Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Let's Hear It For The Boys!

Okay, so the blog tour is taking a detour over to An Avid Reader's Musings. I'm going to be spilling some secrets about the two guys in POSSESSION.

Funny story first: I asked Jenna to be on the blog tour back in January. She'd signed up on my form. She was enthusiastic. Then I went to New York and met her at a blogger lunch.

I didn't know it was her (cause I am lame). But she is fantastic, and was very complimentary of POSSESSION.

I get home, and start following up with people, and I see her post about POSSESSION on her blog.

I'm like, "What a second..."

I finally made the connection that I'd met her! Here we are at the restaurant in New York City. (And you can read her post about that here.)

Anyway, go check out this stop on the tour that deals with all things male.


  1. How awesome that you got to meet her! I'm off to check it out...

  2. And the world just got a little bit smaller. Six degrees of separation works.

  3. What a fun surprise. I'm hopping right over.

  4. You look gorgeous in this photo!

  5. ROFL E! That's toooo funny ....

  6. I'll hop over to her blog and read it now!

  7. Great pic, Elana! You look gorgeous. =D

  8. Nice! It's always "fun" when you're the last to get something :)

  9. Hi Elana! I just discovered your blog, and I'm so excited to put Possession on my to-read list. It looks fantastic!

    Heading over to Jenna's blog now, how great to discover two new blogs at once. Great to meet you!
