Monday, November 19, 2012

Bad Hair Day!

Okay, so I can't believe I'm posting this today, when I'm not going to post the rest of this Thanksgiving week, and that means THIS POST will be up forever! But I am.

One of my author friends, Carrie Harris, just released her second book! I know what a big deal the second book is, and even more, I'm halfway through BAD HAIR DAY and you simply must read it! (Buy here!)

Carrie's having a contest to spread the celebration across the Interwebz, and it's super-easy to participate. All you have to do is post a picture of yourself having a BAD HAIR DAY. (Oh, and LINK HERE.)


Yes, that's an 80s mullet. With fish. You're welcome.

For more about Carrie's books, including BAD YETI -- a hilarious short story set in the world of BAD HAIR DAY, go here.



  1. You were so blonde! And that's not bad hair. You haven't seen my high school photos. Heck, you didn't see my hair when I woke up this morning. :)

  2. Fish and hair. What a combo. Your hair actually looks pretty good. Well, except for the mullet. lol

  3. That's you? But you were blonde!
    Sorry, not posting my mullet hair.

  4. I had some pretty bad hair too during middle school. Cringe. But all those photos are my mom's. What a great giveaway idea to go with her book!

  5. A couple months back I dug through my photo albums and did a "The Many Hair Styles of Me" montage on facebook. Oh my. Poodle perms (I was trying to look like Julia Roberts, honest), punk, spikey dos and lawd, everything in between. It wasn't pretty, but it WAS amusing. Go mullets!

  6. My hair was SO awful back then. So were my glasses. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. At least you weren't wearing fish IN your hair!

  8. You're hair isn't that bad. At least, you avoided spiral perms. (I didn't.)

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. What is it with the 80's and hairstyles? lol!

  10. I can't believe that's you!! I LOVE it! Oh, the joys of our youthful hair fiascos...

  11. Blonde? Really? I never, never, never would have guessed.

    Nice catch by the way - looks like several really good dinners.

  12. Your bad hair day just made my day. Hahaha. I love it.

  13. So are you still blonde underneath your rock star hairdo now?

  14. I had a hair cut like that for a while too! EVERYONE had one at the time!! I also had some really horrific Farrah Fawcett style locks for a bit - didn't have quite the same effect as Farrah's...

  15. Oh, that is just so precious. ;)

    Trust me, I've got some bad hair pics, too. Mullets, krimping - ah, the 80s!

  16. I once had a mullet too (shhhhh.) :)

    Congrats to Carrie! I know the book will be awesome and funny like her!

  17. Oh, I love this so much! Can you keep this up on your homepage forever?

    I have the WORST bad hair day pic ever. Picture me, 11-years-old, my face covered in dark freckles, my hair permed and BRUSHED, for heaven's sake, and a big fat bite of banana stuffed in my cheek. Yeah... I'm so ugly in that picture, I'm proud. ;-)

  18. One of my bad hair days was when I wanted to dye my hair red. It turned out orange and frizzy. Had to live with that sorry look for awhile. ; ( Won't post a bad hair day picture, because I still haven't posted a good hair day picture for my blog pic. : )
