Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You Can Do This

So it's winter now. When I wake up, it's dark. By 5:00 PM, it's dark. It's freezing cold all the time. I already want spring to come (I'm not what you'd call a winter person.)

I've noticed I've been in a bit of a funk, and that quite a few other people have been as well. Doubts are high. Confidence is low. Winter doesn't help. Neither does pounding out a billion words for NaNo. Or getting rejected up one side and down the other.

Trust me, I've been there. I know how hard it is. I developed a whole motto for these horrible, wallowing times. But this post isn't about that.

No matter what else you read today, I want you to read this: You can do this. Say it to yourself. Maybe out loud (check for loitering co-workers first). Make a sign and hang it on your wall of awesome. Whatever.

Just know that you can do this.

That is all.

How's your confidence right now? Do you need a booster of you're awesome!? I've got the syringes all lined up...


  1. Thanks, Elana. I definitely need that booster shot. Um...about that winter thing? It's only November. Maybe you need to write yourself someplace warm and sunny.

  2. Thanks Elana. I can use a booster shot too. Sometimes I wonder if I can do it and why am I even trying? You know what I mean? But I'll keep going.

  3. Yesterday, I was cheering myself on with a rousing, "You can do it, you can do it, you can, you can, you can do it, you can do it, you can." Clap. Clap. Some days you just have to remind yourself.

  4. You're going to need a lot of syringes! I'm in :) ... boy, people could sure take that the wrong way!

  5. Girl, I am so there right now. I know exactly where my story has to go but feel like I'm running out of time and have no time to write. Happens every year around this time. Holidays, crazy students who wear me out, dark before it should be...yeah. Thanks for the post! We've got to turn on all the lights and keep on keeping on! :)

  6. Thanks I needed that. I need a lot of those shots. :) That sounds weird doesn't it.

  7. E, I'm like a big pit right now. I know you *know* this feeling. I want to be brilliant, but I feel like all I'm writing is crap. Whine whine whine. I know,... :)

  8. I need this too. Not writing. Not spending much time with my children. The youngest is taking it badly. So am I. Trying to find the fire and voice I used to have in the classroom, but bumbling sometimes. Not sleeping well. And tomorrow is parent-teacher conferences.

    And it's pouring rain.

    I can do this. I think.

  9. Thanks for the boost! It seems to have been one of those weeks. Glad to know you (and others) are here to help us find the silver lining in the storm cloud!

  10. I know what you mean about the winter thing. We had a bad snow storm yesterday (and to think we were sitting on the beach in SF two days ago!!!!). Total disaster.

    As for writing, I'm in that happy first draft phrase where everything I write is for me. Though I do wish the guy would stop demanding to kiss the main character right now. That wasn't supposed to happen for several more chapters.

  11. Thanks, I needed that. PS I'm not a winter person either. I need light, please and thank you.


  12. Thanks for the encouragement, Elana! I love snow at the beginning of winter, and then the flu hits and there's never enough sunshine. I do like seeing my teenagers go sledding and hearing my older sons scream like little girls. Great, positive post!

  13. I've been having that kind of week where you just want to crawl back into bed and stay there. I need a pick-me-up right now. Winter is my least favorite season. I miss the sun. Thanks for the words of encouragement, Elana.

  14. I'm ready for spring too! I hate being cold. Thanks for the boost, I really, really needed it today.

  15. Yea funk city. It's the weather and I'm already stressing about holidays due to the overload of green lighted trees in stores, music on the radio and turkey day isn't even here yet.

  16. I'm actually doing pretty well right now, but I love that you care enough to ask! We need more people like you in this crazy world Elana!

  17. Powerful, powerful words. I can testify they work via my first blog post ever, called "I can do this" Now I'm working on editing those words a little. It's getting time to move on to I WILL do this.

  18. If I had a locker, I would cut out letters from magazines to write out "You Can Do This." But I don't have a locker and the only magazine I have is my RWR, other news I have to find somewhere else to put it. Fireplace mantel perhaps?

  19. Thanks! You KNOW I need to hear this...You really know!

  20. I'm in SC, and it's so much better than the winters I spent in PA, regarding how much sunlight we get. SAD is real! Get a full spectrum light and spend some time writing with it on.

    The many days of freezing rain we get here are not as much fun as snow, though. I miss sledding.

    I read a post yesterday about how writers should really wait until Feb/March to query at this point. That all the end of the year stuff makes agents faster to reject. What say you? I'm a week from being ready to send out the next beatch of queries. That's what's depressing me;)

  21. I have my doubts about finishing NaNo that's for sure LOL but other than that, I'm doing pretty well right now. My author galleys should be here any day and my rewrites on my book are going awesome. So I'm trying to share some of my good vibes with my writer buds that might need some :)

    And yes, the dark is weird. I tried to put my kids to bed at 6:30 the other night...I didn't look at the clock, it just felt like it was really late. I tucked them in and then realized that the reason they were still bouncing all over the place was that it was no where near bedtime LOL oops :D

  22. I'm going to agree with Michelle, I've been having my NaNo doubts as well. But I'll happily partake in a shot of 'you can do it!'

    I do hate the dark (and the cold). I'm so not a winter person either. Am I the only one who wants to curl up and sleep at 6pm? LOL.

  23. Wow, you mean it wasn't just me in a funk? NaNo or not (and I'm doing other things, too), I'm apathetic about everything lately. The days aren't quite as short around here, but it's still definitely in the air. Oh, and the fact that Thanksgiving is next week and we're going out of town and life is just hectic doesn't help. *sigh* (Yes, I sigh a lot during each day--no, really, I do.)

    I needed this, thanks.

  24. I definitely need a good boost of awesomeness, so thanks! :)

  25. Well, I definitely needed this today--after writing a writing-is-like-hitting-my-head-against-a-wall post, and then reading similar posts around the blogosphere. What the hell is in the water? And when will we swing in the other direction? Thanks for the pep talk--it'll go a long way in getting me through the day...

  26. Embrace THE HORROR of winter, baby.

    Spirits sit in the trees and look for poets to inspire!

    And the struggle for mere survival is a rush unlike any other!

    And readers have nothing better to do than READ YOUR BOOK!


  27. Oh, that's right. I CAN do this! Thanks for the reminder : )

  28. I'm pretty good right now, but thanks! Put my name on one of those bacon cupcakes, wouldja?

    As for it being winter already...well, we're still in the 60's and 70's and wishing it was colder. But our version of cold is the 40's, so...

  29. THanks Elana -- I'm not in a funk per se, but I've been looking for a "real job" i.e., one that pays a bit steadier than writing, and no luck. Discouraging. But I can do it!!

  30. It's funny how sometimes the simplest blog posts can have the biggest impact. Sounds like we all needed to hear that this morning. Thank you!

    And P.S. You can do this, too.

  31. That is so funny that you posted about this today! I did a similar post yesterday on my blog because I was sensing the exact same thing from folks. We rock, writers! Write on!

  32. Can you just stick it in my right arm... I still have a bruise on my left from my flu shot.

  33. *extends right arm*

    Do I get a sticker or a piece of candy after the shot? Srsly, thanks for the booster post today.

  34. I relay on other blogger to pump me up!

    THANKS Elena!

  35. Needed this message today.

    Waiting can be hard.
    ~ Wendy

  36. Thanks so much for this post! I've been needing to hear this.

  37. Just dropping in for my daily dose of Elana inspiration...

    Thanks, my dear! <3

  38. YES! I SO need a booster of awesome, please.

  39. A booster of awesome would be... well, awesome!

    I'm actually in the fun part right now, writing a story. 27k in so far. And I'm also revising another story, and the revisions are gonna make the story kick ass. I'm so stoked about the revisions and normally I hate revising and editing! So right now, things are actually quite good for me.

  40. Noooo! I like fall/winter. Then, I don't feel like I should be outside enjoying the sun. I don't feel guilty being glued to my computer, writing on my WIP. No funk for me! I don't do NaNo; not my style of writing, so no prob there either. Rejection? eh...ask me in a few weeks after I hear back from the 2 agents who have my full. LOL

  41. Ugh, it is a tough time of year. Thanks for the pep talk! :D

  42. Oh, please! I totally need a shot of "awesome" right about now. Luckily, my coworkers are on the road today, so I'm taking a moment... *takes a moment* Yep. I just said 'I can do this out' loud. :) Thanks!

  43. oh...awesome. I need that.
    And I hate winter. I'm always cold. It's dark. It's grey even when it's not "dark" just...gloomy...

  44. I need of serious boosting. Agent wants to see draft of new ms and I am afraid to hit the send button. ARGH!!! - Stasia

  45. thanks, girl! Great post as I'm on my 999th refresh of the ole inbox~ :D

  46. I'm feeling a teensy bit manic depressive lately. Though I'm not sure if it's because of the writing industry or the Halloween candy withdrawals.

  47. I actually did say it out loud, and I'm actually feeling more confident. Thanks for the pep talk!!

  48. *Holds out arm, vein ready* Yes please. Winter is not my time either.

  49. I'm not a winter person, but that's when I do all my writing, so I've come to enjoy the cold, wet weather. It makes it so much easier to concentrate on my writing than when it's nice outside. I'm probably feeling more confident now than I have in months, and I'm about to embark on a whole new project, so I'm excited about that.

  50. Everyone needs a boost every once in a while. Thanks!
    I don't like winter. I tolerate it. Though luckily time flies with three kids and all of a sudden it is spring. (well okay, January drags a bit...)

  51. Beautifully put, E. Sorry you've been in a funk. If there's anything I can do, you know I'm happy to help. :)

  52. LOL! Thanks for the pep talk! :o) I think it IS winter which does this. I'm hating the get up dark, finish work dark. I can't seem to write creatively in day light much any more which, for lack of a better word, STINKS! But I plod plod plod along the best I can. It's all we can do. The best we can. :o)

  53. This is EXACTLY what I needed today. Thanks, Elana!

  54. Funny you should ask about confidence levels. Mine hit a low today as I bombed my practical in nutrition. Sigh.

    As for writing, I can't pinpoint the last time I actually wrote a new word in the WiP.

  55. THANKS!!!!! We all need this kind of encouragement.

  56. I am a bit bipolar lately with the writing. Lots of highs and lows. Not the same from day to day or minute to minute actually! Fortunately, it's not a steady low. Though I have been in that funk before. I hate the cold too, but at least it makes it easier to sit down and write. If it's sunny and warm I just want to go outside and play!

  57. Thank you so much for that shot. I can't tell you how bad I needed it. This post made me tear up but you know what? I CAN DO THIS. :)

  58. Oh man, I need this -- in a few different situations. I'm totally feeling the "I can't do this, what was I thinking" blues for more than one aspect of my life. Deep breath....

  59. *boost* *boost* *boost*

    You are awesome. Fabulous. You can do this!

  60. I didn't realize until I read your post how badly I needed to hear that. Especially since all the thousands of words I've written for nano pretty much stink like rancid vomit. (Okay, I don't know if that really exists, but it sure would smell bad, wouldn't it?)

    So, thanks for the boost!

  61. *sigh* Thank you for this. You know how my confidence has been lately. I'm doing better, though. I'm trying to work up the courage to query Jill Corcoran. Send me one of those syringes! LOL. :-)

  62. Arm outstretched, head turned, eyes squeezed shut. Mainline me, please! *hoping no one ever reads this comment out of context*

  63. I so needed that Elana. Turning the clocks back really gets to me!

  64. Thanks! And good luck with those dark 5 am mornings. :( And I'll cross my fingers Utah isn't as cold as it was last year. Crazy!

  65. Just got my fix and am feeling awesome now. Time to go and do it. Thanks for being my dealer of positive thoughts. Love the post.

  66. My confidence definitely needs a booster. Lack of light doesn't help. This post, however, does. :-)

  67. hi miss elana! wow i couldnt beieve how much people are standing in line for that booster shot. for sure youre gonna need lots more syringes. for me i dont need it but i could be youre helper. ill hold their hands while you do the jabbing. ha ha.
    ...hugs from lenny

  68. Thank you! I needed that, too. Glad to know I'm not the only one with a case of November No-pocks.

    Elana, you're my inspiration!

  69. Thanks! You rock. Words of encouragement always help. :)

  70. Thanks! I'm actually pretty stoked these days. Teen Writers Boot Camp at UVU! Wooot! We may have gotten Jared Hess to present a script writing class. (=
    Heard you were all in too? (=

  71. Great post! Just what I needed to read! Thanks for the encouragement:).

  72. I’m doing pretty good today. I writing and that’s building up my confidence – even though it is already dark outside.

  73. Yay for confidence! I was in a bit of a rut after finishing SPITFIRE. Almost like postpartum depression, thinking about all the work I knew I'd have to do on it (and am STILL doing on it!), but I'm feeling better.

    And this post is awesome--keeping us motivated, pats on the back. Thanks. :)

  74. I hate winter...I hate the cold...I hate not having a tan and looking like I have malaria because I am not sleeping enough.

    But hey other than that, I'm pretty

    I also am watching way too many kid movies and one of them has this hilarious hamster (The Movie Bolt) and everytime I get down I hear him in my head saying..."I am soooo awesome...I am BeAwesome..." It totally cracks me and makes me feel better.

    Yes, I am easily entertained.

  75. I need 4 boosters and an epi of Now just stinking do it stat!

  76. Here I have being a big whiner all day when this morning you were handing out free syringes of awesome. Dammit. Am I too late?

  77. Can I get some caffeine with that booster of awesome? Thanks, Elana!

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. I can always do with a little cheerleading. Thank you!

  80. I totally love you right now!

    *oh, and back at ya, too.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Now all I can think of is Dr. Nick saying "Time for a booster!" and injecting Mr. Burns with painkillers, after which Burns' eyes get wide and he starts singing "Good morning, starshine..."

    I hate winter. Why I live in a state where it's cold 8 months a year is beyond me (okay, so I was born here that's no excuse.)

    Mostly right now the trouble is I still can't stay awake. Being sick so long has taken more out of me than I anticipated, and I may just have to accept that this month (and this NaNo) my limits are imposed by my body, which have turned my mind to moosh.

    Still hoping for a rally- but it's getting farther out of my grasp. Still, if nothing else I'll have started a new project this month, and that's more than I would have done otherwise.

    You CAN do it, Elana! We believe in you :D


  83. Someone's giving out "you're awesome" shots?

    Sign me up! :)

  84. Yes, awesome boosters! Thanks, Elana. We can all do it. Patience with ourselves is usually the hardest part.

  85. Elana... you are the most thoughtful and encouraging and INSPIRING blogger I know.


  86. Elana--you rock! Thanks for the awesome pep talk as I glance at my roster of rejections...
    Okay, I'll get back to my NaNo now with happy fast and furious fingers.

  87. Your a great inspiration and I love your attitude about life. I think I can I think I can... I know I can I know I can.

  88. I could have sworn I was following you! But nope. **kicks self in head*** Anyway, you'll be happy to know your number of followers just changed from 1666 (ahhh!) to 1667! Great post today! I can do it!

  89. Yes, thank you!

    I'm working hard. And whining all the way, too. What a great combination.

  90. What! Are you freaking reading my mind?

  91. Thanks Elana! I've been experiencing the funk (not just with writing). Every time I take a vacation back home, I spend the next two weeks (okay maybe month) wallowing in freakish misery. It's affecting everything including my writing, so it was nice to know I'm not the only one feeling disconnected and having a difficult time believing that this whole writing thing is going anywhere. So, thanks again. :)

  92. So needed to hear this today. Thank you!

  93. Me too. I needed it too. My doubt is high and my confidence dropping too. :( Thanks, E.

  94. A wall of awesome. I definitely need one of those!!

    Thanks for the encouragement!

