY LENS and giving away a signed hardcover
Megan Miranda is captivated by MATCHED
Beth Revis is blown away by DEMONGLASS
Lisa and Laura Roecker share a YA review from an actual YA: a "Guestanista Review" on THE REPLACEMENT
Carolina Valdez Miller is spreading picture book love for CHICKEN BUTT!
Bethany Wiggins is stunned by STRANGE ANGELS

Also, I just want you to know my mouse acted all wonky and wouldn't select things. It took me like, half my freaking life to copy and paste all the links to blogs, etc. I wanted to die. See what I do for you guys?? :) And what has frustrated you today? Is your mouse acting nicely? Can it scare mine into submission?


  1. This one looks really good. Great interview too! Thanks Elana!

  2. I love this blog tour...I learn something new about Perilous/Tamara on each stop (like her Portuguese!) And I can't wait to read this book after hearing so many good things about it!

  3. Great interview. Tamara, I can so relate to you. I don't like bacon or watch much TV. Sorry Elana. Good luck with your book Tamara. It sounds great. Can't wait to read it.

  4. Forgot about writing for a decade? How is that possible when you like your about 18? Just kidding. I didn't write for over ten years either. There's nothing more amazing than coming back to it.

    Thanks for sharing this Elana!

  5. Great interview. I can relate not writing for 10 years. I did it too. I'm glad she picked it back up again. What a great book. :)

  6. This looks like a nailbiter! Enjoyed the interview!
    Catherine Denton

  7. Looks interesting. Oh, I miss reading. :(

  8. Elana you rock my socks off... seriously!

    I loved Perilous, it is fantastic and I can't wait for the sequel!

    Best of luck on your writing journey and good luck with the partial request!

  9. Awesome Elana. And how about a cat to scare your mouse into submission. hahahahaha!!!

  10. Oooo looks like another awesome book for the TBR pile :D

    What's frustrating me? I have crits to catch up on, I've pretty much decided to throw in the towel with NaNo, my author proofs just arrived (squee!) only now I need to go through them, and I'm sick and exhausted because I was up until the wee hours of the morning coughing my fool head off. Why is it that when you have the most to do, deadlines looming, THAT is when your body rebels on you?

    Le sigh :)

  11. See? Computer imps really do exist! But I hear they hate bacon. A little bacon grease on your fingers caressing your mouse should shoo them off to someone else's computer. Eeek! Just not mine!

  12. Perilous sounds terrific - Tamara's a sweetie!

  13. I've been following this blog tour, it sounds really good! Thanks for the interview too. :)

  14. hi miss elana! perilous sounds like a book for my brothers or my sister. maybe im thinking maybe its too old for me. miss tamaras cool. i like knowing more about her. sorry bout your mouse. maybe you could bribe him with some cheese. :)
    ...smiles from lenny

  15. Yay, Tamara! I definitely plan to read this one. :-)

  16. Great interview Elana! This book sounds fabulous Tamara! I'm adding it to my must-read list. :)
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  17. Thanks for all you do, Elana, but especially for battling the squonky mouse for us. The last time my mouse acted up, I killed it and bought a new one.

    Also, thanks for the book tip. Perilous sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out. =o)

  18. So happy for Tamara! It's heartening to see her fulfill her dream. And PERILOUS was fab!

  19. this is great--Thanks, Elana! I've been seeing this book around and plan to pick it up. All the best, Tamera~ :o)

  20. *sigh* That was the best laugh I've had in awhile. This is why I keep coming back :D BACON! Sorry. Couldn't hold that in.

  21. It sounds like a great book! And I love the interview!

    I'll get my mouse to give yours some advice.

  22. Great interview, and Perilous sounds good! We appreciate your mouse wrangling to bring us this post!

  23. I don't think anyone has ever answered the bacon question the right way for you, have they? :D

    Great interview ladies. Sorry about the mouse. We DO appreciate all you do for us, E.

  24. This is one of the very best blogs ever! I always look forward to your sharing. You're incredibly generous!

  25. What a great interview! I want to read Perilous now. It sounds very exciting. Thanks, Elana.

  26. Elana, I'd totally choose Bacon over chocolate. :) Great interview!

  27. Oh Elana! I nearly died laughing!!! I've just hosted a huge giveaway on my blog, that listed some 20 books and authors and other prizes...

    And it literally took me FOUR HOURS of my life that I will never get back, linking the book pictures to their amazon websites, and the authors to their blogs... thought i would DIE! lol! No joke. So, just so you know... I totally feel your pain!


  28. Elana, your interview questions never cease to amuse me. The book sounds amazing.

  29. Elana, thanks for the interview! It was so fun! bacon.

    And thanks to whoever thinks I look 18!!! Whoot! I hope I always look 10+ years younger than I am!

  30. Wow! First book at 13! High achiever or what! Great interview, Elana and Tamara. Hope your book is a bestseller!

  31. Love the interview! I need the book. =) Thanks guys.

  32. Hi Tamara and Elana!
    Age 13? That is amazing. Keep up the great writing!

  33. I like the abbreviations to get the premise into 140 characters.

    Saying you didn't finish your novel until age 13 makes it sound like your were slacking! I was much much, much older.

    Good luck with all the projects.

    Elana, sorry about your mouse. I had a gazillion parent-teacher conferences today. I'm glad that's over!

  34. I've ordered my copy of Perilous, but just stopping in to say great interview. And I'm with Tamara, what the heck is a luxury item? (I get one TV channel and survivor is not on it)

  35. Love the premise to your book! Congratulations!

  36. Ooooh, this sounds good! Count me in for the contest. :)

  37. Go Tamara, go! This is a great interview. :)

  38. Awesome interview. I'm not sure about her response about bacon. The book sounds great though.

  39. Great interview! LOL about bacon. My husband wants to make bacon chocolate candy this year--seriously--it's a real treat. I told him to be my guest.

  40. Great interview, Elana! I'm loving this book. Tamara did a wonderful job and she's so sweet.
