Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reading Widely

Okay, so I've been stewing a lot about YA contemporary novels lately. I don't naturally gravitate toward them, but then when I read one, I'm amazed. And I've heard that you're supposed to read widely as an author, and well, I don't really do that.

I do remember reading LOVE YOU, HATE YOU, MISS YOU by Elizabeth Scott. Windy Aphayrath recommended her to me, and boy was she right on. I immediately followed that novel with LIVING DEAD GIRL. Wow.

I haven't read every one of Elizabeth Scott's novels, but I have PERFECT YOU waiting in the wings. And she has a new book coming out TODAY, and since I'm lucky enough to be on the Girlfriend Circuit with Elizabeth, she's here to answer some questions about her newest novel, BETWEEN HERE AND FOREVER.

Here's a bit about BETWEEN HERE AND FOREVER:
The Twitter version: tell us about your book in 140 characters or less: Small towns, secrets, family, learning to be who you are, falling in love (Wow, she's good. There are 67 characters left!)

Have you always wanted to be a writer? No--I started writing fiction on a sheer fluke when I was 27. (!)

What made you decide to go that “extra step” and seek publication? My friends, who kept telling me to go for it.

Quick! You’ve been chosen to go on Survivor. What luxury item do you take? My husband and dog. :-) (Finally, someone who knows what Survivor is! Win.)

And the most important of all: bacon or chocolate? I'm actually
allergic to both, so neither! (*gasp!*)

Thanks, Elizabeth! If you haven't read one of her novels, yet, please do yourself a favor. Get one. Read it. You can also follow Elizabeth's blog here.

So I've resolved to keep track of the contemporary novels I read this year. Do you read widely? Or do you find yourself stuck in the same genre?


  1. I'm not a very big YA reader or sci-fi reader. LOL. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll enjoy your book once I start reading it. It's just that I get magnetically pulled closer to literary and women's stuff. I really should start reading more of what I don't usually read. It'll probably be good for me.

  2. Congratulations on the release of your new book, Elizabeth!

    I naturally gravitate to YA but know that I should read widely too. I'm about to start "Small Person With Wings," by Ellen Booraem, an MG novel. And this summer I'm going to dive into some classics that I've neglected far too long.

  3. I think I've read widely over the course of my life, but I usually get infatuated with one genre for months at a time, and read it exclusively. Last year, it was all YA paranormal or sci-fi. Now, I'm really on a Jane Austen kick. I think after this kick is over, I'm going to be reading more YA contemporary. Those seem to be the ones I'm drawn to click "to read" on goodreads.

    This was I great interview! I must check out this author. :)

  4. Personally, I read anything and everything.

    Are you going to write a contemporary now?

  5. I read a wide variety, but find myself drawn to romance, fantasy, and urban fantasy (all in adult or YA or MG formats).

  6. congrats. I mostly read magical books that have unicorns and evil witches and flying hippos...stuff like that. LOL

  7. The bulk of my reading is YA contemp, YA romance, & issue books. But there is also YA sci-fi, YA fantasy, YA historical... and on the adult side of things, mostly women's fiction and historical fiction, with the occasional sci-fi and fantasy. (I find adult SF/F harder and harder to read, the older I get. Most of it gives me a brain ache anymore.)

  8. I tend to read mostly fantasy, paranormal, urban fantasy, and dystopian MG & YA. Now that I blog and interview authors, it's gotten me to expand my horizons a bit more into contemporary

  9. I write contemporary, but oddly, I don't read as much contemporary as you'd think. I loved Elizabeth's SOMETHING MAYBE.

    I like to read a lot of genres--there's too much out there to limit yourself! Lately, I've been reading more dystopian, hmmm...I think there's one getting some buzz coming out next week...


  10. I read all over the map.

    I get bringing the man and the dog for Survivor.

    And allergic to chocolate and bacon. That's insanity.

    ~ Wendy

  11. I try to read everything, but I tend toward things with fantastical and suspense elements (like urban fantasy, SF, paranormal romance, dystopian). I also like things with a twist of romance and a dash of mystery. The book that does it for me has all of the above. =o)

  12. I read widely, and mostly in the adult genres. I'll only pick up a YA title if I've heard talk about it or it looks interesting.

    I like paranormal/urban fantasy and soft sci-fi the best, but it won't stop me from picking up anything that has a good blurb.

  13. I love anything in the juvenile lit arena. If the characters grab me and the story line amazing, I'm not going anywhere!

  14. I'm definitely one who reads in all genres. I just love to read and any good book is something I'm willing to try!

    My latest read: Goodnight Tweetheart by Teresa Medeiros (It's great)!

  15. I love your commentary at the end of these questions :)))

    Can't wait to read this!

  16. I just saw Elizabeth Scott at an event yesterday- I can't wait to read her books! I don't read that widely. I read mostly contemporary YA or adult literary fiction. I really love stories about real life and real people. However, I'm trying to be better about that and brancing into dystopian (which I enjoy the most when I pick it up) and memoir (although, I guess that's stuck in the real life/real people realm! haha)

  17. I primarily stick to fantasy, but I think that's because if I'm reading traditional fantasy, even if it's a YA protagonist, they're not dealing with familiar struggles. I tried to read a book where the MC was the queen bee of her high school and I just couldn't care about her. NOt enough to read past the first chapter.

    In stories not set in our world it's easier for me to find characters I can relate to because their struggles are more universally applicable to me.

    I do occasionally branch out. I've read some romance. With grad school I've definitely read far across many genres. But I always come back to fantasy, whether it's paranormal or traditional, urban or contemporary. I'll read paranormal romance. Since I read mostly YA (though I can't write it), I'm never too worried about the heat level of the romance.

  18. Awesome questions! And Bacon hands down if you ask me. I have not read anything by this author but I think I will add her to my try a new author list. Thanks for sharing.

  19. i've hears such excellent things about living dead girl! i'll have to checkout some of her books!

    but-jiminey! allergic to bacon and chocolate!!!! poor,poor, thing!

  20. I'm consciously broadening my reading this year which is what led me (back) to YA and reminded me of my love of good historical fiction. I've definitely discovered some new authors whose other books I need to seek.
    - Sophia.

  21. I try hard to read widely. About half of what I read is YA and/or fantasy, but the other half is all over the map. Nonfiction, contemporary, suspense and all kinds of age ranges.

    I think reading widely gives your brain a break and helps your writing feel fresher.

  22. I try hard to read widely. About half of what I read is YA and/or fantasy, but the other half is all over the map. Nonfiction, contemporary, suspense and all kinds of age ranges.

    I think reading widely gives your brain a break and helps your writing feel fresher.

  23. LIVING DEAD GIRL knocked me over. I too, generally avoid contemporary YA but my kids (YA librarian here) were gushing over it, so I gave it a gander - and promptly lost two hours of my life. Excellent book!

    Great post!

  24. Sounds like a great book! I loved Elizabeth's answers to your questions. She gives me hope that maybe one day I can publish a book too...since I started writing a little later than most people :) Thanks for the post.

  25. I wish I was allergic to chocolate so I wouldn't eat it so much. Ugh.

    Great interview.

    I don't read as widely as I should. Mostly stay within my genre with a few outside it here and there. :)

  26. I read very widely but contemporary isn't often on the list. Every now and then one makes it though. This one sounds like it should be one of those special few... I'll be checking it out!

  27. I get stuck in the same genre for the most part. I'm reading outside of it now and loving it. So I plan to do it more often.

  28. I read all over the place and am kind of concerned I've spent so much of this year with MG and YA. Not that I don't love them! I just miss my adult titles.

  29. I read all over the place and am kind of concerned I've spent so much of this year with MG and YA. Not that I don't love them! I just miss my adult titles.

  30. I usually just read YA paranormal. But I did recently enjoy Looking for Alaska and I just started 13 Little Blue Envelopes. Also just read ROOM, which was VERY real.

    It's good to read outside the genre you write in sometimes, even *gasp* adult books!

  31. I try to read outside my genre which is urban fantasy/paranormal romance. I read some horror and epic fantasy. Sometimes I'll read YA novels if they come to me highly recommended.

    And congratulations on your novel! :)

  32. Oh, my gosh! How have I missed out on Elizabeth all this time?! I will definitely be playing catch up now. :-)

  33. I read a lot of MG and YA, particularly fantasy, but I try to read all over the place, fiction and non-fiction. I find that if I stick too much to one genre, my imagination feels confined.

  34. I love to read YA historical fiction, some fantasy. I'm not big into contemporary unless it's a thriller.

    As far as the bacon/chocolate question--Have you ever heard of bacon dipped in chocolate? It's supposed to be the latest in County fair foods. As for me, I love both, but I firmly believe as Suzy Toronto once said, "Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of chocolate."

  35. Congrats Elizabeth!

    I read far and wide. My bookshelf is a vast array of scariness for the person who reads only a certain genre,LOL.

  36. How can she be allergic to chocolate AND bacon?? how awful!

    I do read fairly widely within YA, but I know I need to read other genres too, besides YA. I just don't have the time to read all the YA books I want to, let alone adult fiction, or MG, or anything else.

  37. I don't do young adult, but I do read about six other genres.

  38. I read several different genres.

  39. I love Y/A and read all genres. Lately I don't have time to read with editing. Nowadays I am catching up on fellow bloggers critiquing their novels. Something I love to do... you never know you just might be in the beginning stages of a future published book. How exciting is that?

  40. Allergic to both! That's awful. I read a wide variety and even dabble in some adult books once in a while.

  41. I've been reading so much YA lately, when my mom and I got together to talk books she asked me why. We had a discussion, but it made me realize I miss reading outside of YA, and have passed by books by some of my favorite authors since they're out of the genre. I will never again ask the question, "what should I read?" because my list is so darned long!

  42. I think I read pretty widely. I like to mix it up. But you already know I'm fairly psychotic, so really, is this a surprise? No.

    LIVING DEAD GIRL is at the top of my list to be read. I've been wanting to read it for ages. SO looking forward to it. I didn't know about this new release, so thanks!

    And Elana? You do the BEST author interviews. Love them!

  43. I'm glad I can finally comment. Well, I haven't hit "return" yet, so I don't really know.

    Allergic to chocolate and bacon? I'm gasping too!

    Sometimes I try to read out of my genre. It's refreshing when it's a good one.

  44. I don't as much as I should. One way I make myself - I joined a book club, which forces me to read one book for grown-ups (gasp!) a month.

  45. Great twitter summary!! :)

    I read really widely - which can sometimes drive me bonkers because I want to write widely as well!

  46. I love Elizabeth Scott! I tend to gravitate toward contemporary YA, and she's one of my favorites!

  47. I read fairly widely, but there's only so much time in the day, so I tend to read more of the genres that I really like. (Paranormal, Dystopian, Sci-Fi, Contemporary, Fantasy) I'll be honest here and say that I'm not into straight-up romances, so I tend to stay away from those. There are whole imprints that I have never touched, and I feel like I should be ashamed to admit that, but somehow... I'm not. *ducks*

  48. Oh, I need to check that out. Looks fab.

    I read in lots of genres. Keeps me well rounded and, well, not bored with just one.

  49. I bounce between not only genres, but also MG which I teach, and YA which I write. I do find myself favoring a genre for awhile and then popping over to something new. So little time...
